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Презентация на тему Тол Бабай vs Санта Клаус

Тол БабайMany years ago when there were not people at all, Alangasasrs lived in Kargurez. When people appeared in the Earth Alangasars hid at the highest point of the Kar mountain, because they were afraid of
Тол Бабай  vs  Santa Claus Тол БабайMany years ago when there were not people at all, Alangasasrs And only the smallest Alangasar stayed there. Once he met Santa Claus About a hundred years ago, a passer-by started spreading the It was around half a century ago that Santa Claus started From the turn of the millennium, the Lappish centre for Christmas, the Santa Clause’s and Tol Babai’s RESIDENCESSanta’sTol Babai’s HELPERSSanta’s deerTol Babai’s Lymy Nyl In commonGive presentsHave a beardHave a hat DifferencesTol Babai’s suit is purple, but Santa Claus’es – redSanta Claus has Источникиhttp://tolbabay.net/http://www.santaclausvillage.info/http://www.santatelevision.com/ru/фотографии-санта-клауса-лапландии-фи/http://www.thewallpapers.org/photo/12622/187.JPGhttp://www.udm.aif.ru/application/public/news/medium/181/909c4450aee01da41110cb3ab8ea97c8.udm.jpghttp://susanin.udm.ru/upload/iblock/a77/a77dfa90dffc37d82db393bb178d30cd.JPGhttp://susanin.udm.ru/upload/iblock/885/8855e3258840e4276b4269b6dce45d45.jpghttp://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Тол_Бабай Презентацию подготовилаМатвеева Наталья Сергеевнаучитель английского языка БОУ УР УГНГ имени Кузебая Гердаhttp://shkola-abv.ru/index.html
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Тол Бабай
Many years ago when there were not

Тол БабайMany years ago when there were not people at all,

people at all, Alangasasrs lived in Kargurez. When people

appeared in the Earth Alangasars hid at the highest point of the Kar mountain, because they were afraid of there sense.

Слайд 3
And only the smallest Alangasar stayed there. Once

And only the smallest Alangasar stayed there. Once he met

he met children, they began to play with him.

Alangasar decided to give presents to them and kicked with his stick on the ground and the snow melted, flowers appeared. Children were happy and called this Alangasar “Tol Babai” Now Tol Babai lives in Sharkan district

Слайд 4 Santa Claus
About a hundred years ago, a

Santa Claus About a hundred years ago, a passer-by started spreading

passer-by started spreading the word about Ear Mountain and

the existence of its inhabitants. Santa wanted to safeguard the tranquillity of his secret hiding place and came up with a superb idea that also allowed him to meet people who love Christmas and his many friends who come to greet him.

Слайд 5
It was around half a century ago that

It was around half a century ago that Santa Claus

Santa Claus started to frequently visit the Arctic Circle

near Rovaniemi.

Слайд 6 From the turn of the millennium, the Lappish

From the turn of the millennium, the Lappish centre for Christmas,

centre for Christmas, the Santa Claus Village on the

Arctic Circle became the most spectacular Santa Claus destination in Scandinavia. The popularity of the destination saw the number of visitors double.

Слайд 7 Santa Clause’s and Tol Babai’s RESIDENCES
Tol Babai’s

Santa Clause’s and Tol Babai’s RESIDENCESSanta’sTol Babai’s

Santa’s deer
Tol Babai’s Lymy Nyl

HELPERSSanta’s deerTol Babai’s Lymy Nyl

Слайд 9 In common
Give presents
Have a beard
Have a hat

In commonGive presentsHave a beardHave a hat

Слайд 10 Differences
Tol Babai’s suit is purple, but Santa Claus’es

DifferencesTol Babai’s suit is purple, but Santa Claus’es – redSanta Claus

– red
Santa Claus has jacket and glasses
Santa Claus has

a belt, but Tol Babai – waistband
Santa Claus wears boots, but Tol Babai – valenki
Santa Claus has deer, but Tol Babai walks

Слайд 11 Источники


  • Имя файла: tol-babay-vs-santa-klaus.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 106
  • Количество скачиваний: 0