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Презентация на тему What are animal prosthetics

Introduction"One small step for a dog" can in fact end up as "one giant leap for mankind," Noel Fitzpatrick said, a neuro-orthopedic veterinary surgeon based in the United Kingdom.
WHAT ARE ANIMAL PROSTHETICSSTELMAKH DARIA, 1D51 Introduction THERE HAS NEVER been a better time to be an injured animal. The main partThere are a number of other types of animal prosthetics OSCARINJURY A combine harvester severed both of Oscar's rear paws After a WINTERINJURY Caught in a crab trap that cut off circulation, she lost PENNY: WOLFHOUNDINJURY Leg amputated after a bout with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) Denis CHRISIE: SANDHILL CRANEINJURY Leg amputated after a flying golf ball shattered the MOLLY: APPALOOSA-SHETLAND PONYINJURY Lower leg amputated after a pit bull attackMolly’s first Rehabilitation of wild animalsIn recent years, animal prosthetics have gained significant attention Naki’oNaki’o was just a puppy when he was found in an icy Problems with animal prosthetics - a prosthetic can be created perfectly to ConclusionAnimal prosthetics are a relatively new phenomenon, and their technology is improving Thank you  for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction
"One small step for a dog" can in


fact end up as "one giant leap for mankind,"

Noel Fitzpatrick said, a neuro-orthopedic veterinary surgeon based in the United Kingdom.

Слайд 3 THERE HAS NEVER been a better time to

THERE HAS NEVER been a better time to be an injured

be an injured animal. Thanks to some creative prosthetists

and veterinarians, creatures that lose hoofs, paws, or tails can be made whole again.

Слайд 4 The main part
There are a number of other

The main partThere are a number of other types of animal

types of animal prosthetics as well, many of which

are in early stages of development. In large-breed dogs, for example, the lifelong condition hip dysplasia may require total hip replacement to restore joint function. Paralleling developments in human medicine, veterinarians have developed titanium prosthetic hips for canines. Although refinement of the devices and of the procedures for their insertion is ongoing, early prototypes have already given many affected dogs a second chance for a healthy, active life.

Слайд 5 OSCAR
INJURY A combine harvester severed both of Oscar's

OSCARINJURY A combine harvester severed both of Oscar's rear paws After

rear paws
After a combine harvester severed both of

Oscar's rear paws, the poor kitty underwent surgery in November 2009 at Fitzpatrick's clinic. The surgeon drilled holes in Oscar's remaining rear ankle bones and implanted titanium pegs called ITAPs (intraosseous transcutaneous amputation prosthetics).

Слайд 6 WINTER
INJURY Caught in a crab trap that cut

WINTERINJURY Caught in a crab trap that cut off circulation, she

off circulation, she lost her tail and two vertebrae.

create a new tail for Winter, Kevin Carroll, a VP at Hanger Prosthetics and Orthotics and one of the world’s leading prosthetists, and prosthetist Dan Strzempka worked with a chemical engineer to develop something they call Winter’s gel. It’s a rubbery sock made of thermoplastic elastomer. The trainer rolls it onto Winter’s stump, then slips an anatomically correct tail (based on three-dimensional imaging of Winter’s body) over it. The gel has been such a success that prosthetists, including some at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, have begun using it for human patients. Winter’s gel, Carroll says, is softer and less irritating than other liners. It’s especially helpful for keeping the prosthetics of amputee athletes in place when their skin becomes slick with sweat.

INJURY Leg amputated after a bout with

PENNY: WOLFHOUNDINJURY Leg amputated after a bout with osteosarcoma (bone cancer)

osteosarcoma (bone cancer)
Denis Marcellin-Little, a veterinary orthopedist, and

Ola Harrysson, an engineering professor, both at North Carolina State University, have custom-designed prosthetics for a number of cats and dogs missing legs. Penny received a replacement limb about six months ago after bone cancer left her with three legs. Marcellin-Little designed the leg in conjunction with colleagues at Bio-Tech Prosthetics and Orthotics in Durham, North Carolina. The foam-lined prosthetic, made of thermoplastic, nylon, and Velcro, curves forward, which prevents it from getting caught on things like stairs. The rounded paw helps with shock absorption. Marcellin-Little is working on a study to determine how foot shape influences the gait of dogs with prosthetics.

INJURY Leg amputated after a flying

CHRISIE: SANDHILL CRANEINJURY Leg amputated after a flying golf ball shattered

golf ball shattered the bone
Lee Fox, who runs Save

Our Seabirds in Sarasota, Florida, got tired of euthanizing injured sandhill cranes. (The big-bodied, spindly- legged birds just can’t manage on one leg.) So she became an ad hoc prosthetist, outfitting her one-legged sandhills with devices she jury-rigged out of PVC pipe and a sink stop. She heard about Kevin Carroll’s work with Winter and invited him to come look at her birds. Carroll took plaster casts of two of the sandhills and fitted them with updated limbs. Today they strut around on his custom-designed creations like feathered Oscar Pistoriuses. Chrisie’s prosthetic is lined with the same gel used in Winter’s tail.

Слайд 9
INJURY Lower leg amputated after a

MOLLY: APPALOOSA-SHETLAND PONYINJURY Lower leg amputated after a pit bull attackMolly’s

pit bull attack
Molly’s first prosthetic was made of acrylic,

aluminum, and fiberglass; it was created by Gary Sod, a vet at Louisiana State University who was part of the team that amputated her leg to save her life. Her current prosthetic (shown), one of six she’s had over the years, was designed by Dwayne Mara of Bayou Orthotic & Prosthetic, who keeps making improvements to it. For his part, Sod is working on another approach: osseointegration—attaching the prosthetic directly to what remains of the bone—for large quadrupeds. He has successfully attached implants to bone and is experimenting with the best way to connect a prosthetic to the skin.

Слайд 10 Rehabilitation of wild animals
In recent years, animal prosthetics

Rehabilitation of wild animalsIn recent years, animal prosthetics have gained significant

have gained significant attention for their role in the

rehabilitation of wild creatures.

Слайд 11 Naki’o
Naki’o was just a puppy when he was

Naki’oNaki’o was just a puppy when he was found in an

found in an icy cellar in an abandoned home,

his owner was found dead. The poor pup’s paws and part of his tail were frozen into a puddle. This now homeless dog had to have all four paws, and his tail amputated due to frostbite.

Слайд 12 Problems with animal prosthetics
- a prosthetic can

Problems with animal prosthetics - a prosthetic can be created perfectly

be created perfectly to fit an animal, there may

still be an issue getting the animal to use it;
- variety of animals;
- most veterinarians have never studied prosthetics;
- lack of data is a problem.

Слайд 13 Conclusion
Animal prosthetics are a relatively new phenomenon, and

ConclusionAnimal prosthetics are a relatively new phenomenon, and their technology is

their technology is improving at a rapid pace. Behind

the scientific and medical wizardry of these artificial contraptions, however, there will be forever endure the stories of how beloved pets and wounded creatures in the wild have come to receive their surrogate parts.

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