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Презентация на тему Where’s the will, There’s the Way - План-конспект урока по Английскому языку план-конспект урока по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Match pairs of wordsto do a) competitionsto be b) martial artsto develop c) coachto practise d) Moscow Wushu Championshipto applaud e) wushuto take part in f) happyto be good at g) trainingto participate in h) flexibility a strict i) my besta hard j) loudly
Where’s the will Match pairs of wordsto do			a) competitionsto be			b) martial artsto develop		c) coachto practise		d) Past Simple		V₂ (Ved)…	 Did  	V ? Make the sentences interrogativeIt happened last month. ( When..? Why..?)They had two to be в Past Simple, Present SimplePresent Simpleisam ….areIsAm On 20th March Moscow Wushu Championship took place in Moscow.Before the competitions I took part in three disciplines. I did my best and took the 5th place. There were many spectators and they applauded loudly . Задание № 3 Fill in the gaps, use the words: wushu (2 wushu (2 times), many, flexibility, martial arts, Moscow Wushu Championship, competitions, loudly,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Match pairs of words
to do a) competitions
to be b) martial

Match pairs of wordsto do			a) competitionsto be			b) martial artsto develop		c) coachto

to develop c) coach
to practise d) Moscow Wushu Championship
to applaud e) wushu

take part in f) happy
to be good at g) training
to participate in h) flexibility
a strict i) my best
a hard j) loudly

Слайд 4 Past Simple
V₂ (Ved)…

Did V ?

Past Simple		V₂ (Ved)…	 Did 	V ?

Moscow Wushu Championship took place in the

Moscow Center of Martial Arts.
Mike participated in two disciplines.

Слайд 5 Make the sentences interrogative
It happened last month. (

Make the sentences interrogativeIt happened last month. ( When..? Why..?)They had

When..? Why..?)
They had two trainings yesterday. (When..? How many..?

did his best. (Why…?)
Mike began to do wushu 3 years ago. (When..? Why..? What sport..?)
Many spectators came to the Moscow Centre of Martial Arts. (Where..? Why..? How many..?)

Слайд 6 to be в Past Simple, Present Simple
Present Simple

to be в Past Simple, Present SimplePresent Simpleisam ….areIsAm


He is good at wushu.
His coach is rather strict.

Past Simple

were …
Were …?
Mike was upset.
He was the winner.

Слайд 7 On 20th March Moscow Wushu Championship took place

On 20th March Moscow Wushu Championship took place in Moscow.Before the

in Moscow.
Before the competitions there was a parade of

the participants.

Слайд 8 I took part in three disciplines.

I took part in three disciplines.

Слайд 9 I did my best and took the 5th

I did my best and took the 5th place.


Слайд 10 There were many spectators and they applauded loudly

There were many spectators and they applauded loudly .

Слайд 11 Задание № 3 Fill in the gaps, use the

Задание № 3 Fill in the gaps, use the words: wushu

words: wushu (2 times), many, flexibility, martial arts, Moscow Wushu

Championship, competitions, loudly, three, win, coach, upset

My classmate Yelisey does ____________. He practises _________. He is good at _________ and often takes part in _________________.
On 20 March he participated in ____________
___________________. There were ______participants in the competitions. There was a parade of the participants. The spectators applauded ___________. Yelisey took part in _______ disciplines.

Слайд 12 wushu (2 times), many, flexibility, martial arts, Moscow

wushu (2 times), many, flexibility, martial arts, Moscow Wushu Championship, competitions,

Wushu Championship, competitions, loudly, three, win, coach, upset

__________ wished him: “Good luck!” It’s a pity; he didn’t _______ the first place. He was the 5th. He loves wushu because it develops his strength, power and ____________. I hope he’ll win the first place next time. Where’s the will there’s the way.

  • Имя файла: wheres-the-will-theres-the-way-plan-konspekt-uroka-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-plan-konspekt-uroka-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
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