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Презентация на тему Yakitoriya - japanese restaurant in Russia

History Yakitoria first restaurant opened in Moscow in 1999. This is the restaurant became the first democratic place of Japanese cuisine in Russia . 1110
YAKITORIYADarya Gogotova 2-8HS History Yakitoria first restaurant opened in Moscow in 1999. This is the Menu Menu Japanese restaurant Yakitoria - a traditional and popular national dishes Sushi maki Soups				Ramen Gunkan sushi Sashimi Rolls My favorite 			   Atsue set
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 History
Yakitoria first restaurant opened in Moscow in 1999.

History Yakitoria first restaurant opened in Moscow in 1999. This is

This is the restaurant became the first democratic place

of Japanese cuisine in Russia .



Слайд 3 Menu
Menu Japanese restaurant Yakitoria - a traditional and

Menu Menu Japanese restaurant Yakitoria - a traditional and popular national

popular national dishes . It includes fresh salads

Слайд 4 Sushi maki

Sushi maki

Слайд 5 Soups

Soups				Ramen

Слайд 6 Gunkan sushi

Gunkan sushi

Слайд 7 Sashimi


Слайд 8 Rolls


  • Имя файла: yakitoriya-japanese-restaurant-in-russia.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 171
  • Количество скачиваний: 0