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Презентация на тему Значение английского языка в современном мире

Welcome to our talk “English As a World Language”
« ЗНАЧЕНИЕ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА В СОВРЕМЕННОМ МИРЕ».  « Значение английского языка Welcome to our talk   “English As a World Language” We are going to talk about :- Countries   - Languages You’ll be able to answer the questions:- Why do you and your I can read, I can writeI can speak English too,I love learning English!And what about you? “He who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own” Learning English. Why? English Welsh + EnglishGaelic + EnglishIrish + EnglishThe map of the UK Do you remember the history of Britain? Who invaded Britain? (the Celts, AustraliaCanadaNew ZealandThe USA The map of the world. Countries and languages. What language is spoken How many people speak English?Chenese 907 mln You’re a member of the International conference. Introduce yourself, please. You’re from Make up short dialogues (ex. 3 p.151) about different languages. - People LANGUAGES OF THE UNITED NATIONS The World’s Top Tonguea second languagea foreign languagethe working language ofthe second The game “Who Knows More?” Complete the sentences using the facts about the languages. Reasons of learning English.  How many students think that English is The poem for our lesson.   My friend is fond of Let’s sing together!      Let it be, let Thank you for your friendly charming smile   Thank you for
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Welcome to our talk “English As a

Welcome to our talk  “English As a World Language”

World Language”

Слайд 3

We are going to talk about :
- Countries

We are going to talk about :- Countries  - Languages  - The English language

- Languages
- The

English language

Слайд 4

You’ll be able to answer the questions:

- Why

You’ll be able to answer the questions:- Why do you and

do you and your friends learn English?
- Why

is English very important?

Слайд 5 I can read, I can write
I can speak

I can read, I can writeI can speak English too,I love learning English!And what about you?

English too,
I love learning English!
And what about you?

Слайд 6 “He who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t

“He who doesn’t know a foreign language, doesn’t know his own”

know his own”

J. W Goethe.

Слайд 7

Learning English. Why?

Learning English. Why?

Слайд 8 English
Welsh + English
Gaelic + English
Irish + English


English Welsh + EnglishGaelic + EnglishIrish + EnglishThe map of the UK

map of the UK

Слайд 9 Do you remember the history of Britain?

Do you remember the history of Britain? Who invaded Britain? (the

invaded Britain? (the Celts, the Romans, the Germanic tribes)

Слайд 10 Australia
New Zealand

AustraliaCanadaNew ZealandThe USA

Слайд 11 The map of the world. Countries and languages. What

The map of the world. Countries and languages. What language is

language is spoken in China? (Chinese) Where do people speak

Hindi, Spanish, Arabic, Bengali, Portuguese, Indonesian, Japanese, French. German?

Слайд 12 How many people speak English?
Chenese 907 mln

How many people speak English?Chenese 907 mln    Bengali

Bengali 189 mln

English 456 mln Portuguese 177mln
Hindi 383 mln Indonesian 148 mln
Spanish 362 mln Japanese 126 mln
Russian 293 mln French 123 mln
Arabic 208 mln German 119 mln

Слайд 13

You’re a member of the International conference. Introduce

You’re a member of the International conference. Introduce yourself, please. You’re

yourself, please. You’re from the USA, Australia, India,

Name France, Canada, England,
- Nationality, New Zealand, Germany
- Country
- Continent
- Language

Слайд 14 Make up short dialogues (ex. 3 p.151) about

Make up short dialogues (ex. 3 p.151) about different languages. -

different languages.
- People speak Chinese in China, don’t

- Yes, they do.
- Where else is it spoken?
- In Hong Kong and Malaysia
- How many people speak Chinese?
- About 950 million.



Слайд 16

The World’s Top Tongue
a second language
a foreign language

The World’s Top Tonguea second languagea foreign languagethe working language ofthe

working language of
the second most frequently spoken language
an official

an international language
the most widespread language
the dominant language
the world’s language
the lingua franca

Слайд 17 The game “Who Knows More?”
Complete the sentences

The game “Who Knows More?” Complete the sentences using the facts about the languages.

using the facts about the languages.

Слайд 18 Reasons of learning English. How many students think

Reasons of learning English. How many students think that English is

that English is useful
when travel
to get a better job

communicate with people
to understand films
to have to study
to study at a university
to do business
to want to live abroad
to like the language
to like the teacher

Слайд 19 The poem for our lesson
. My

The poem for our lesson.  My friend is fond of

friend is fond of English
He speaks

it every day
He goes and sings his English songs.
He’ll sing it now again.

Слайд 20 Let’s sing together!

Let’s sing together!   Let it be, let it be,

Let it be, let it be, let it be,

let it be!
Whisper words of wisdom
Let It Be!

  • Имя файла: znachenie-angliyskogo-yazyka-v-sovremennom-mire.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 154
  • Количество скачиваний: 1