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Презентации по Английскому языку

Family and friends
Family and friends

Содержание Краткий конспект урокаРекомендации к применению данной презентации.Список используемой литературы. Краткий конспект урока в 9 классе УМК Биболетовой М.З.Тема: Семья и друзья. Взаимоотношения и проблемы.Цели урока: введение новой лексики; закрепление навыков чтения;

Music in our life
Music in our life

Little about history of musicMan has invented music on the antiquity. First sing later played on the pipes and drums. Later music was more diverse, arises kind of music like operas, clasical music, ballet.On 20th century come into being jazz.In the

Magic Island
Magic Island

What is the weather like today? КАКАЯ СЕЙЧАС ПОГОДА? Do you remember?

must, have to
must, have to

+ I must go there just now. - You mustn’t (must not) talk like that! ? Must you always interrupt me?

British Academic Centre
British Academic Centre

О насБританский Учебный Центр (British Academic Centre - B.A.C.) – международная сеть языковых школ и английских клубов. В настоящее время В.А.С. имеет свои филиалы и представительства в Москве, Краснодаре, Люберцах, Балашихе, Ногинске, Электростали, Реутове, где студенты могут изучать английский язык


thinkingorganizing the activitiesPLANNING the creation and maintenance of a plan


Map of Canada Royal Union flagfleur-de-lis St. George's Cross First Canadian Flags The first flag known to have flown in Canada was the St George's Cross carried by John Cabot when he reached Newfoundland in 1497. In 1534, Jacques Cartier planted a cross in Gaspé bearing the

Древние цивилизации
Древние цивилизации

CivilizationA developed society that has its culture and institutions“Discovering ancient civilizations” sophisticatedbuilt Pyramidshuge templestombssoapMake up“mystery”advancebuilt Pyramidstemplesmathematicsastronomycalendarflourishing cultureRugged landsblondtattoo

Jane Austen“First lady” of English literature
Jane Austen“First lady” of English literature

Jane Austen - (16 December 1775 – 18 July 1817) was an English novelist whose works of romantic fiction earned her a place as one of the most widely read writers in English literature.Main information She was born on the 16th

Le espressioni facciali e gesti degli Italiani
Le espressioni facciali e gesti degli Italiani

Gesti italiani possono essere classificati come un altro linguaggio informale separata di questo paese. Dicono che se si legano mani di un italiano, non può parlare… Gesti italianiIl primo gruppo – gesti mimici o grafiche.Il secondo gruppo – il gesto simbolico


HobbysInternet KochenSportComputerspieleSpazierengehen Ich habeFernsehen (TV)Rundfunk (Radio)Presse(Zeitungen, Zeitschriften) Internetgern

Geography of Australia
Geography of Australia

7th Grade Social StudiesBlueprint: Identify the spatial distribution of major ecosystems such as tropical rainforest, desert, and grassland.Blueprint: Describe how physical, biological, and human characteristics and processes define and shape a place. Three Examples Of Characteristics That Have Shaped Australia1. The

What did people do on Christmas Eve?
What did people do on Christmas Eve?

(Send)…….. Christmas cards.sent (Decorate) …………… a Christmas Tree.decorated

Salvador Dali - Сальвадор Дали
Salvador Dali - Сальвадор Дали

Full name: Was born on May 11, 1904,Died on January 23, 1989 Salvador Domènec Felip Jacint Dalí i Domènech, Marquis of Dalí de Púbol ArtistSalvador Dali is most famous for his surreal paintings.

Вопросы и отрицания
Вопросы и отрицания

По способу образования вопросов и отрицаний глаголы делятся на две группы:самостоятельныенесамостоятельныеTo beTo have(только в наст.времени)(только в Британском)Большинство модальных глаголов (can, may, must, should)Все остальные Самостоятельные глаголы Mike is a good boy.


Coca-Cola is a carbonated soft drink.It was invented in 1886 in  Georgia, Atlanta by pharmacist John Pemberton.Initially it was sold as a patent medicine for five cents.Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction,dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. At first drink was unprofitableJust about 9 people a day


Song Hello!Hello! Bonjoir! Buenos Dias!Good afternoon! Guten Tag! Goedemiddag!Ciao! Alo! Добрий день! Спілкування з Містером Бобом

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