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Презентации по Английскому языку

Actress and Singer
Actress and Singer

From early childhood, I dreamed of becoming a famous actress and singer. I love the American and British films series, and would like to appear in them.

My profession
My profession

Do you know the difference ? ( explain in other words)PROFESSIONJOBWORK Profession - occupation requiring extensive education: an occupation that requires extensive education or specialized trainingJob - paid occupation: an activity such as a trade or profession that

Education in Japan
Education in Japan

In Japan children go to elementary school for 6 years , middle school for 3 years, high school for 3 years, and university for 4 years. Kindergarten is optional and usually starts at age 3. Alternately, there is government-supervised day-care, which


Almost every country has holidays honouring important events in its history. Some holidays come on the same date, some are movable. The first holiday of the year is New Year's Day. People see the new year in at

Русские и английские числительные
Русские и английские числительные

СодержаниеПринципы образования количественных числительных в русском и английском языкахПодсчет различных слов для образования в русском языке всех натуральных чисел до 999 миллионовПредположение о том, почему в английском языке именно с числа 13 происходят измененияНовые русские слова, которые тоже отражают возрастные рамки

Youth musical culture
Youth musical culture

Youth musical culture JazzJazz - a sort of pleasure music of mainly dancing character.At the heart of a jazz improvisation lies. Rock`n`roll Rock and roll (often written as rock & roll or rock 'n' roll) is a genre of popular music

Historiography of the Renaissance. Renaissance in Ukraine
Historiography of the Renaissance. Renaissance in Ukraine

First of all What is Renaissance?palace complex "Renaissance" ?British progressive rock band formed in 1969 ? The Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle


DecemberJanuaryFebruary March April May June July August September October November OneTwoThreeFourFiveSixSevenEightNineTenThe firstThe secondThe thirdThe fourthThe fifthThe sixthThe seventhThe eighthThe ninthThe tenth

Добро пожаловать в Россию!
Добро пожаловать в Россию!

My project is about Russia. The purposes of my project are: to tell about Russia, to describe geographical peculiarities and peoples lifestyles. Russia is my country. The Russian Federation, or Russia is the largest country in the world. Its vast territory


IndiaRepublic of India , country in South Asia. seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world. India

Sport und seine Arten
Sport und seine Arten

HOCKEY - eine Wintersportart auf Eis in den Schlittschuhen gespielt. Hockey-Spieler im Kampf gegen den Puck Sticks auf den Gegner. Gewichtheber heben schwere Langhantel, sollten sie nicht nur ziehen Sie die Hantel vom Boden ...Aber heben Sie es hoch und halten

Денежная база и денежные агрегаты
Денежная база и денежные агрегаты

Денежная масса – совокупность покупательных, платежных и накопленных средств, обслуживающая экономические связи и принадлежащая физическим и юридическим лицам, а также государству С развитием форм товарного обмена и платежно-расчетных отношений состав и структура денежной массы претерпели значительные изменения: в начале ХХ века

Styles of Music
Styles of Music

jazzpoprapclassicalrockheavymetalfolk To talk about your favourite style of musicStyles of Music To learn more about different styles ofmusicTo practice new words

Тестирование 2 класс
Тестирование 2 класс

Переведи: cat - elephant- hen- pen- rubber- like- can- Вставь буквы: bl…ck r…n …ump mo…er fam…ly

Биболетова 7 класс
Биболетова 7 класс

Личные местоимения в объектном падежеmeyouhimheritusyouthem I want him to help me.I’d like John to help me.I expect him to come.I know Pam to be a good pupil.My mother wants me to study well. Инфинитив с частицей “to”

Ukrainian Ataman
Ukrainian Ataman

Semi boxing team, established in late 2012, serving in the boxing league World Series Boxing (WSB). Head Coach - Michael Miller. The team created Ukrainian Boxing Federation to address the popular boxing series. The first performance took place on

Computers and information technologies
Computers and information technologies

A software program to view web pages is BbrowserAwwwDhardwareCadware

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