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Презентации по Английскому языку

османская империя
османская империя

MapArea - 74,731 sq km? Population - 284 000 Population density - 3.8 pers. / Km²? The administrative center - the city of Elista? District - South? Economic Region - Volga? Official language

Прогулки по Парижу
Прогулки по Парижу

Собор Парижской Богоматери Notre Dame De Paris

Мир Диснея
Мир Диснея

To many people the name of Walt Disney means the world of cartoon. He created a lot of short cartoons and many longer films. His name is very famous. He was born in Chicago

Выбери правильный ответПодведи мышку к правильному ответу
Выбери правильный ответПодведи мышку к правильному ответу

ВЫБЕРИ ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТgreenyellowblack ВЫБЕРИ ПРАВИЛЬНЫЙ ОТВЕТa beara birda harea housea doora mousebadbedbigзаяцдомплохой


Protein ordinary, or Vecchio - a rodent of the family Sciuridae. The only member of the genus protein in the fauna of Russia.(Бе́лка обыкнове́нная, или векша — грызун из семейства беличьих. Единственный представитель рода белок в фауне России.) Appearance(Внешний вид)This is

The most popular professions in America
The most popular professions in America

Statistics :In 2012, half of the popular professions were health workers.U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 12.7 million Americans are unemployed.Most of the unemployed are recent college graduates.

Die Weihnachten
Die Weihnachten

Wir heissen Nastja und Natascha. Wir sind 12 Jahre alt und wohnen in Nowossjolowo. Wir besuchen die 7. Klasse. Unser Lieblingsfach ist Deutsch. Da haben wir viele Funfen. Deutschunterricht ist nicht leicht, aber sehr interessant. Im Unterricht spielen wir oft verschiedene

Город английских букв и звуков
Город английских букв и звуков

The alfabeth – L’alfabetoA aB bC cD dE eF fG gH hI iL l M mN nO oP pQ qR rS sT tU u V v Z z 21 letters5 vowels

Save our planet.
Save our planet.

Reduce your Waste: .Before buying anything , THINK and identify if you really need or just want that item. Don’t buy if you don’t need them.2.Reduce your waste by refusing, reusing and recycling the waste.3.Put your household waste in the appropriate

Герундий (The Gerund)
Герундий (The Gerund)

“When you finish reading , won`t you give the paper to me?”What do you think what part of speech is it? ГерундийНеличная форма глагола, КОТОРАЯ ОБЛАДАЕТ СВОЙСТВАМИ КАК ГЛАГОЛА, ТАК И СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬНОГО.В русском языке нет соответствия герундию


Furniture and Equipment Sofas: a couch, a settee, a loveseat, an ottoman

Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi - a leader and ideologist of the national liberation movement of India

English for you
English for you

ENGLISH FOR YOUForm 6 Может ли компьютер заменить учителя?

Выработка электричества
Выработка электричества

The energy resources used to generate electricity can be divided into two categories: nonrenewable and renewable. Nonrenewable resources cannot be increased. We can make these supplies last longer by using them wisely, but when they are gone


The Amur tiger is in Russia's Red Book of Endangered animals. Hunting for tigers is prohibited since 1947. There are only about 500 adults that live in the Russian Far East. The Amur tiger is one of the largest tigers. Its

Sand drawing
Sand drawing

SAND ART is a young and perspective art form which came about the 1970s. The founder of this trend is an American Caroline Leaf who created the animated cartoon film "Peter and the Wolf" by Sergei Prokofiev's symphonic fairy tale. It

Концлагеря Германии
Концлагеря Германии

Бухенвальд (Buchenwald) – eines der größten Nazikonzentrationslager. War in 1937 in den Umgebungen der Stadt Weimars (Deutschland) geschaffen. Ursprünglich hieß Ettersberg. Hatte 66 Filialen und der äußerlichen Arbeiterabteilungen. Die Grössesten: "Дора" (ca. Nordchausen), "Laura" (ca. Saalfeld) und "Ordruf" (in Thüringen), wo

Volcanic Eruptions and Hazards
Volcanic Eruptions and Hazards

What is a volcano? A volcano is a vent or 'chimney' that connects molten rock (magma) from within the Earth’s crust to the Earth's surface. The volcano includes the surrounding cone of erupted material. ventconemagma chamberconduit How and why do volcanoes

World Heritage Sites in Canada
World Heritage Sites in Canada

Banff National Park Canada's oldest national park, established in 1885 in the Canadian Rockies. The park accommodates numerous glaciers and ice fields, dense coniferous forests and alpine scenery. The main commercial center of the park - the town of Banff

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