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Презентации по Английскому языку

Thanksgiving Day Celebration in United States
Thanksgiving Day Celebration in United States

Celebrated on the fourth Thursday in the month of November every year, it is a time for communal thanksgiving, feeling gratitude, lavish feasts. The original pilgrims celebrated the autumn harvest with a feast of thanks. The feast popularly known as

Saint Nickolas Day!!!
Saint Nickolas Day!!!

Saint Nicolas Day celebrate on nineteenth of December. This festival is a time of great fan in Ukraine.


People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Some think it looks cool. Others start because their family members or friends smoke. Statistics show that about 9 out of 10 tobacco users start before they're 18 years old. Most adults

Английский язык. Москва (2)
Английский язык. Москва (2)

Moscow For the first time Moscow was mentioned by the chroniclers in 1147. At that time Russian lands began to unite round Moscow, which led to the establishment of a strong centralised state. During its

Russia sport
Russia sport

It's very important for people to have some regular exercises. In Russia a lot of people go in for sports. We can say that Russia is a nation of sports-lovers. Many sports are popular in our country: football basketball volleyball


Robert Lee Frost (March 26, 1874 – January 29, 1963) was an American poet. He is well known for his realistic writings of rural life and his use of American informal (slang) speech. His poems were often set in rural life

Inventions made by Russian scientists
Inventions made by Russian scientists

Tongue twister Sister Suzie sewing shirts for soldiers Such skill as sewing shirts Our shy young sister Suzie shows Some soldiers send epistles Say they'd rather sleep in thistles Than the saucy, soft short shirts for soldiers Sister Suzie sews. Questions

Student’s Life
Student’s Life

A student is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. In some nations, the English term (or its cognate in another language) is reserved for those who attend university, while a school child under the age of eighteen is


William Shakespeare (baptised 26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was an an English poet and playwright, widely regarded as

австралийская кухня
австралийская кухня

IntroductionAustralian cuisine has experienced steady English influence.She experiences a strong influence from the Chinese, Japanese and Italian cuisines. This is due to the large number of immigrants arriving in Australia. Australia is full of exotic animals and plants that are not

Кеше ышанмас сүзне дөрес булса да сөйләмә
Кеше ышанмас сүзне дөрес булса да сөйләмә

Тест1.Кайсы җөмлә көттерү паузасы белән бирелгән?а) Кем эшләми шул ашамый;б) Минем теләк шул укуны уңышлы тәмамлау;в) Көн салкын торса уңыш начар булачак.2.Баш җөмлә белән иярчен җөмлә арасында өтер билгесе куелган җөмләне сайлаа) Җире аз кешеләр батраклыкка яллана иделәр;б) Кайда берлек бар

Декоративно-прикладне мистецтво
Декоративно-прикладне мистецтво

Декоративно-прикладне мистецтво – вид образотворчого мистецтва, створення та прикрашення предметів повсякденного побуту. СловникДекоративний (франц.) – декор, прикраса.


OutlineHistory of punctuationTypes of punctuation marksHow to use them CommaSemicolonColonDashHyphen A brief history of punctuation

Интересные темы для практики языка, культуры и последней задачи
Интересные темы для практики языка, культуры и последней задачи

Избираете ваше увлечение и найдете интересные форму языка, как монолог из фильма, текст из рассказов (сказок) , фразы из интернета, песня, и стихи... Фильмы-диалог, монолог, песня...

Russian painting in the second half XIX - beginning of XX century
Russian painting in the second half XIX - beginning of XX century

Ivan AivazovskyThe Ninth Wave. 1850. Oil on canvas. The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia. "The ninth wave" is a true masterwork. Aivazovsky reaches in this painting an absolute technical perfection, representing a group of unlucky castaways trying to survive

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