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Презентации по Английскому языку

Happy English!!!
Happy English!!!

Man (Человек)Lesson 1. Head (голова)Ears (уши)


It is located in the southwest region of the country The state capital is Salt Lake City

Простое прошедшее время в английском
Простое прошедшее время в английском

The Past Simple Tense Today is the of The theme of today’s lesson is(прошедшее простое время) употребляется для описаниядействий, событий,которые произошли в прошлом (важны действия и время их совершения) ОбразованиеНапример:I (he, she, it, we, you, they) worked at school.

English proverbs about Art
English proverbs about Art

Human life is short, but art goes on forever An artist lives everywhere.

My favorite artist is Edgar Degas
My favorite artist is Edgar Degas

He was a French painter, impressionist. Degas was born into a family that came from an aristocratic family. The Millinery Shop

Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014
Winter Olympic Games Sochi 2014

What is the Olympic Games?Olympic Games or Olympic Games - the biggest international sporting events, which are held every four years. The tradition to hold sports originated in ancient Greece.It was Pan-Hellenic celebration. Olympic Games were held in honor of the

Location and climate of the United States
Location and climate of the United States

LocationLocated in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the continent of North America. United States consists of 48 contiguous states with each other in the "mainland" and 2 states that do not have a common border with the rest: Alaska - located


Florida received statehood in the United States in 1845. Its economy is necessary, mainly, on tourism, agriculture and transportation which developed at the end of the 19th century. The most part of Florida is located on the peninsula between the Gulf


Are you interested in tattooing and want to know a few facts, tips and advice about tattooing and the art of the tattoo? The art of tattooing has come a long way from its ancient origins. It is predominantly a Eurasian


Грибы – это не растения и не животные, а представители особого царства, охватывающего свыше 100 тыс. видов,

Декоративно-ужиткове мистецтво
Декоративно-ужиткове мистецтво

Ужиткове мистецтво – національне за самою своєю природою, воно народжується зі звичаїв,вірувань народу… Ю.Борєв, російський філософ З усіх видів мистецтва, з якими зустрічається людина протягом свого життя, декоративно – ужиткове мистецтво

Каникулы в международном детском лагере
Каникулы в международном детском лагере

to spend             parents to go                  abroad to miss              a trip to take                shopping to enjoy              holidays to start               mushrooms     to gather            care of Make up the word combinations: Writing a letter to a friend from a camp giving

Joanne Rowling
Joanne Rowling

Джоан Джо Мюррэй Родилась 31июля 1965, британская писательница, автор серии романов о Гарри Поттере, переведённых более чем на 65 языков и проданных в количестве более чем 450 миллионов копий. В 2001 году Джоан Роулинг за книгу «Гарри Поттер и Кубок огня»

Достопримечательности Лондона - Биг Бен
Достопримечательности Лондона - Биг Бен

Big-Ben — a bell tower in London, a part of an architectural complex of the Westminster palaceThe official name — «the Hour tower of the Westminster palace», also it name «the Tower of St. Stefana». Big Ben is one of London's

Next travel destination- Russia
Next travel destination- Russia

Major Cities and attractions MoscowDubai DubaiDubai is like nowhere else on the planet. It is the world’s fastest-growing city. Over the past four decades it has metamorphosed from a small Gulf trading centre to one of the world’s most glamorous,

The Civil War and Oliver Cromwell
The Civil War and Oliver Cromwell

The 17th Century:social tensions high unemploymentdeclining position of the old aristocracytensions between a despotic King and a Parliament Charles I - a King who spent an awful lot of money while his

Океанский прибой, вечно бьющийся в берега жизни Чингиз Айтматов
Океанский прибой, вечно бьющийся в берега жизни Чингиз Айтматов

William Shakespeare. The greatest English poet and dramatist.Memorial Theatre in Stratford-on-Avon. Great Britain is more than 50 thousands square miles. The population - more than 46 mln people. England has 9 regions and many great


Historical Overview Историческая справка Ancient Egypt was the birthplace of one of the World’s greatest civilizations. It was far more advanced than European tribes of the same time period, who were still in the Stone Age. Located in the northeast corner of

презентация по 442 фз
презентация по 442 фз

Реализация нового федерального закона № 442-ФЗ (с 01.01.15)Федеральный уровень Федеральный закон № 442-ФЗ(действует с 1 января 2015 г.)Региональный уровень 2 закона Московской области 9 постановлений Правительства Московской области(утратил силу) – закон Московской области №31/2005-ОЗ «О социальном обслуживании населения в Московской области»(утратил

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