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Презентации по Английскому языку

Национальные парки США
Национальные парки США

Currently in the United States there are 58 national parks, which attract tourists with its charming nature and many activities. It is very difficult to identify the best national parks, but some of them by far the most popular among tourists. Here are

Деривационная структура слова
Деривационная структура слова

Деривационная структура слова = природа, тип и организация непосредственно составляющих слова Un-mistak-able Dis-courag-ing


Что понимается под внеурочной деятельностью? Внеурочная деятельность является составной частью учебно-воспитательного процесса и одной из форм организации свободного времени учащихся. Внеурочная деятельность понимается сегодня преимущественно как деятельность, организуемая во внеурочное время для удовлетворения потребностей учащихся в содержательном досуге,

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) or Britain, is a sovereign state located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. The country includes the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part

Otto Schmidt
Otto Schmidt

MogilevHe was born in Mogilev, Russian Empire (now Belarus). His father was a descendant of German settlers in Courland, while his mother was a Latvian. Steam icebreakerSchmidt was a celebrated explorer of the Arctic. In 1929 and 1930, he led expeditions


Kapusniak - Cabbage soup is a filling vegetable soup of sauerkraut and/or white cabbage(s). There are different types of cabbage soup, prepared with different ingredients. Vegetarian cabbage soup uses mushroom stock and there is another variety using a fish stock. Traditional cabbage soup is prepared using

Fashion and teenagers
Fashion and teenagers

Repeat after meFashion, ridiculous, casual clothes, a snob, stylish, glamorous, a bargain, to influence smb, image, to be labelled, to dye one’s hair, extravagant, elegant, Punks, Emos, Goths, Rappers, Grungers, Preppies, Hippies, Skinheads, Bikers Answer my questionsDo you care about fashion?You

Грамматика со Смешариками
Грамматика со Смешариками

Вопросительные словаWh-questions Let’s us introduce ourselves! We are Smeshariky.We’ll help you study English. Would you mind learning grammar rules? O.K.

Chocolate discovery
Chocolate discovery

Maya Civilization is the cradle of chocolateOpening cocoa is associated with Maya tribes who lived in South America since about 900 years BC. "Food of Gods" Despite its bitter taste, this drink was highly appreciated by Maya tribes, who called it

Die Reise durch Berlin. Sehenswürdigkeiten
Die Reise durch Berlin. Sehenswürdigkeiten

Das Brandenburger TorDas Brandenburger Tor am Pariser Platz wurde in den Jahren von 1788 bis 1791 auf Anweisung des preußischen Königs Friedrich Wilhelm II. vom Architekten Carl Gotthard Langhans errichtet. Das Tor ist das wichtigste Wahrzeichen der Stadt und gleichzeitig ein

Fitness center
Fitness center

Something for everyoneThey will not only help you avoid boredom, but also to improve your health and create something you can be proud of. Fitness center outside

TV in life
TV in life

TV has its good side. It can be entertaining and educational, and can open up new worlds for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different cultures, and gain exposure to ideas they may never

Мир – это природа!
Мир – это природа!

ПриродаЖиваяНеживая ВселеннаяЧасть 1

Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven

Birthplace Ludwig van Beethoven - the greatest German composer, pianist, conductor. He was born in December, 1770 in Bonn in a musical family. Musical childhoodSince his childhood, he began to learn to play the organ, harpsichord, violin and flute. His


Negligence (defenition)The behavior usually consists of actions, and can also consist of inaction when there is some duty to act Types of negligence Often negligence is medical crime (a doctor can help some one but he didn’t it, or a doctor

Словообразование в английском языке
Словообразование в английском языке

Словообразование в английском языкеСуффиксысуществительныхСуффиксыприлагательныхСуффиксынаречийСуффиксыглаголов Суффиксы существительныхanceimportantdomwiseerbakeordirectessactrencedifferenthoodchild

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