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Презентации по Английскому языку

Traditions and Customs in Great Britain
Traditions and Customs in Great Britain

Crufts Dog Show In February.Valuable dogs from all over the world compete in Birmingham. The best dog gets the title Crufts Supreme Champion. Saint Valentine’s Day February 14Was started in the time of Roman Empire.Is dedicated to St. Valentine.People send a


She met him yesterday. Mike will send this letter tomorrow. Granny was setting the table when the guests came . Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day in November. All the documents had been signed by 3 p.m. They are playing baseball at

Was wir schon konnen und kennen?
Was wir schon konnen und kennen?

Was wir schon können und kennen?Автор презентации: Воронцова Л.В., учитель иностранных языковМОУ СОШ № 7, г. Усть-Кут, Иркутская обл. Die ABC-Stadt

Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest
Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest

The Eurovision Song Contest - is an annual song competition held among the member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956. Each member country submits a song to be performed on live television and radio and then casts votes

Movies Sinopses
Movies Sinopses

Автор работы Серебрякова-Елисафенко А.В.Преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков ИГУ. Read the movie synopsis below and try to guess the title of the movieMovie 1: ________________ This is a comedy starring Jim Carrey. When a light falls from the sky, Carrey’s character Truman

Хобби на английском языке
Хобби на английском языке

Whether the weather is fine, Or whether the weather is not, Whether the weather is cold, Or whether the weather is hot, We`ll weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. We know four

Word Warm Up
Word Warm Up

flower potflower bedflower girlYour score:Find the odd one and build your houseshelterroofdwellercover1second floorupstairsfirst floorground floor2window envelopewindowsillwindow-panewindow-frame3path waypavementfence4fencepalisade gatewall5window box6cellarchimneysmoke fireplace7entranceporchlawnfront door8stepstairladderpillar9sitting-roomparlourdining-roomliving-room10 Ссылки на использованные иллюстрации:http://tracylpowers.services.officelive.com/images/Tracy%20House%20Sitting%20Clipart.gif http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-uYxgwY3rpfM/TZZDQbuPGBI/AAAAAAAAD4c/3CwT6wSHMaA/s1600/good-news-bad-news-msps-256x300.jpghttp://www.clker.com/clipart-farm-fence.htmlhttp://yowussup.com/tutorials/cartoon-sun/index.phphttp://www.dadon.ru/paintonline/picture.php?parent=1032&title=%CF%E0%F3%F2%E8%ED%E0The End

British Holidays - Британские праздники
British Holidays - Британские праздники

Урок по теме «Британские праздники» проведен в 7 классе по УМК О.В. Афанасьевой И.В. Михеевой «Новый курс английского языка для российских школ» как обобщительно- повторительный Unit 4, после работы с текстами “Holidays and Festivals in Britain”Ex. 9 p. 123-124; ex.8 p129-130;

Как написать историю на английском языке
Как написать историю на английском языке

A Perfect Day for a Carnival. Название должно привлекать внимание читателя.Where did the story take place? (вопрос для введения)Who were the main characters? (вопрос для введения)What was the weather like? (вопрос для введения)What verbs describe the actions happened in the story?

Family Businesses
Family Businesses

A successful family business is one that makes sure everyone is involved in their family business activities. Most importantly, a family business has the best chance of succeeding when family members believe in the product. If future generations do not have

Любимые фильмы
Любимые фильмы

What Films Do You Like Best? What is special about such films?They areIt isStuffed with eventsFull of special effectsRealistic |unrealisticTrue to lifeFull of tears(a) romantic story(ies)(a) story(ies) about love(a) romance(s) for girls

Английский язык в деловой и межкультурной сферах общения
Английский язык в деловой и межкультурной сферах общения

Цель: обучение основам делового общения в устной и письменной форме в типичных ситуациях (знакомство, разговор по телефону, корпоративная культура и проведение деловых встреч, коммуникация вне бизнеса, заказ билета и номера в гостинице, подготовка и проведение презентаций, ведение деловой переписки, интернет-бизнес, реклама


Jeans questionnaire.Do you wear jeans?How often do you wear them?Where do you wear jeans?What jeans do you prefer (usually buy)?Do you know why jeans are called so?How old are jeans?Where were they born?What do you think why are jeans so popular?

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