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Презентации по Английскому языку

How to celebrate Christmas in different countries
How to celebrate Christmas in different countries

Christmas in Germany The custom to set and decorate the tree in honor of these holidays has the pagan roots in Germany. German Confectioners were the first in the world who had produced chocolate Santa


Capricornsociableshywork a lothave got a lot of friendsI amIor

Changing family and partnership behaviour: Common trends and persistent diversity across Europe
Changing family and partnership behaviour: Common trends and persistent diversity across Europe

The plan of our presentation1. Introduction2. The gradual retreat of marriage 3. The rise of cohabitation and the diversity of cohabiting unions 4. Rising divorce rates5. The declining importance of marriage for childbearing and childrearing6. Conclusion Introduction


Развивать положительную мотивацию изучения английского языка , готовность воспринять культуру страны изучаемого языка по средством темы Цель урока Задачи урокаРасширять с помощью английского языка представление учащихся об окружающем мире , о странах мира . Познакомить с Шотландией обычаями


Broad Maslenitsa «Winter morning» Through obscure both wary, misty, Silver moon is making way, On the saddened gladder of crystal Sadly pours her light in spray. Down the winter road much boring. Our troika swiftly runs, sparkling, Little bell unchanged in

New York
New York

NEW YORK Located on the North Eastern side of the United States. In this presentation I plan to inform you about the state of New York and their Criminal Justice Systems. This presentation will be divided into two sectors: Institutional


Filmsverbstypespeoplemake,produce,shoot star in, actreviewactressdirector, producerscriptwritercamera operatormake-up artistset designercostume designercomedyactionwesternscience fictionadventuremysteryromance WHICH IS YOUR FAVOURITE TYPE OF FILM?

My ideal school (Моя идеальная школа)
My ideal school (Моя идеальная школа)

My ideal school is near the city center. It’s a day school for boys and girls.

How to write an essay
How to write an essay

В четвёртой части (Письмо) 2 задания. На выполнение этих заданийотводится 60 минут. Черновые пометки делаются прямо на листе с заданиями (они не оцениваются). Только полный вариант ответа заносится в бланк ответов №2. Одним из важных умений при выполнении

Comparative characteristics of the economy of Kazakhstan and the UK
Comparative characteristics of the economy of Kazakhstan and the UK

VocabularyТопливоЗначительныйДобычаНе имеющий выхода к морюМассовыйБлагосостояниеГрузовой автомобильМашины высокого классаFuelConsiderableExtractionLandlockedBulkWelfareTruckhigh-end machines Economy of KazakhstanThe economy of Kazakhstan is the largest economy in Central Asia. It possesses enormous fossil fuel reserves as well as minerals and metals. It also has considerable agricultural potential with

Традиционная кухня Японии
Традиционная кухня Японии

Cooking on the Japanese islands began in 10-5 millennium BC. At the same time scientists amazed that ancient Japanese not only cleverly used the gifts of nature, but in those early years of civilization knew how to smoke meat, dug "refrigerators"

English cuisine
English cuisine

English cuisine encompasses the cooking styles, traditions and recipes associated with England. It has distinctive attributes of its own, but also shares much with wider British cuisine, largely due to the importation of ingredients and ideas from places such as North


Study of the English language is important because:English is the international language. English occupies the leading position among such languages as chinese, Spanish, Arabic and French are official languages of the United Nations.2) the Need to place of residence, in the

Calendar Poetry
Calendar Poetry

Calendar PoetryThirty days has SeptemberApril, June and November:All the rest have thirty-one.Except February alone.And that has twenty-eight days clearAnd twenty-nine in each leap year. January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow.

American English vs British English
American English vs British English

Британский английский язык (British English (BrE) - это форма Английского языка используемая в Соединённом Королевстве. Он включает все английские диалекты используемые внутри Соединенного Королевства. Американский Английский язык (American English (AmE) – это форма Английского языка, используемая в США. Он включает все

Fun Europe Quiz
Fun Europe Quiz

What is the most widely spoken language in Europe? a) German b) English c) Italian English

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