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Презентации по Английскому языку

В замке
В замке

The prince married Cinderella and they went to the castle. It was a party in the castle.

Holidays in Britain
Holidays in Britain

ChristmasOn the 25th of December there is the greatest holiday of all in England – Christmas. People send X-mas cards to their friends and relatives. People buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and lights. Children wake


Austria is located in Central Europe.It is boarded by the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland and Lichtenstein. The population of this country is 8,47 million people, which live in more than 72 cities and towns.


Big Ben One of the most famouslandmarks of London.The name „Big Ben”does not referto the whole clocktower,but to the thirteen-tonnebell that strikes the hour. The Houses of ParliamentBig Ben is a part of The Houses of Parliament, also known as

British traditions (Традиции Британии)
British traditions (Традиции Британии)

Britain is full of culture and traditions which have been around for hundreds of years.It is known that the English are stay-at-home people. “There is no place like home”, they say. When they don't work they like to spend their

If you are ready for the lesson
If you are ready for the lesson

“Better build schoolrooms for the boys than prison cells for the men.” Eliza Cook.“The nation that has the schools has the future.” Otto von Bismarck.“Education is the key to a nation’s greatness.” Britain: How the education system works

Foreign languages in our life
Foreign languages in our life

Цель: Показать , как важно изучение иностранных языков.Задачи:1.Выяснить какие языки сейчас наиболее важны.2.Для чего нужно изучать иностранные языки?3.Как изучение языка помогает в будущем? Nowadays, the importance of languages is growing every day. Therefore, to answer the question "what languages are the


CopenhagenCopenhagen is the capital and largest city of Denmark. Copenhagen is located on two islands: Zealand and Amager. The city's population just over 1 million people. HistoryThe city was founded by Bishop Absalon in 1160. in XX century, Copenhagen has become

Способы выражения будущего времени
Способы выражения будущего времени

1. WITH THE MODAL WILL.There are several ways to express the future.2. With BE GOING TO.3. With the present simple.4. With the present continuous. WILLWe use the modal WILL + the infinitive form of the main verb for:I WILL (’ll) callYou


Kasachstan (kasachisch Қазақстан/Qasaqstan, in der neuen kasachischen Lateinschrift Qazaqstan; russisch Казахстан/Kasachstan) ist ein Staat in Zentralasien) ist ein Staat in Zentralasien. Kasachstan grenzt im Norden und Westen an Russland) ist ein Staat in Zentralasien. Kasachstan grenzt im Norden und Westen an

Wonderful world of London Zoo
Wonderful world of London Zoo

HELLO! MY NAME IS CHITA. I LIVE IN LONDON ZOO.I KNOW A LOT AND I WANT TO TELL YOU.BUT BE READY TO ANSWER MY QUESTIONS AT THE END OF MY STORY. History(press here)Plan(press here)Animals (press here)Riddles(press here)Interestinginformation (press

Английские глаголы
Английские глаголы

СКАЗКА О КОРОЛЕ ГЛАГОЛЕ TO BE На далекой Планете -Грамматика жил был король

Нетрадиционные формы урока
Нетрадиционные формы урока

Нетрадиционные формы урока: ролевые игры; урок-спектакль; исполнение сказочного сюжета; смотр знаний; урок фантазирования; урок-игра; деловая игра; урок-зачет; урок взаимообучения; урок-путешествие; круглый стол или конференция; урок-состязание; пресс-конференция; урок взаимообучения; урок открытых мыслей; урок-восхождение; урок-соревнование; урок-диалог; урок-КВН; мозговая атака; урок-викторина; урок-брифинг;

Music Appreciation
Music Appreciation

Wagner and the Romantic MovementRomantic movement is expressed best by Wagner’s musicMusic DramasPracticed what he preachedSaw himself as a heroEverything he conceived was larger than lifeLived extravagantlyMade many enemiesOne of the most innovative artists of the eraOne of the most brilliant


What is what? I ride on a busI ride on a trainI ride on a trolleyI ride on a plainI ride on a ferryI ride on my carI ride on my skates –But not very far.But best of all The ride

Claude Monet
Claude Monet

Oscar-Claude Monet( 1840,à Paris – 1926, à Giverny) Claude Monet est un peintre français lié au mouvement impressionniste. Peintre de paysages, figures. En 1874, il a participé à la première exposition des impressionnistes à Paris. Le nom de ce mouvement artistique vient

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