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Презентации по Английскому языку

Немецкий язык в современном обществе
Немецкий язык в современном обществе

Немецкий язык является родным для более чем 100 млн. человек и одним из языков международного общения. НЕМЕЦКИЙ ЯЗЫК, государственный язык Федеративной Республики Германии (75,3 млн. говорящих) Австрии (7,5 млн.), Лихтенштейна, а также один из государственных языков Швейцарии (4,6 млн. говорящих,

The United kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland
The United kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. The British Isles are separated from European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The UK is a constitutional monarchy.

Ecology problems
Ecology problems

Presentation of the schoolboy 8 "A" of a class < < Technical > > schools - Liceum


Rockers appeared in the mid 60s and reached their peak in the late 60s - early 70s , both in England and on the continent . Rockers - come mostly from families of unskilled workers , and often without education, from

Irregular verbs Part 1
Irregular verbs Part 1

Иметь have has had hadГоворить say says said saidДелать do does


Passive VoiceWe use passive forms when:a) we don`t know WHO did it;The window was broken an hour ago.b) we are interested in WHAT happens, not WHO it is done by;His watch was stolen in the street.с) the situation is rather formal.Smoking

Star Hour. The United Kingdom
Star Hour. The United Kingdom

I тур. “The United Kingdom” 1. What is the name of the flag of the UK?“The Union Jack”“The Banner”“The Stars and Stripes”St. George’s Flag

Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson We want to tell about the life and musical creativity of the King of pop- Michael Jackson.

Tower ravens
Tower ravens

Great Britain. London. Many boys and girls visit Great Britain. They usually start with London.

Scary Halloween Story
Scary Halloween Story

Hallowe’en.31 October is Hallowe’en. This festival celebrates the return of the souls of the deads who come back to visit places where they lived. There are lots of Hallowe’en parties in the evening. People dress up as witches,

Adjectives in English
Adjectives in English

Degrees of ComparisonThere are three degrees:Basic Comparative Superlative highhigherhighest One-syllable AdjectivesUsually, the ending er/est is simply added to the positive form of the adjective. For example: fast - faster  strong - stronger  tall - tallest  young - youngest When an adjective ends in

American Holidays (9 класс)
American Holidays (9 класс)

THE MAIN TASKS:To show the variety of holidays and traditions of the American calendarTo use the additional material at the lessons HYPOTHESIS: Are all American holidays of English origin?HYPOTHESIS:


Places of interest in London The topic of our lesson is The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK)EnglandScotlandWalesNorthern Ireland


Are you ready?Let's start!!! - Oh! What is it?- It is a … ???a box.- A fox?- No, it isn’t. It is a box. It is a present.- What is there?- Surprise ;-)))

Интерактивная игра
Интерактивная игра

10203040501020304050102030405010203040501020304050English Riddles Famous placesBritish foodEnglish lettersGreat Britain Интерактивная игра Никогда не поздно учиться It is never too late to learn 10English Riddles


Location of StonehengeStonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire about 3.2 kilometres west of Amesbury and 13 kilometres north of Salisbury. Plan of Stonehenge 1 = The Altar Stone, a six ton monolith of green micaceous sandstone from

Welcome to Great Brirain!
Welcome to Great Brirain!

London is the capital of the UK. The UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Dear friends. Welcome to Russia
Dear friends. Welcome to Russia

The best way to rest and various moodYOU SHOULD WAY TO COUID NOT TO ITSELF BE NOT REFUSED. Do not forget you owe to visit our surprising places IN RUSSIA WE ARE ALWAS GLAD YOU TO SEE IN OUR EDGES!!!

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