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Презентации по Английскому языку

Enjoy English
Enjoy English

Что делать? Инсценировать диалоги, выбрать лучший.Вспомнить утвердительные и отрицательные формы глаголов, местоимения-заместители существительных.Узнать, что такое разделительные вопросы.Научиться подбирать вторую часть разделительных вопросов. Мы начинаем T: Hello! T: 1. Who is on duty today? 2.Who is absent? Why? 3.What is


The GerundГерундий СОДЕРЖАНИЕПравилоФункции герундия в предложенииОбразование герундияПравила написанияВыполнение грамматического теста

Holidays in Great Britain
Holidays in Great Britain

C h r i s t m a s Match English and Russian words Celebrate наполнять Birth цветнойColorful


Определенный артикль the употребляется:Перед существительными как в единственном, так и во множественном числе.Если известно, о каком предмете идет речь. This is the house where I live. Вот дом, в котором я живу.Если предмет упоминается повторно. She is reading a book. Она


A language that came from nowhere to conquer the world…  Read, explain and illustrate proverbs in your own opinionRain at seven, fine at elevenRome wasn’t built a day.Politeness costs nothing, but yields much.

Традиционная кухня Японии на английском
Традиционная кухня Японии на английском

Cooking on the Japanese islands began in 10-5 millennium BC. At the same time scientists amazed that ancient Japanese not only cleverly used the gifts of nature, but in those early years of civilization knew how to smoke meat, dug "refrigerators"

 United Nations (UN)
 United Nations (UN)

It was created for many reasons: • There should be peace and security in the world after the Second World War. • Countries should be friendly to each other. • Countries should help each other solve problems. • Human rights should be respected everywhere in

Английский в рифмах. Фрукты и овощи
Английский в рифмах. Фрукты и овощи

ApricotApricot Lemon Apricot Lemon PlumBeetrootBeetroot MelonBeetroot Melon PepperCabbageCabbage Onion Cabbage Onion

Teenage problems: smoking and alcohol
Teenage problems: smoking and alcohol


New York City
New York City

New York is the most populated city in the United States. New York exerts a powerful influence over global finance, culture, fashion, education entertainment, and international affairs. next New York City is located in the Northeastern United States, in southeastern New

Английские глаголы
Английские глаголы

СКАЗКА О КОРОЛЕ ГЛАГОЛЕ TO BE На далекой Планете -Грамматика жил был король

My day Тренажёр
My day Тренажёр

every dayкожен день get upвставати

Travelling by ship
Travelling by ship

Many people enjoy travelling by sea. They say it is the most pleasant means of travelling. They mean travelling by an ocean liner, which combines comfort and speed. You can enjoy fresh sea air, the sights of the sea and the

Alfred Tennyson
Alfred Tennyson

Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, FRS was Poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland during much of Queen Victoria's reign and remains one of the most popular British poets. Tennyson excelled at penning short lyrics, such as "Break, Break, Break", "The


Эфиопия – Африканың көнчыгыш өлешендә урнашкан.Көнчыгышта Сомали белән( чиге 1626 км), Кб ягы Судан белән(1606км),т ягы Эритрей белән(912км) һәм к өлеше Кения белэн(830 км) чиктәш. Мәйданы 1 221 894 км2 (коры җир генә 1 119 683 км2). Илнең зур мәйданын эфиопское

Self-made Men
Self-made Men

BILL GATESthe American billionairethe Owner of Microsoft William Henry Gates was born on the28th October 1955.At school he was good at Maths and Science.


Prefixes don’t change the word class!As you could see, you can form new words with different meanings by adding a prefix or a sufix.Negative Prefixesun-dis-im-ir-in-il-unfair;uncommon;untrue...illegal;illegitimate;illogical...impossible;immature;imperfect...disadvantage;dislike;dishonest...irrational;irrelevant;irresponsible...incorrect;informal;inconvenient...Mis-misunderstanding;mistrust;misbehave...Non-non-smoker;non-violent;non-profit... To memorize! RULES? When you want to change a word that starts with P or M,


The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid-1960s, swiftly spreading to other countries around the world. Hippie fashions and values had a major effect on culture, influencing popular music, television, film, literature,

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