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Презентации по Английскому языку

Welcome to Russia
Welcome to Russia

1.Complete the sentences:1.The name of our country is………2.Russia lies in ……….3.Russia stretches across …… times zones.4.Most part of Russia has ………………climate with cold winters and hot summers.5.The deepest lake in the world is ……6.The symbols of Russia are……..Russia PEOPLE, WE ARE

Reed blood
Reed blood

red blood cellsErythrocytes Red blood cellsno nucleus

Личные и притяжательные местоимения
Личные и притяжательные местоимения

Привет…О местоимениях… никак понять не могу, что это такое и зачем они мне?Привет! О чем задумался?О! Это интересно!Сейчас мы тебе поможем разобраться. Friends, help me, please!


The Crimean Peninsula is completely surrounded by two seas: the Black Sea and the smaller Sea of Azov to the east.Crimean peninsula was called Tauridia. The Crimea consists of two very different parts — treeless steppe of the Crimean Lowland in

9 things you need to know about the French author...
9 things you need to know about the French author...

1. Jules Verne was born on 8 February 1828 in Nantes, France, the eldest of five children.2. Verne turned to stock-broking to support himself. 3. At 19 Verne went to Paris to become a lawyer, despite hoping to become a lawyer.

Modern inventions in everyday life
Modern inventions in everyday life

MODERN INVENTIONS IN EVERYDAY LIFE. Phonetic workA camera A microwave ovenA mobile telephoneA T V setA vacuum cleanerA videophoneA computerA body building machineA fax machineA cordless phone WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE TO HAVE THESE THINGS AT HOME? MATCH. a

Kinds of pollution
Kinds of pollution

Water pollution. People throw out dust into the rivers Big tankers emit tons of oil into the sea water. Wild life suffers from this pollution

1896 Olympic Games
1896 Olympic Games

Read. Translate. Fill in the table.A Medal, gold, swimming, a track, speed skating, gymnastics, an athlete, a place, cycling, hockey, bronze, a participant, triple jump, a winner, fencing, a field, judo, a team, bobsleigh, a basketball player, synchronized swimming, ice hockey,

Future Continuous tense
Future Continuous tense

FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE WILL BE + VING From 6 till 7 on SundayAt 3 tomorrow.When he comes

Maryinsky Park
Maryinsky Park

Maryinsky Park is one of the oldest parks in Kiev. It now hosts two important buildingsThe Verchovna RadaMaryinsky Palace Maryinsky palace is an architectural pearl of KievMaryinsky palace is an architectural pearl of KievThe palace is surrounded by the picturesque Maryinsky

Welcome to Krasnoyask
Welcome to Krasnoyask

The symbols of Krasnoyarsk Krasnoyarsk is one of the largest and most beautiful cities of Siberia. It was founded by Andrei Dubensky in 1628 as a fortress against the attacks of the native tribes. Now Krasnoyarsk is one of the leading

Pages of History: Linking Past and Present
Pages of History: Linking Past and Present

Sistine MadonnaThe Sistine Madonna is a painting by the ItalianThe Sistine Madonna is a painting by the Italian High RenaissanceThe Sistine Madonna is a painting by the Italian High Renaissance artist Raphael, 1512–1514.Raphael was highly admired by his contemporaries.The painting was

Ukrainian cuisine
Ukrainian cuisine

Ukrainian food is one of the richest national cuisines. Its dishes are well known far away from Ukraine. And the Ukrainian recipes of the foods are very popular nowadays. The Ukrainian food is characterized with large number of components. For example the traditional

Whaterver the weather
Whaterver the weather

Whether the weather is fine, Or whether the weather is not, Whether the weather is cold, Or whether the weather is hot, We`ll weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. We know four

Teenager’s fashion in Europe
Teenager’s fashion in Europe

They are so beautiful here! Women in England like to dress elegantly.


GeographyJamaica is the largest English-speaking island in the Caribbean and the third largest in the region. With a total land area of 10,991 sq. km (4,442 square miles), the island is 235 km (146 miles) long with widths varying between 35 and 82 km (22

Famous English Characters
Famous English Characters

ЦЕЛЬОсвоение приемов работы с электронным репетитором «Символ-Тест» и обучение кодированию задания по своему предмету. УСТРОЙСТВО И ВНЕШНИЙ ВИД

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