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Презентации по Английскому языку

American sports
American sports

I. Racial Stereotyping in American SportThe racial hypocrisy of sport in post World War II AmericaJackie Robinson’s minor league debut on April 18, 1946The problem of an athletic “Sambo” imageThe notion of black athletic inferiorityThe white “interpretation” of Jesse Owens II.

Australia Animals
Australia Animals

The KangarooKangaroos live about 9-18 years, but some live to 30 years. The largest kangaroos - Red Kangaroo. They can jump at a speed of 70km / h over short distances, but usually they travel 20 km / h.

The Unique Australian Wildlife
The Unique Australian Wildlife

Many countries have their own unique fauna.But Australia is mostly unusual in that 320-270 million years ago Permo-Carboniferous Age If we had observedthe Earth surface from space at that time, we would have seen quite the other picture


My hometown is Tula. Tula is situated in the southeast of Moscow.

Russia (Россия)
Russia (Россия)

Russia- is my Homeland! The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. It occupies about one-seventh of the earth's surface. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Its total

Sport in our life
Sport in our life

Practice makes perfect [ Ŋ ] [ θ ] !Boxing athletics be fond ofSkiing biathlon be good atSkating pentathlon be keen onJumping discus throwing be popular withSurfing hammer throwing take part inSwimming javelin throwing go in forWrestling Name the sport

Unusual means of transport. THE TROIKA.
Unusual means of transport. THE TROIKA.

The troika is a sleigh drawn by a team of three horses- is, for many, a symbol of Russia. It developed as a means of efficiently crossing vast distances at great speed. Up until 1860, the troika was the primary means


Geography of Crimea The Crimean Peninsula is completely surrounded by two seas: the Black Sea and the smaller Sea of Azov to the east.Crimean peninsula was called Tauridia.

Past Progressive
Past Progressive

Прошедшее простое время ОпределениеДействие, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом.


Abseiling –(German ‘abseilen’ – to rope down)an extreme sport, technique for descending using special tools and protection.The technique was created by Jean Esteril Charlet during climbing Petit Dru in 1876. After lots of failures he finally reached the summit in 1879.

Washington, D.C.!
Washington, D.C.!

The White House The White House is the official residence of the President of the United States. It was designed by James Hoban in the Italian Renaissance style. It was burned by the British during the War of 1812, but was

Global Competitiveness Report
Global Competitiveness Report

Кластер 1. Институты Кластер 1. Институты

Александр Степанович Грин
Александр Степанович Грин

Ранние годы (отец и мать писателя)Александр Гриневский родился 11(23) августа 1880 года в городе СлободскойАлександр Гриневский родился 11(23) августа 1880 года в городе Слободской Вятской губернииАлександр Гриневский родился 11(23) августа 1880 года в городе Слободской Вятской губернии. Отец — Стефан Гриневский (польск. Stefan Hryniewski,1843—1914), польский шляхтич из Дисненского

Travelling: France Tour
Travelling: France Tour

Every man has two homelands - his own and France ConstanceIntroductionMap of tourTour Itinerary

The Lomonosov’s name across Russia
The Lomonosov’s name across Russia

  Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov (November 19 (8) 1711 – April 15 (4) 1765) Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was a Russian polymath, scientist and writer, who made important contributions to literature, education, and science. There was the atmosphere of Venus among his discoveres. His

театр диониса
театр диониса

Про Деда МорозаПро Новый год Про Деда Морозаимявнешностьхарактервозрастпропискаосновное заня-тиетранспортное средствоколлеги за грани-цейотличия от Санта Клаусародствен-ники


Trafalgare SquareTrafalgar Square view from National Gallery. Nelson's Column) Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress, known as the Tower of London, is a historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames in central London.

Prepositions at in on
Prepositions at in on

AT IN ON (FOR PLACE)AT for a pointIN for an enclosed spaceON for a surfaceat the cornerat the bus stopat the entrancein the gardenin Londonin my pocketon the wallon the flooron the cover AT IN ON ( FOR TIME)AT

Forming Plurals
Forming Plurals

Created by Gayle HughesMake most nouns plural by adding s.Make nouns ending in s, sh, ch, x, or z plural by adding es. Created by Gayle Hughes3. Make nouns ending in consonant-y plural by changing the y to i and adding

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