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Презентации по Английскому языку

The Bodies of Government in the United Kingdom
The Bodies of Government in the United Kingdom

Great Britain is a monarchy. The Queen is the head of state. But her power is not absolute, but constitutional. Her power is limited by Parliament.


ПРОФЕССИЯ - СУРДОПЕРЕВОДЧИКСурдопереводчик (от лат. surdus – глухой) -это специалист по переводу устной речи на языкжестов и наоборот. Сурдопереводчик, по сути, –посредник в общении между глухими людьми Язык жестовЖестовый язык – видневербального общения,сочетание жестов, мимики иартикуляции (форма и движениерта и губ).Язык

The Earth in danger.
The Earth in danger.

It's Our Home Earth is the third planet from the Sun, the densest planet in the Solar System, the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets, and the only astronomical object known to harbor life. Different

Какие бывают животные
Какие бывают животные

Кто живёт в живом уголке? жирафмедведькузнечикбелкаКто это?кабел жиарфнекузчик дьмедве

What’s in a name?
What’s in a name?

Elizabeth“god’s promise” Elizabeth I16th century


Domestication By 8000 BC human beings had begun to recognise the importance of other animals – dogs, goats, cattle, and sheep. These animals provided protection, food, clothing, and companionship. Some animals chose to live near human beings for protection from carnivorous enemies,


Pioneer – a member of all-union pioneer organization in USSR and some youth democratic organizations in other countries. There were 19.5 million young pioneers in 1984.Pioneers


5 types of questionsОбщий вопрос (general question)Альтернативный вопрос (alternative question)Специальный вопрос(special question)Вопрос к подлежащему (question to the subject)Разделительный вопрос(tag-question) General questionВспомогательный(модальный)глаголподлежащеесказуемое…?

Блюда Великобритании (На английском)
Блюда Великобритании (На английском)

English Breakfast- the eggs of two or three eggs, which is usually prepared at Your choice: fried, scrambled, omelet-Not one English Breakfast isn't complete without cups of tea-The British believe that Breakfast should include oatmeal, it is delicious and healthy. English

Vegetable Soup
Vegetable Soup

Ingredients:2 carrots2 turnips1 onion stick celery1 clove garlicOilPea

The biggest cities of Great Britain
The biggest cities of Great Britain

IntroductionWe are going to talk about the biggest cities of Great BritainThere are 10 biggest cities in Great BritainAll this cities have important part of Britain economy and culture The biggest cities

Английский для начинающих
Английский для начинающих

Наши первые шаги.Исполнение песни «Sunny» группы «АББА». Мисс Кошмар-2008Новый 2009 год.Песня «Umbrella»«Rihanna feat. Jay-Z»

The Lancasters
The Lancasters

Henry IV (1367 – 1413)was styled Earl of Derby and married Mary de Bohun;supporeted the armed opposition to his father;spent time in crusades in Lithuania and Prussia;his father Richard II was forced to abdicate, and Parliament accepted Henry as a king;

The Rise of The Novel
The Rise of The Novel

The modern European novel began after the Renaissance, with Cervantes's "Don Quixote"堂·吉诃德(1605-1615). The modern English novel began two centuries later, in the 18th c.. The rise and growth of the realistic novel is the most prominent achievement of 18th c. English

Travelling to Knowledgeland
Travelling to Knowledgeland

Station 1„Sounds“ Write as many words as you can[ æ ][ i ] [ e ]

Social networks
Social networks

With the development of new communication technologies created a new opportunity to communicate with people, so to speak "without leaving home." This kind of communication are of course social networking. The first mass social network, which actually managed to assemble the

Исследование мест обитания и численности амурского тигра
Исследование мест обитания и численности амурского тигра

Выполнил Козлович Максим, ученик 1 классаРуководитель: Кожина В.Н – учитель начальной школы Цель:- выявление основных мест обитания и причин сокращения численности амурского тигра за последнее время.


Present Perfect Tense Настоящее совершенное время Образуется:Have } + V3HasI have washed the dishes.He has eaten fruit. Мы используем:I.Когда мы говорим о прошедших действиях и хотим подчеркнуть их ВАЖНОСТЬ в настоящем, а не

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