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Презентации по Английскому языку

The Most Spectacular Sport
The Most Spectacular Sport

Ice Period When was figure skating invented?Who did their best to develop this kind of sport?What are the leading countries in this kind of sport?

Famous English painter Anthony van Dyck
Famous English painter Anthony van Dyck

Anthony van Dyck Crowning with ThornsAnthony van Dyck grew up in a large family of a wealthy merchant of Antwerp. In ten years, he began to study painting. Since 1617 was the closest assistant of Rubens, and in 1618 he became

Трудности в английском
Трудности в английском

  Сравнительный анализ совпадения оценок по русскому и английскому языкам *возможная причина: завышение оценок на первом году обучения с целью создания мотивации** возможная причина: повышение мотивации учащихся в связи с предстоящим ЕГЭ Отрицательное влияние родного языка ( русского языка ) –

Top-10The most important inventions
Top-10The most important inventions

№1 - FirePeople soon discovered the useful properties of fire - its ability to illuminate and warm, to improve on plant and animal foods."Wild Fire", which flared up during the forest fires or volcanic eruptions, was terrible, but bringing the fire

Speaking about films
Speaking about films

Do you like to watch films? Where do you like to watch them on TV or you like to go to the cinema?With whom do you prefer to watch films with your parents or with your friends? How many films do

Circulatory System
Circulatory System

The circulatory system carries blood and dissolved substances to and from different places in the body. The Heart has the job of pumping these things around the body. The

Some Glimpses of American History (part II)
Some Glimpses of American History (part II)

The Civil War (fought from 1861 to 1865).One of the most tragic pages in the history of the young country was the Civil War.That was a war between the states in the in the North and the South. The Northern states

The history of chocolate
The history of chocolate

The history of chocolate has been lasting since ancient times.The first drink of the cocoa beans appeared many years ago (BC.). The first mentions about them occurred in the tribes of the Olmec, who lived on the Gulf Coast. They


The World Trade Center in New York was built according to the project of Japanese architect to the minor Of Yamasaki, it was built to 1970, it is officially opened on April 4, 1973 and it was destroyed as a result

Методический семинар
Методический семинар

Я хочу пробудить у моих учеников любовь к знаниям, преклонение перед творчеством и неистовое желание творить самим, веселое и радостное ощущение жизни, готовность и желание помочь себе и другим. Я не хочу подменять их трудные решения своими, пусть они

Thanksgiving Day.
Thanksgiving Day.

Аннотация.Данная презентация предназначена для учащихся 7-9 классов. Подготовлена к празднику День Благодарения. Выполнена на английском языке и не вызывает затруднений в понимании. Может быть использована как на уроке , так и во неурочное время.Презентация содержит 43 слайда. Слайды сопровождаются фотографиями и

The wonder of the 20th century and the reality of the 21st century
The wonder of the 20th century and the reality of the 21st century

The hypothesisThe wonder has no demerits, the reality is full of demerits. What is the mobile phone ?2. When was the mobile phone created?3. How did the mobile phone develop?4. What illnesses are caused by the mobile phone?5. What is the

The strangest sports
The strangest sports

Competitions beards and mustachesThat is, since 2007, this former carnival recognized sporting competition. What sport to wear beards and mustaches - is unclear, but now things are so. You may have heard about this competition, where men boast about who original

The System Of Education in the USA
The System Of Education in the USA

This project is done by: Eliseeva Anastasia Krivosheeva Marina

O, English! You are a joy, delight, That makes us busy, friendly, and bright
O, English! You are a joy, delight, That makes us busy, friendly, and bright

Перевод стихов – высокое и трудное искусство. Я выдвинул бы два – на вид парадоксальных, но по существу верных положения:1.

London Quiz
London Quiz

What is the name of the country?How many parts does this country consist of? What is the symbol of each part?What is the capital of each part?1 What is the nickname of the flag?2

All about EMO
All about EMO

History of EMO-movementEMO style appeared in the USA in 1980s. It’s believed that the founders of this movement are the “Rise Of Springs”, because they were the first who added unique for EMO-style technique of singing – the singer added his

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