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Презентации по Английскому языку

Youth movement
Youth movement

Проект выполнилаученица 9 «Б» класса ЗСШ №3 Болотина Евгения(учитель английского языка Лебедева Н.В.) I’d like to tell you about the Youth movement. Firstly Punks are opposed to the values, norms and materialism in the society. Besides they express this in

Общение на английском
Общение на английском

Read the descriptions and fill in the correct character adjectives Use: shy, easy-going, bossy, patient, sociable, stubborn, selfish, optimistic, caring.1. Claire is always calm in difficult situations. She is… .2. Sue always wants to do her own way. She is…


Passive voicePassiveVoiceI am used when the doer of the action is not known or it is not important.The theme : Passive Voiceto be past participleobject predicats subject Active Voice/Passive VoiceActive Voice . Jack cuts the bread.Passive Voice. The bread is cut

Применение ИКТ при подготовке к Единому Государственному Экзамену по английскому языку
Применение ИКТ при подготовке к Единому Государственному Экзамену по английскому языку

Использование сети ИнтернетПроведение тестирование в формате ЕГЭ в on-line режимеУчастие в дистанционных конкурсах и олимпиадахИспользование e-mail в образовательном процессе Участие в интернет-семинарах Использование MS OFFICEОсуществление контроля качества знаний учащихся по каждому из разделов ЕГЭОбработка данных всего класса (диагностические работы системы СтатГрад)

Английские фразеологизмы с частями тела
Английские фразеологизмы с частями тела

Цель работы – анализ слов с семантикой «части тела» и особенностей их употребления во фразеологизмах русского и английских языков Объект исследования – фразеологические единицы с компонентом «части тела» человека

My dictionary
My dictionary

Аdvert - is picture, Set of words, Or short film which is inter. Documentary – a programm which gives facts and information about a particular subject

The British Royal Family
The British Royal Family

Britain has a royal family. The head of the royal family is Queen Elizabeth II.

Fast food and everything about him
Fast food and everything about him

Fastfood (born fast food, fast food) - the class of fast food, usually offered by specialized institutions. The term "fast food" denote food that Fast can be cooked quickly and provide the client. The term "fast food" was first introduced in

Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood

Learn:Little Red Riding Hood – Красная ШапочкаCoat – пальтоHood - капюшонWear - носить

Learning More About Each Other
Learning More About Each Other

sociable, independent, talkative, responsible, creative, shy, curious, friendly We are different We are different

Морской бой. Тренажёр по английскому языку
Морской бой. Тренажёр по английскому языку

Если не ответишь правильно, то твой корабль потонет

Why study english?
Why study english?

Answer the questions:1.Which country is the largest in the world?2.Where is the largest population in the world? 3.Which country is the second largest country in the world? 4.Which English-speaking countries are situated in North America? Which country is it?

Субкультура Lowriders
Субкультура Lowriders

PachukosSubculture of lowriders in the U.S. is more than 60 years old, but really they declared themselves in the late 60's. In the thirties during the Great Depression in the cities of Southern California and Texas in Mexican neighborhoods the new

The birth of cinematography
The birth of cinematography

Contents:The first filmsHollywood became the film-making capital of the worldThe biggest film companiesBritish film industryMovie stars“ The seventh art” The first filmsImagine the surprise and the shock that people felt when they saw the first film in1895! There was no sound,

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone

“Almost all new ideas have a certain aspect of foolishness when they are first produced.”

Мой английский язык 6
Мой английский язык 6

My hat, it has three corners, Three corners has my hat And had it not three corners, It would not be my hat. Песенка про шляпуКолпак мой треугольный, Треугольный мой колпак! А если бы он не был треугольным, это был

The Doll’s role in the girl’s development
The Doll’s role in the girl’s development

Introduction Children's toy is very ancient and difficult phenomenon of human culture. The doll as a toy is the important thing in development of the girl. It is possible to track, that during different historical time the doll differently influences on

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