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Презентации по Английскому языку

Великобритания (Welcome to the Capital of Great Britain)
Великобритания (Welcome to the Capital of Great Britain)

A Tour Guide Around LondonHello! Nice to meet you! Welcome to the capital of Great Britain. You have a great opportunity to visit one of the most ancient and beautiful cities in the world. Top London’s Attractions

William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England, on the 23d of April in 1564 John Shakespeare, William's father, was a successful Stratford businessman, in the glove-making and wool-dealing trades. John Shakespeare married Mary Arden,a daughter of a landowner.

the love drug?
the love drug?

The title of the story I ‘m going to interpret is “The Love Drug”. The author of this story is O. Henry. O. Henry was a prolific American short-story writer, a master of surprise endings.


QUIZ1. Where did St Valentine live?a) in Greece b) in Rome c) in Great Britain2. Why was St Valentine beheaded? a) because he secretly married young couples b) because he ran away with Emperor Claudius’s daughter c) because he was always

Заимствование английских слов
Заимствование английских слов

«В слове скрыта самая великая энергия, известная на земле – энергия человеческого духа" Ф. Абрамов ЦелиРассмотреть важнейшие источники и пути проникновения заимствований в английский языкОпределить их роль и место в словарном составе английского языкаРассмотреть особенности заимствования слов на основе

My favourite type of mass media
My favourite type of mass media

My favorite type of mass media is..My favorite type of mass media is TV.  I often watch interesting films and programs on TV. My favorite channe is Channel One, which shows my favorite programs-KVN and music show: The Voice. I often

Vanessa Chantal Paradis
Vanessa Chantal Paradis

Vanessa Chantal Paradis - actrice française, chanteuse et mannequin.

11-Day Italian Adventure Tour
11-Day Italian Adventure Tour

Have you ever wanted to visit to the Opera, try real pizza? Have you always dreamed of water trips on the canals of Venice? If you haven’t lived your dream holiday yet,here’s your chance to do


CONTENTInformationReport and productionCompetitorsModel rangeFeatures BMWis Bavarian Motor Worksis a German automobile, motorcycle and engine manufacturing company founded in 1916.It also owns and produces Mini cars, and is the parent company of Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. BMW produces motorcycles under BMW Motorrad.Company motto

Учись писать ЭССЕ
Учись писать ЭССЕ

N B !Эссе - (франц. essai - попытка, проба, очерк, от лат. exagium - взвешивание), прозаическое сочинение небольшого объема и свободной композиции, выражающее индивидуальные впечатления и соображения по конкретному поводу или вопросу и заведомо не претендующее на определяющую или исчерпывающую трактовку

Учим английский
Учим английский

AIMS:typical hobbies of different people;your favourite activities;famous people and their hobbies. PROBLEM:Do people need a hobby?Why?

The Most Interesting Places of Biryuch
The Most Interesting Places of Biryuch

The Most Interesting Places of Biryuch My Native TownMy native townYou are like a flower.My native townYou are like a song.My native townYou become muchbetter.Oh, Biryuch, we love you best of all!


Es ist ein groβes Tier.Er ist braun und dick.Er schläft den ganzen Winter.Das ist ein ...Bar Es ist ein grünes , langes Tier.Es wohnt und schwimmt im Nil.Das ist ein ... Krokodil

Космический туризм
Космический туризм

New words Space-космос,Leisure-досуг,Purpose-цель,Opportunity-возможность,Recreational-развлекательный,Limited-ограниченный,Price-цена,Remain-остаётся,International Space Station(ISS)-Международная Космическая Станция,Launch-запуск,Provide-обеспечивать,Announce-объявлять,Orbital-орбитальный What is it?Space tourism is space travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. Orbital space tourism opportunities are limited and expensive, with only the Russian Space Agency providing transport. The price for a flight brokered by Space Adventures to the International Space Station aboard a Soyuz spacecraft was US$ 20–35

Salt and Pepper Shakers
Salt and Pepper Shakers

Each mistress has a salt and a peppershakers on her kitchen. Like such simple kitchen accessories, so much they are already created, thought up and put on sale, but we can tell more about them and offer you the newest, qualitative

Was wir schon konnen und kennen?
Was wir schon konnen und kennen?

Was wir schon können und kennen?Автор презентации: Воронцова Л.В., учитель иностранных языковМОУ СОШ № 7, г. Усть-Кут, Иркутская обл. Die ABC-Stadt


Моє педагогічне кредо:Навчаючи інших, ми вчимося самі СенекаWe learn by teaching

Catalan traditions
Catalan traditions

Typical food in CatalunyaHere at the Christmas day we eat soup with “Galets” (a very big pasta) duck , and for dessert we eat “torrons & polvorons” typical sweet in Catalunya“galets”“Torrons”“polvorons”Christmas Duck Typical Christmas traditionsHere in Catalunya old people put

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