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Презентации по Английскому языку


Say the tong twister as quickly as you can:Six silver swans swan silently seaward.Kindly kittens knitting mittens keep kazooling in the king’s kitchenBlack bug bit black bear. But where is the big black bear that the big black bug bit?


Japan is an island state. It is situated on the Japanese archipelago which consists of 6 852 islands. The best way of travelling to Japan is by plane. Japan is very far from Saint-Petersburg that is why travelling by plane

Английский язык. Люди, которыми я восхищаюсь
Английский язык. Люди, которыми я восхищаюсь

Michael Joseph JacksonMusic by Michael Jackson is known around the world. He has made a significant contribution to the development of popular music, video, dance and fashion. He was ambitious, creative, self-confident and determined. I admire his music it makes us

Герундий и его функции в предложении
Герундий и его функции в предложении

Collecting this material took us a month. - подлежащее. Собирание этого материала

The largest citys in U.S.A
The largest citys in U.S.A

Atlanta-Atlanta was founded in 1837. Engineer John Thompson, who built the railway, proposed the name of Atlanta, before that, the city had the name of Terminus.-The area of the city is about 342,9 km².-The population of 450.000 million people. Boston -Boston

Illegal migration
Illegal migration

Migration Illegal immigrant population in the USA

Man and the natural world
Man and the natural world

Maintenance:Environmental problems.Dos and Don’ts.Ecology of man.My opinion. Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environmental problems that endanger people’s lives. The most serious environmental problems are: pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear

Londons' attractions
Londons' attractions

The National flag of Great Britain Great BritainAn official name of the state is United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or UK. It consists of four countries which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London

My favorite season
My favorite season

Капель звенит динь- динь, динь- диньПришла весна – иначе___________spring Лето- это_____________summer

English words
English words

Translate into Russian1) I'm having a good time2) Have a great time3) Go for a run4) Go for a picnic5) Go sightseeing6) Go skiing7) Go and see a film8) Go and see a friend9) Go to a wedding10) Go to a

Морская свинья
Морская свинья

The harbour porpoises grow to 1.5m-2m. The females are heavier at about 76kg compared with males’ 61kg The harbour porpoises live in coastal waters of the North Atlantic, the North Pacific and the Black sea




In 1926, a major step was taken with creation of the world`s first waterproof and dustproof wristwatch. This watch – named the “Oyster” – featured a hermetically sealed case which provided optimal protection for the movement. The following year the Oyster

Which objects are they going to build?
Which objects are they going to build?

Tasks:To learn some facts about Sochi.To learn the location of Sochi.To learn which Olympic objects are they going to build. Welcome to Sochi 2014 – Our Gateway to the Future. The Sochi 2014 Winter Games will serve as a gateway to

Our Environment
Our Environment

The aims of the lesson:To speak about ecology;To hear a text about climate;To read the text “ Our Environment;”To make up sentences about ecology. Green Fields.Once there were green fields kissed by the sun,Once there were valleys where rivers used to

Water crisis
Water crisis

How to slake a planet's thirstThe world's forgotten crisisAtlas of a thirsty planetAgricultural crisisSaving water resourcesPlan People lack drinking water and sanitation

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