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Презентации по Английскому языку

Punctuation in English
Punctuation in English

The Goal of the Research isto understand the place of punctuation marks in English sentences, their function in the learning of English, understand their meanings. The practical goal is to teach English learners to put down punctuation marks in sentences correctly.

A house
A house

Learn the wordsa housebricksa roof a chimneystairsa doora window

Interesting facts about Space
Interesting facts about Space


Presentation about pollution
Presentation about pollution

Pollution in the WORLDPolution is very important problem in the world. Around us, there is lot’s of rubbish water is unhealthy and air is not clean. Litter around usPeople drop litter around and they don’t think about consequences. We should take

Красная шапочка на английском
Красная шапочка на английском

Learn:Little Red Riding Hood – Красная ШапочкаCoat – пальтоHood - капюшонWear - носить


There are two types of intonation. ET= Equal tempermentJI= Just intonation Definitions1. Tone - the rise and fall of the voice. Tune/Pitch variation. An oscilloscope will give an oscillograph of speech. The frequency will be shown by the closeness of the

Welcome to the United Kingdom
Welcome to the United Kingdom

See – saw, sacrodown, Which is the way to London town?One foot up and the other foot down,That is the way to London town. Why people travel to England? To visit new places; To meet people; To study; To practice English;


Aivazovsky was born in the town of Feodosiya (Theodosia), Crimea (Russian Empire) to a poor Armenian family. His brother was the Armenian Archbishop Gabriel Aivazovsky. His family moved to the Crimea from Galicia (then in southern Poland, now in Ukraine) in

Who are you? How old are you?
Who are you? How old are you?

Yes, I do. I am absolutely satisfied with it. I find it rather unusual and rare. What is your name? Leila.- Do you accept your name? Sure. I believe it is quite energetic and strong.What is your name? Mark.- Do you


Презентация «Лондон» __________________________ Выполнена учителем английского языка МОУ - лицея №60, Урбанской О.Б. London is the capital city of England and of the United Kingdom situated on the Thames river, the largest city in Britain and

London Taxi History
London Taxi History

VocabularyTo ply for hire – сдавать в арендуTo charge – нагружать, загружатьTo adjust – для регулировкиTo squeeze in - втиснутьсяA horse-drawn carriage – конный экипажA type of fly – тип наемного экипажаA sprung seat – сиденье с пневматической подвескойAuxiliary vehicles –

Valentine's Day. Congratulation
Valentine's Day. Congratulation

To My Valentine If apples were pears, And peaches were plums, And if the rose had a different name - If tigers were bears, And fingers were thumbs I'd love you just the same! Roses are

Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA)
Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA)

Fédération Internationale de Natation (FINA) is the International Federation (IF) recognized by the International Olympic Committee(IOC)  for administering international competition in the aquatic sports (its name translated from French is "International Swimming Federation"). It is one of several IFs which administer a given

Времена года
Времена года

Everything is good in its season. (Все хорошо в свое время)One swallow does not make a summer. ( Одна ласточка не делает весны)Make hay while the sun shines. ( Коси сено, пока солнце светит)A storm in a tea-cup. (Буря в стакане

The Nobel Prize
The Nobel Prize

Alfred NobelSwedish chemist, engineer, inventor of dynamite. Bequeathed his vast fortune to the establishment of the Nobel Prize. Report published in 1888 by Nobel's obituary in a French newspaper of censure he invented dynamite is considered the event that prompted the

Welcome To Australia
Welcome To Australia

Australia Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the Southern Hemisphere. Australia boarders Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, and New Caledonia to the northeast and New Zealand to the southeast. Australia


All envelopes include the following elements for both the sender and receiver.Name of the individual or companyDepartment or divisionCompany nameStreet address (with any apartment, suite, or floor numbers on the same line)Post office box numberCity, state, and ZIP codeCountry (if sent

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