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Презентации по Английскому языку


Edinburgh - the capital Population – the Scots

Astrakhan is the Pearl of the Russian South.
Astrakhan is the Pearl of the Russian South.

Some Historical FactsAstrakhan is 452 years old. The tsar voyevoda Ivan Cheremisinov applied to Ivan the IV with the letter to begin the building of the new Astrakhan on the left bank of the Volga. It was in 1558. At first

Going to
Going to

to be going to + VSingular1 л. I am going to read. 2 л. You are going to read. 3 л. He is going to read. She is going to read.

Russian Museums and Theatres
Russian Museums and Theatres

The Hermitage The State Hermitageis a museum of art and culture in Saint Petersburg, Russia. One of the largest and oldest museums in the world, it was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Great and has been open to the public

city university london
city university london

The girl who has lost the husband and "moved down from coils", looking for an exit from a depression in dance. The movie “Silver Linings Playbook” became Oscar-winning for young actress Jennifer Lawrence. Also her the best and known films were become “X-Men: First Class” and "Hunger

Free time of today's young people
Free time of today's young people

In Russia, was held a public survey. It showed that parents and teachers could not worry. Our youth is not so bad.The Question is: What do you do in your spare time? Reading, listening to music, watching movies - 41.94%

Придаточные предложения
Придаточные предложения

Relative clauses Придаточные определительныеDefining and non-defining clausesЛимитирующие и описательные придаточные In the school yardNatalie?The girl whoplays thepiano?I saw Nataliethe other day.

Sir Isaac
Sir Isaac

His Formative YearsBorn on December 25, 1642 (January 4, 1643) in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, EnglandRaised by his grandparentsPulled out of school at 14 to run the family farmWasn’t good at farming, so they sent him back to schoolThe Newton residence, circa 1689

Age limits
Age limits

Young people in Britain can… Young people in Russia can…

From the Big Bang to Homo Sapiens
From  the Big Bang to Homo Sapiens

Life on the Earth was about 3 thousand millions years ago. But our Universe was 37,5 billion years earlier. All has begun with the Big Bang …The introduction The Universe does not exist. There is only a small point,


Nicely, beautifully, badly, happily, quickly,carefully, properly, slowly, heavily, terribly. adjective- lyadverbAdverbs Наречия, которые по форме не отличаются от прилагательных:adverbsadjectivesfasthighhardlateearlyfasthighhardlateearlyбыстробыстрыйвысоковысокийупорноупорныйпозднопозднийраноранний

The Geography and Political Outlook of the UK
The Geography and Political Outlook of the UK

1._________________ is the official name of the state which is situated on the British Isles.2. The capital of Great Britain is _______________.3. The capital of Scotland is __________________.4. The capital of Northern Ireland is______________.5. The capital of Wales is_________________.6. Ireland and

Формування екологічної компетентності дошкільників у природно-екологічному середовищі ДНЗ
Формування екологічної компетентності дошкільників у природно-екологічному середовищі ДНЗ

Нормативні документи: 1.Базовий компонент дошкільної освіти 2. Програма розвитку дитини дошкільного віку “Українське дошкілля” 3. Положення про куточок природи у ДНЗ

My favorite serial
My favorite serial

Friends is an American comedy television series. It was on television from September 22, 1994 to May 6, 2004. It is about 6 friends who lived in Manhattan, New York City. They were in their 20s and 30s. The names of the "friends" were: Monica, Chandler, Rachel,

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