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Презентации по Английскому языку

Animal's world
Animal's world

1. What animals can you see at the pictures?a dolphina hedgehoga rabbita horsea wolf 2. Match the words and their descriptions.A zooA zoological societyEndangered animalsDomestic animalsInsectsPets1) These animals live in the country. People take care of them and get some goods

Sport in Russia
Sport in Russia

We want to tell you about sport in Russia. There are a lot of kinds of sport in Russia but we’ll tell you about the most popular sports. Football Football's the most popular sport in Russia. In 2008


Der Name – Fürstentum LichtensteinDie Fläche – 160 QkmDie Bevölkerung - 32000 MenschenDie Hauptstadt - VaduzDie Sprache – DeutschStaatsform – Parlamentarische Monarchie (seit 1921)‏Die Statistik Das kleine Stadt, wo deutsch gesprochen wird, ist das Fürstentum Liechtenstein. An der Spitze des Fürtentums

Политическая система России, работа учеников
Политическая система России, работа учеников

The ideal political system is the political system of Russia Our political system is democracy The head of our state is the president should be:honest, skillful,reticent, sociable sporty should not be:emotionalbossycunningslyThe ideal

Sightseeing in Minsk. Trinity Suburb
Sightseeing in Minsk. Trinity Suburb

One of the chief glories of Minsk is Trinity Suburb, a delight of every visitor of taste. It is a tangle of narrow streets lined with fascinating little shops. Delightful small houses seem to whisper their secrets to each other across

История развития английского языка (7 класс)
История развития английского языка (7 класс)

Выделить основные этапы развития английского языка.Проанализировать взаимосвязь истории государства с историей становления и развития языка.Цели исследования Язык – это исторически сложившаяся система звуковых, словарных и грамматических средств, объективирующая работу мышления и являющаяся орудием общения, обмена мыслями и взаимного понимания людей в

British writers XVII-XVIII ages
British writers XVII-XVIII ages

Daniel DefoeDaniel Defoe was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer, and spy, now most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is notable for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel. Daniel Foe (his original name) was probably born in Fore

Topic Modern inventions
Topic Modern inventions

Technological progress has merely providedus with two more efficient means for goingbackwards. (Aldous Huxley, English author)Men are only as good as their technicaldevelopment allows them to be.

Dinosaurs. Or Very Big Lizards
Dinosaurs. Or Very Big Lizards

Dinosaurs Tyrannosaurus Тиранноза́вр.Род плотоядных динозавров.Один из крупнейших наземных хищников: длина тела ~ 15 м, высота — 7—8 м, масса — около 8 тонн, однако некоторые ученные утверждают, что

Present Continuous в Английском Языке
Present Continuous в Английском Языке

СхемаI amHeShe is ItWeYou areTheyVing УпотреблениеPresent Progressive употребляется для выражения действий, которые происходят:В точно указанный момент в настоящем;В более длительный период в настоящем;Для выражения действий, которые произойдут в будущем

New millennium – new food
New millennium – new food

We get food from animals and birds, plants and fishes. We get meet from cow, pig and sheep. From cow we also get milk. From cow we get beef, from pig we get pork, bacon and ham, from sheep we get

Administration of drugs
Administration of drugs

Oral administrationpasses into the stomachabsorbed into the blood Sublingual administrationnot swallowed placed under the tongue dissolve in saliva

New York City
New York City

History of New York City New York City was discovered in 1524 by Giovanni da Verrazzano, an Italian explorer. Europeans started to settle there once a Dutch fur trading settlement was founded, and they gave it the name "New Amsterdam“.

Методики преподавания английского
Методики преподавания английского

Актуальность нестандартных уроков Нестандартные уроки:_ развивают потенциал самих учащихся_ побуждают к активному познанию окружающей действительности, к осмыслению и нахождению причинно-следственных связей_ развивают логику, мышление, коммуникативные способности_ в большей степени, чем обычные уроки, способствуют формированию умения учащихся сравнивать, обобщать, делать выводы_

Profession 4 класс
Profession 4 класс

A person treats the sick animals is a …vet A person who builds housesis a …builder

Welcome to Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes
Welcome to Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes

Luxurious Accommodation The Park Plaza Sherlock Holmes London comprises two 18th century houses over five floors accommodating 119 beautifully re-designed bedrooms, all air-conditioned and including Superior Rooms, Executive Rooms, Executive Studio Suites and Loft Suites. Stylishly designed guest bathrooms offer a


The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world (after Russia, Canada and China). The flag of the USA is often called “ The Stars and Stripes”. There are 50 stars on it: one for each

Easter traditions in Great Britain
Easter traditions in Great Britain

In the UK Easter is one of the major Christian festivals of the year. Easter eggs, Easter bunny and sending Easter cards are traditions not only in Britain.It is preceded by forty days of Lent. Shrove Tuesday, also called Pancake Day,

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