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Презентации по Английскому языку


Our restaurant - famous for delicious Italian food. Apple-green is a stylish restaurant with plenty of mirrors, massive chandeliers, comfortable tables with full chamber serving. Here is stunning at the same time a very cozy atmosphere.

Сhess as a sport
Сhess as a sport

Those who lean towards chess as being a sport look to broad definitions of sport to find a way to fit chess into that category. While they admit that cheese doesn't fit under the umbrella of athletics, they say that sport

Immigration into UK today
Immigration into UK today

The population of Britain will be 70 million by 2028, Britain is facing an immigration crisisthe Government has stated that around 190,000 migrants arrive in Britain every year and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has said that Britain's population will

Passive Voice Simple Presenting and Practicing
Passive Voice Simple Presenting and Practicing

Glad to See You, Boys and Girls! Let`s Start Learning. Пояснительная запискаДанная презентация выполнена для Enjoy English-4 М.З. Биболетовой и Happy English.ru-8 Кауфман К.Ю. Тема охватывает Present, Past and Future Simple. Предназначена для предъявления, закрепления и контроля

Гений украинского народа К 200-летию со дня рождения Т.Г. Шевченко
Гений украинского народа К 200-летию со дня рождения Т.Г. Шевченко

Тарас Григорьевич Шевченко. Автопортрет Выдающийся украинский поэт и художник Т.Г. Шевченко родился 25 февраля (9 марта) 1814 года в селе Моринцы Звенигородского уезда Киевской губернии (ныне - Черкасской обл.) в семье крепостного крестьянина помещика П.В. Энгельгардта. Через два года родители Тараса


??? Questions ???1.Who discovered America?2.When did he do it?3.Where was Christopher Columbus born?4.«The New World» was the name of the new land, wasn’t it?5.Did Columbus begin his second great voyage in 1493 or 1494?6.When did the «Mayflower» sail to America? 7.What

Reading for pleasure
Reading for pleasure

Hello!My name is Yura Lobov. I am thirteen years old. I live in Yekaterinburg. I study at school #4. I am in the 7th formMy favourite hobby is sport. I want to be famous football player. I learn English and I

Социальное партнерство в области образования.
Социальное партнерство в области образования.

Современный подход к вопросу партнерства в образовании показывает, что развитие образования - забота не только государства в целом и учебного заведения в частности. Нормой для благополучно живущих стран уже давно стало консолидированное участие всех членов общества, всех общественных организаций в деле

Indirect Speech
Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech Indirect speech is introduced by verbs of communication: to agree, to announce, to answer, to approve, to argue, to ask, to breathe out, to call, to claim, to confess, to confute, to contradict, to counter, to cry out, to

My visit to the pension fund
My visit to the pension fund

IntroductionGeneral facts about the pensioners of our region Chart I Distribution of pensioners in 5 districts Chart II The amount of recipients of MMPThe project of the Federal law Chart III The average size of pensions Pension’s indexationAdditional measures of support for families with

Happy Birthday То Spring! Zum Geburtstag, der Fruhling!
Happy Birthday То Spring! Zum Geburtstag, der Fruhling!

«Spring, spring, spring? The trees are green, Blue skies are seen. Grey winter, go away? The world looks new and gay». «Er ist's»Frühling lässt sein blaues Band Wieder flattern durch die Lüfte; Süsse, wohlbekannte Düfte Streifen ahnungsvoll das Land. Veilchen


The largest country is Russia. The smallest country is the Vatican. English is the native language in:

The Kremlin
The Kremlin

ВЫПОЛНИЛА:Ученица 10 «б» классаМОУ СОШ №3Города Петровска Саратовской областиПросвирнина АнастасияПреподаватель:Трапезников А.Ф. HISTORY OF THE KREMLIN The Kremlin is the symbol of the first Russian and later Soviet power and authority. Its crenellated red brick walls and 20 towers were

Interesting places of the world
Interesting places of the world

Coast Peniche, Portugal Beach of Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia

Madame Tussauds
Madame Tussauds

The museum in Amsterdam Madame Tussauds is a wax museum in London with branches in a number of major cities. It is a major tourist attraction in London, displaying waxworks of historical and royal figures, film stars, sports stars and

Seasons and Months
Seasons and Months

Months of the year Poems about WinterJanuary brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glowFebruary snows again And sometimes it brings us again.Cold December brings us skating, For the New Year we’re waiting.

My favorite artist is Edgar Degas
My favorite artist is Edgar Degas

He was a French painter, impressionist. Degas was born into a family that came from an aristocratic family. The Millinery Shop

Christmas in Great Britain
Christmas in Great Britain

Preparing To ChristmasThe British celebrate Christmas on December 25. They buy gifts for each other, decorate their houses with lights and choose Xmas trees. Christmas EveSanta Claus climbs down the chimneys of the British houses and leaves presents under fur-trees on

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