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Презентации по Английскому языку


The ancient Greeks would have loved April Fool's Day. They so adored being clever. It’s easy to imagine the ancient Athenians concocting their plots and chanting their victories, and the ancient Spartans rigging their barracks and roaring with laughter. A special

Sport and Games
Sport and Games

Sports and GamesAims: To develop the Habits of Oral Speech and Reading. To Introduce New Words. To develop the Pupils’ Wish To be Strong and Healthy. Do you want


«Синенький цветок,Стебель как пруток,Брошу корень на поджарку -Да в кофейник на заварку».Цикорий

Revision: the verb ”have”, clothes, appearance
Revision: the verb ”have”, clothes, appearance

Phonetic drill Socks and shoes,And jeans and shirt,Trousers, coat,And blouse and skirt. The verb “have”

What should people do to become a famous sportsman and an Olympic champion?
What should people do to become a famous sportsman and an Olympic champion?

Today we shall discuss the topic: What should people do to become a famous sportsman and an Olympic champion? Listen and read:[k]hockeykickboxingunluckyquicklypickticketbackknockclock[t∫]championchampionshipchesschangechancecheapmatchmuchricheach[s]racecyclingcenturyplacesincechoicedecideexcellentNicelypeace[k]competecompetitioncourtcyclingsuccesscountrycarefullycommunicateaerobicsathleticsclock

Magic Island
Magic Island

What is the weather like today? КАКАЯ СЕЙЧАС ПОГОДА? Do you remember?

Розвитие комуникативных УУд
Розвитие комуникативных УУд

Есть три ошибки в общении людей: первая - это желание говорить прежде, чем нужно; вторая - застенчивость, не говорить когда это нужно; третья - говорить, не наблюдая за вашим слушателем. Для формирования универсальных учебных действий в контексте обучения иностранным языкам следует

Летние каникулы на английском
Летние каникулы на английском

Read the poem. Complete it with the correct words.Summer time isThe time for ….And we are happyAll the dayThe …. Is shiningAll day long,Trees are fullof birds and ….songssunplay Choose the adjectives best describing your holidaysenjoyableboring

Английские фразеологизмы с частями тела
Английские фразеологизмы с частями тела

Цель работы – анализ слов с семантикой «части тела» и особенностей их употребления во фразеологизмах русского и английских языков Объект исследования – фразеологические единицы с компонентом «части тела» человека

Theme: “Learning with computer”
Theme: “Learning with computer”

Today, when Ukraine is developing in a democratic society, before teachers ' task is to educate and teach creative, well-rounded individuals. To run it is important to take into consideration individual characteristics of the child in the learning process. The need

Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet

There is no sadder story in the world, than the story of Romeo and Juliet!..W.Shakespeare1594 – 1595 Some places

New Zealand’s Specials:A Future Sociologist’s View
New Zealand’s Specials:A Future Sociologist’s View

CategoriesFamous PeopleNatural ThingsInteresting CitiesSociological Things CategoriesFamous PeoplePeter JacksonLordeDean O'GormanChris RankinNatural ThingsInteresting CitiesSociological Things

To be going to
To be going to

to be going to + VSingular1 л. I am going to read. 2 л. You are going to read. 3 л. He is going to read. She is going to read.

Christmas in the USA
Christmas in the USA

Цели: 1) Знакомство с праздниками и традициями стран изучаемого языка; 2) Развитие интереса к изучению английского языка. Рождество в Америке I Этап: подготовительная работаБеседа в классе по теме: «Празднование Рождества в Великобритании и Америке».Выпуск праздничных газет по теме.Изготовление рождественских открыток.Сценка, стихи.Выступления


the early years William was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon- Avon. His mother was the daughter of a farmer. His father was a glove-maker. William attended the local grammar school and got a classical education. In 1582 he married Anne

Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt
Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt

Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt - German physician, physiologist and psychologist. Generallyknown as the founder of experimental psychology. Less well known as a major figure in social psychology, but his last years were marked by Wundt's psychology of the peoples , which he understood as the doctrine of the socialbasis of the higher mental activities. Wundt tried to understand the human mind by studying the component parts of the human mind,

St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick's Day is a religious holiday celebrated internationally on 17 March. It commemorates Saint Patrick (c. AD 387–461), the most commonly recognised of the patron saints of Ireland. Sacred Patrick, under the legend, has relieved Ireland of paganism and has

Topic Christmas
Topic Christmas

Christmas is the most popular and colorful holiday celebrated by Christians all over the world; The word Christmas comes from "Christ's Mass", the Mass said in the Roman Catholic church to honour the birth of Jesus Christ. It is generally held

Let's go to London!
Let's go to London!

London is situated upon both banks of the River Thames; it is the largest city in Britain and one of the largest in the world. Its population is about 7 million people.London dominates the life of Britain. It is the chief

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