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Презентации по Английскому языку

The City of London. It is interesting to know
The City of London. It is interesting to know

The British Museum is the oldest, and one of the largest museums in the world. Where else can you see some of the greatest treasures of all time under one roof? Here you can see at first hand The Elgin Marbles,

Welcome to Great Britain
Welcome to Great Britain



Тип работы: презентация .pptxДата создания: 2009 г.Предмет: английский языкКласс: 4УМК: Биболетова М.З., Денисенко О.А., Добрынина Н.В., Трубанева Н.Н Enjoy English – 2 (Part 2): Учебник английского языка для начальной школы – Обнинск: Титул, 2006Тип урока: ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом по

International Women's Day
International Women's Day

The very first historical event that had come to this day, and women associated with the attempt to assert their rights, was a protest march in New York textile workers March 8, 1857. Occasion, alas, quite banal: low wages and poor

Project: Ecology
Project: Ecology

Choose sectionMass media and ecology (topic).Words (ecology).Proverbs. Mass media and ecology.Getting information is one of daily necessities of a human being. We get a great amount of information by mass media.But what about ecology. It takes 500000 trees just to make


Hi! My name is Wilma Flintsone. This is my family. I have a daughter, a husband, a sister, a nephew, a brother-in-law and a pet. Look! This is my daughter. Her name is Pebbles Flintsones. Her eyes are black and her

How many seasons do you know? What are they?
How many seasons do you know? What are they?

Today we'll speak about the weather. How many seasons do you know?What are they?

Adjective Issues for ESL Writers
Adjective Issues for ESL Writers

AdjectivesAdjectives describe nouns or noun phrases.They are almost always placed in this order:NumberEvaluationPhysical Description (size, shape, age, color)Classifying Adjectives Adjective RulesThe sixteen durable oblong rods undergird Number Evaluation Shape Subject the bridge section.The two experienced and certified

All Fool's Day
All Fool's Day

The End!!! HaHaHaApril Fools!!!This is a very simple example of an April Fools’ joke.You were either confused or actually believed this show was over.Too bad it’s not there’s 35 more slides to go through so have fun!

The National
The National

………………… square Westminster ……………

Jimmy Carter
Jimmy Carter

AimTo find out what contribution Jimmy Cartermade ​​to the development of America ContensBiographyCareerPresidential factsFamilyMajor Events during his presidency

The Oval Office
The Oval Office

MainCreated in 1909 as part of an overall expansion of the West Wing of the White House during the administration of William Howard Taftthe 1st Oval Office, designed by Nathan C.Wyeth for President William Howard Taft Architecture and furnishingswas inspired


Belfast is situated on Ireland's eastern coast. The city is flanked to the northwest by a series of hills, including Cavehill. Belfast is located at the western end of Belfast Lough and at the mouth of the River Lagan making it

Русские и английские числительные
Русские и английские числительные

СодержаниеПринципы образования количественных числительных в русском и английском языкахПодсчет различных слов для образования в русском языке всех натуральных чисел до 999 миллионовПредположение о том, почему в английском языке именно с числа 13 происходят измененияНовые русские слова, которые тоже отражают возрастные рамки

Wedding Loaf
Wedding Loaf

Loaf —a traditional attribute of a wedding celebration. Wedding begins with a loaf preparation. Round loaves are baked in accompany of special round loaves songs. One of 3,5 or 7 round loaves is the biggest & the main one. It could

Play and learn English
Play and learn English

Содержание1.Артисты нашего театра2.Животные3.Глаголы4.Счёт5.Школьные принадлежности1 3 6 8 9 Соедини слово и картинкуTricky

My native city is Stary Oskol
My native city is Stary Oskol

This dolphin it have made of a grass when I have come and have seen it and have thought that it live appears it was not live. And here it is the arms of the Belgorod region.

Этапы формирования звезд
Этапы формирования звезд

Эволюция звезд зависит от двух сил: - гравитационной, - силы давления газа

EQ-i 2.0 Introduction
EQ-i 2.0 Introduction

What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that collectively establish how well we:Perceive and express ourselvesDevelop and maintain social relationshipsCope with challengesUse emotional information in an effective and meaningful way It is a predictor of success

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