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Презентация на тему Nano-enabled biological tissues

Nanoscale Technology Enables Complexity at Larger Scales…….Self-assembled cartilageCells cultured in matrigel clustersGuided cell aggregation. COURTESY: “Modular tissue engineering: engineering biological tissues from the bottom up”. Soft Matter, 5, 1312 (2009).Nano-scale biofunctional surfaces(cell membrane) http://www.nanowerk.com/spotlight/spotid=12717.phpFlexible electronicsembedded in
Nano-enabled Biological TissuesBy Bradly Aliceahttp://www.msu.edu/~aliceabr/Presented to PHY 913 (Nanotechnology and Nanosystems, Michigan Nanoscale Technology Enables Complexity at Larger Scales…….Self-assembled cartilageCells cultured in matrigel clustersGuided Role of Scale (Size AND Organization)Nanopatterning and biofunctionalized surfacesCell colonies and biomaterial Ingredient I, Biomimetics/ BiocompatibilityBiomimetics: engineering design that mimics natural systems.Nature has evolved Artificial Skin, Two ApproachesApproximating cellular function:Approximating electrophysiology:“Nanowire active-matrix circuitry for low- voltage Artificial Skin – Response CharacteristicsResults for stimulation of electronic skin:Output signal from Silk as Substrate, Two ApproachesNanoconfinementM. Buehler, Nature Materials, 9, 359 (2010)Bio-integrated Electronics. Ingredient II, Flexible ElectronicsQ: how do we incorporate the need for compliance E-skin for ApplicationsOrganic field effect transistors (OFETs):* use polymers with semiconducting properties.Thin-film Ingredient III, NanopatterningQ: how do we get cells in culture to form MWCNTs as Substrate for NeuronsMulti-Wall CNT substrate for HC neurons: Nano Letters, Bottom-up vs. Top-down ApproachesSoft Matter, 5, 1312–1319 (2009).Theoretically, there are two basic Top-down approach: ElectrospinningRight: Applied Physics Letters, 82, 973 (2003).Left: “Nanotechnology and Tissue Bottom-up approach: Molecular Self-assemblyProtein and peptide approaches commonly used.Protein approach – see Additional Tools: MemristorMemristor: information-processing device (memory + resistor, Si-based) at nanoscale.* conductance Additional Tools: BioprintingBioprinting: inkjet printers can deposit layers on a substrate in ConclusionsNano can play a fundamental role in the formation of artificial tissues,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Nanoscale Technology Enables Complexity at Larger Scales…….

Nanoscale Technology Enables Complexity at Larger Scales…….Self-assembled cartilageCells cultured in matrigel

cultured in matrigel clusters
Guided cell aggregation. COURTESY: “Modular tissue

engineering: engineering biological tissues from the
bottom up”. Soft Matter, 5, 1312 (2009).

Nano-scale biofunctional surfaces
(cell membrane) http://www.nanowerk.

Flexible electronics
embedded in contact lens

collagen fibrils

Formation (above) and function
(below) of contractile organoids.
Biomedical Microdevices, 9, 149–
157 (2007).

DNA/protein sensor, example
of BioNEMS device (left).

“Bioprinting” to
construct a heart

Слайд 3 Role of Scale (Size AND Organization)

Nanopatterning and biofunctionalized

Role of Scale (Size AND Organization)Nanopatterning and biofunctionalized surfacesCell colonies and


Cell colonies and
biomaterial clusters
Single molecule monitoring
and bio-functionalization

Embedded and

hybrid bionic devices

Self-assembled and
bioprinted organs

~ 1 nm

10-100 nm

1-100 μm

1-100 cm

1-100 mm

Soft Matter, 6,
1092-1110 (2010)

NanoLetters, 5(6),
1107-1110 (2005)

+ 1m

NanoBiotechnology, DOI: 10.1385/Nano:1:
2:153 (2005).

Слайд 4 Ingredient I, Biomimetics/ Biocompatibility
Biomimetics: engineering design that mimics natural

Ingredient I, Biomimetics/ BiocompatibilityBiomimetics: engineering design that mimics natural systems.Nature has


Nature has evolved things better
than humans can design


* can use biological materials (silks)
or structures (synapses).

Biocompatibility: materials that do not interfere with biological function.

* compliant materials used to
replace skin, connective tissues.

* non-toxic polymers used to
prevent inflammatory response
in implants.

Polylactic Acid



(Smart Skin)

Слайд 5 Artificial Skin, Two Approaches

Approximating cellular function:
Approximating electrophysiology:
“Nanowire active-matrix

Artificial Skin, Two ApproachesApproximating cellular function:Approximating electrophysiology:“Nanowire active-matrix circuitry for low-

circuitry for low- voltage macroscale artificial skin”. Nature Materials,


“Tissue-Engineered Skin Containing Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improves Burn Wounds”. Artificial Organs, 2008.

Stem cells better than synthetic polymers (latter does not allow for vascularization).

* stem cells need cues to differentiate.

* ECM matrix, “niche” important.

* biomechanical structure hard to approximate.

Skin has important biomechanical, sensory functions (pain, touch, etc).

* approximated using electronics (nanoscale sensors embedded in a complex geometry).

* applied force, should generate electrophysiological-like signal.

Слайд 6

Artificial Skin – Response Characteristics
Results for stimulation of

Artificial Skin – Response CharacteristicsResults for stimulation of electronic skin:Output signal

electronic skin:

Output signal from electronic skin, representation is close

to pressure stimulus.

* only produces one class of sensory information (pressure, mechanical).

Q: does artificial skin replicate neural coding?

* patterned responses over time (rate-coding) may be possible.

* need local spatial information (specific to an area a few sensors wide).

* need for intelligent systems control theory at micro-, nano-scale.

Слайд 7 Silk as Substrate, Two Approaches
M. Buehler, Nature Materials,

Silk as Substrate, Two ApproachesNanoconfinementM. Buehler, Nature Materials, 9, 359 (2010)Bio-integrated

9, 359 (2010)
Bio-integrated Electronics. J. Rogers,
Nature Materials, 9,

511 (2010)

Nanoconfinement (Buehler group, MIT):
* confine material to a layer ~ 1nm thick (e.g. silk, water).

* confinement can change material, electromechanical properties.

Bio-integrated electronics (Rogers group, UIUC):
Silk used as durable, biocompatible substrate for implants, decays in vivo:
* spider web ~ steel (Young’s modulus).

* in neural implants, bare Si on tissue causes inflammation, tissue damage, electrical interference.

* a silk outer layer can act as an insulator (electrical and biological).

Слайд 8

Ingredient II, Flexible Electronics
Q: how do we incorporate

Ingredient II, Flexible ElectronicsQ: how do we incorporate the need for

the need for compliance in a device that requires

electrical functionality?

* tissues need to bend, absorb externally-applied loads, conform to complex geometries, dissipate energy.

A: Flexible electronics (flexible polymer as a substrate).

Flexible e-reader

Flexible circuit board

Nano Letters, 3(10), 1353-1355 (2003)

Sparse network
of NTs.

Nano version (Nano Letters, 3(10), 1353-1355 - 2003):

* transistors fabricated from sparse networks of nanotubes, randomly oriented.

* transfer from Si substrate to flexible polymeric substrate.

Слайд 9 E-skin for Applications
Organic field effect transistors (OFETs):
* use

E-skin for ApplicationsOrganic field effect transistors (OFETs):* use polymers with semiconducting

polymers with semiconducting properties.

Thin-film Transistors (TFTs):
* semiconducting, dielectric

layers and contacts on non-Si substrate
(e.g. LCD technology).

* in flexible electronics, substrate is a compliant material (skeleton for electronic array).

PNAS, 102(35), 12321–
12325 (2005).

PNAS, 102(35), 12321–
12325 (2005).

Create a bendable array of pressure, thermal sensors.

Integrate them into a single device (B, C – on right).

Embedded array
of pressure and
thermal sensors

Conformal network of pressure sensors

Слайд 10 Ingredient III, Nanopatterning
Q: how do we get cells

Ingredient III, NanopatterningQ: how do we get cells in culture to

in culture to form complex geometries?

PNAS 107(2),
565 (2010)

can use nanopatterning as a substrate for cell monolayer formation.

* cells use focal adhesions, lamellapodia to move across surfaces.

* migration, mechanical forces an important factor in self-
organization, self-maintenance.

Gratings at
nanoscale dimensions

Alignment and protrusions w.r.t
nanoscale substrate

Слайд 11 MWCNTs as Substrate for Neurons
Multi-Wall CNT substrate for

MWCNTs as Substrate for NeuronsMulti-Wall CNT substrate for HC neurons: Nano

HC neurons: Nano Letters, 5(6), 1107-1110 (2005).

Improvement in electrophysiology:

(A) and patch clamp (B).

Neuronal density similar between CNTs and control.

* increase in electrical
activity due to gene expression, ion channel changes in neuron.

CNTs functionalized, purified, deposited on
glass (pure carbon network desired).

Слайд 12 Bottom-up vs. Top-down Approaches
Soft Matter, 5, 1312–1319 (2009).

Bottom-up vs. Top-down ApproachesSoft Matter, 5, 1312–1319 (2009).Theoretically, there are two

there are two basic approaches to building tissues:


molecular self-assembly (lipids, proteins), from individual components into structures (networks, micelles).

2) top-down: allow cells to aggregate upon a patterned substrate (CNTs, oriented ridges, microfabricated scaffolds).

Nature Reviews Microbiology 5,
209-218 (2007).

Слайд 13 Top-down approach: Electrospinning
Right: Applied Physics Letters, 82, 973

Top-down approach: ElectrospinningRight: Applied Physics Letters, 82, 973 (2003).Left: “Nanotechnology and

Left: “Nanotechnology and Tissue Engineering: the scaffold”. Chapter 9.

* fiber deposited on floatable table, remains charged.

* new fiber deposited nearby, repelled by still-charged, previously deposited fibers.

* wheel stretches/aligns fibers along deposition surface.

* alignment of fibers ~ guidance, orientation of cells in tissue scaffold.

Align nanofibers using electrostatic repulsion forces
(review, see Biomedical Materials, 3, 034002 - 2008).

Contact guidance theory:
Cells tend to migrate along orientations associated with chemical, structural, mechanical properties of substrate.

Слайд 14 Bottom-up approach: Molecular Self-assembly
Protein and peptide approaches commonly

Bottom-up approach: Molecular Self-assemblyProtein and peptide approaches commonly used.Protein approach –


Protein approach – see review, Progress in
Materials Science,

53, 1101–1241 (2008).

Nature Nanotechnology,
3, 8 (2008).

Filament network, in vivo. PLoS ONE,
4(6), e6015 (2009).

Hierarchical Network Topology, MD simulations. PLoS ONE, 4(6), e6015 (2009).

α-helix protein networks in cytoskeleton withstand strains of 100-1000%.

* synthetic materials catastrophically fail at much lower values.

* due to nanomechanical properties, large dissipative yield regions in proteins.

Слайд 15 Additional Tools: Memristor
Memristor: information-processing device (memory + resistor,

Additional Tools: MemristorMemristor: information-processing device (memory + resistor, Si-based) at nanoscale.*

Si-based) at nanoscale.

* conductance incrementally modified by controlling change,

demonstrates short-term potentiation (biological synapse-like).

Nano Letters, 10, 1297–1301 (2010).

Nano Letters, 10, 1297–1301 (2010).

Memristor response

Biological Neuronal

Learning = patterned
(time domain) analog modifications at synapse (pre-post junction).

Array of pre-neurons (rows), connect with post-neurons (columns) at junctions.

* theory matches experiment!

Слайд 16 Additional Tools: Bioprinting
Bioprinting: inkjet printers can deposit layers

Additional Tools: BioprintingBioprinting: inkjet printers can deposit layers on a substrate

on a substrate in patterned fashion.

* 3D printers (rapid

prototypers) can produce a complex geometry (see Ferrari,
M., “BioMEMS and Biomedical Nanotechnology”, 2006).

PNAS, 105(13), 4976 (2008).



Sub-femtoliter (nano) inkjet printing:
* microfabrication without a mask.

* amorphous Si thin-film transistors (TFTs), conventionally hard to control features smaller than 100nm.

* p- and n-channel TFTs with contacts (Ag nanoparticles) printed on a substrate.

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