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Презентация на тему Client lifecycle management: specific features (a case study of Western union company)

The aim: to provide recommendations concerning tools and schemes that could help company increase quality of the client lifecycle management. Main tasks:To consider theoretical aspects of customer lifecycleTo conduct an analysis of the customer portfolio and
CLIENT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT: SPECIFIC FEATURES  (A CASE STUDY OF WESTERN UNION The aim: to provide recommendations concerning tools and schemes that could help ContentCustomer-centric approachCase company and IndustryRecommendations Customer-Centric ApproachCustomer Relationship Management (CRM) Customer-Centric ApproachCustomer ServiceCustomers have a problem that needs to be solvedCustomers are Customer-Centric Approach  Client Life Cycle(Cleverism, 2017) Customer-Centric ApproachCustomer Portfolio and DevelopmentDemographic Case company and Industry Customer segments:C2CC2BBusiness ServicesValue Proposition:International networkSafety and SecurityAccessibility and Case company and Industry  WU client portfolioMainstreamhigher financial literacyhigher incomeactively use Case company and Industry  WU client portfolioMainstreamTransfer Frequency: 11,5% send once Case company and Industry  WU client life cycle Case company and Industry Answers:a) This is the main factor that influenced Case company and Industry Answers:a) Points/ rewards for purchases, regardless of how RecommendationsConduct deeper segmentation of customer portfolioDiversify quantity of tools used on Activation and Retention stages
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aim: to provide recommendations concerning tools and

The aim: to provide recommendations concerning tools and schemes that could

schemes that could help company increase quality of the

client lifecycle management.

Main tasks:

To consider theoretical aspects of customer lifecycle
To conduct an analysis of the customer portfolio and distinguish their main traits that might help to build up an effective client lifecycle management
To propose tools that will help to build up customer loyalty
To conduct an interview with the company's representative
To provide general client lifecycle management scheme

The subject of the provided work is customer lifecycle management.
The object of the work is money transfer company Western Union.

Слайд 3 Content

Customer-centric approach
Case company and Industry

ContentCustomer-centric approachCase company and IndustryRecommendations

Слайд 4 Customer-Centric Approach
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer-Centric ApproachCustomer Relationship Management (CRM)

Слайд 5 Customer-Centric Approach
Customer Service
Customers have a problem that needs

Customer-Centric ApproachCustomer ServiceCustomers have a problem that needs to be solvedCustomers

to be solved
Customers are more attracted to places where

they feel somehow ‘special’
Customer Satisfaction
Meeting expectations Satisfaction
Listening to customers
Fair and honest treatment
Involvement with the company
(Roberts-Phelps, 2001)

Слайд 6 Customer-Centric Approach Client Life Cycle
(Cleverism, 2017)

Customer-Centric Approach Client Life Cycle(Cleverism, 2017)

Слайд 7 Customer-Centric Approach
Customer Portfolio and Development

Customer-Centric ApproachCustomer Portfolio and DevelopmentDemographic      GeographyPsychographicShopping


Loyalty programs
Bonus programs
Multilevel loyalty programs
Paid loyalty program
Loyalty programs with intangible benefits
Affiliate loyalty programs
(J. Novo, 2001)

Profitable customers;
Break-even point customers;
Unprofitable customers

Слайд 8 Case company and Industry

Customer segments:

Business Services
Value Proposition:

International network

Case company and Industry Customer segments:C2CC2BBusiness ServicesValue Proposition:International networkSafety and SecurityAccessibility

and Security
Accessibility and flexibility
Brand recognition


Agents’ Network
Customer relationship:

Customer Support (FAQ)


(Sedikh, 2016)

Слайд 10 Case company and Industry WU client portfolio
higher financial literacy

Case company and Industry WU client portfolioMainstreamhigher financial literacyhigher incomeactively use

actively use bank cards
active Internet users
send money irregularly
prefer to

use online money transfer services


low financial literacy
low income
restrictions in the use of financial products (bank cards / Internet banks)
low digitalization (insecure Internet users)
in Russia are solely for the purpose of making money, to send money home
regularly send money (as a rule, most of the earnings)
they prefer to send money in the salons of cellular communication

Слайд 11 Case company and Industry WU client portfolio

Transfer Frequency: 11,5%

Case company and Industry WU client portfolioMainstreamTransfer Frequency: 11,5% send once

send once a month

Transfer Frequency: 14,75% send once a


Слайд 12 Case company and Industry WU client life cycle

Case company and Industry WU client life cycle

Слайд 13 Case company and Industry
a) This is the main

Case company and Industry Answers:a) This is the main factor that

factor that influenced my long-term relationship with company
b) This

factor has significant influence on my relationships with company
c) This factor does not have significant influence on my relationship with company, but I perceive it as beneficial
d) This factor has absolutely no influence on my relationship with company

Слайд 14 Case company and Industry
a) Points/ rewards for purchases,

Case company and Industry Answers:a) Points/ rewards for purchases, regardless of

regardless of how they were committed - in the

store, on the site or on a mobile device;
b) Flexibility of rewards or the ability to choose from several types of remuneration;
с) Personal discounts or promotions based on history of customer's purchases;
d) Personal recommendations for choosing products or services;
e) The possibility of obtaining bonuses for certain actions;
f) Points/ rewards for attracting new customers;
g) Structured programs with exclusive rewards, available only to consumers of a certain level / status in the program;
h) Points / rewards for posting about product on social networks;
i) Own mobile app store with loyalty program

Слайд 15 Recommendations
Conduct deeper segmentation of customer portfolio

Diversify quantity of

RecommendationsConduct deeper segmentation of customer portfolioDiversify quantity of tools used on Activation and Retention stages

tools used on Activation and Retention stages

  • Имя файла: client-lifecycle-management-specific-features-a-case-study-of-western-union-company.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 136
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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