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Презентация на тему Depreciation and Income Taxes


ObjectiveThe objective is to introduce some of the concepts and mechanics of depreciation and depletion, some historical depreciation methods, as well illustrate different types of taxes
American University of Armenia IE 340 – Engineering Economics Spring Semester, 2016Chapter ObjectiveThe objective is to introduce some of the concepts and mechanics of General AccountingGeneral Accounting:Preparation of financial statements for a firm. A financial statement (or financial report) General AccountingBalance sheet:Static picture of assets, liabilities and net worth at a It is comprised of the following 3 elements:Assets: Something a business owns or Balance Sheet Sample General AccountingProfit and loss statement:Also called “income statement”Income Statement reports the company's Income StatementIncome Statement is composed of the following two elements:Income: What the Cost AccountingCosts incurred to produce and sell an item or product are Direct CostsDirect material:Material whose cost is directly charged to a productMeasured as Manufacturing CostsFactory Overhead:Indirect labor costs (sick leaves, vacations, bonuses as well as Administrative and Selling CostsAdministrative costs:Salaries of executive and clerical personnel, office space, Depreciation As time passes, the assets lose value or depreciatePhysical lossUse relatedTime DEPRECIATIONDecrease in value of physical properties with passage of time and useAccounting PROPERTY IS DEPRECIABLE IF IT MUST :be used in business or held DEPRECIABLE PROPERTYTANGIBLE - can be seen or touched  personal property - WHEN DEPRECIATION STARTS AND STOPSDepreciation starts when property is placed in service DEPRECIATION CONCEPTSThe following terms are used in the classical (historical) depreciation method Value of an assetMarket valueThe actual value an asset can be sold Book ValueLet:P = adjusted cost basisBVt = book value at the end Capital versus expenseConsider a copy shop, which buys:Ink and paperCopying (Xerox) machinesInk Capital versus expenseCopying (Xerox) machines are used up only slowly over time:Treated DefinitionsCapital gains:Item selling price greater than purchase priceDepreciation recapture:Item selling price greater ExampleIf at the end of 1 yearI go out of business and Salvage valueIf a salvage value is expected,Depreciation applies to P - SVExample:If Depreciation and taxesDepreciation is treated as an expense(i.e., a tax deduction) in ObservationsDepreciation methods are conventionsNot based strictly on market value!Different types of assets Some Depreciation SchedulesStraight line method (SL)Declining Balance method (DB) Double Declining Balance SL DepreciationConstant rate of loss in the value of an asset Graphically: SL depreciationRecovery period = nDepreciation rate = 1/n(Same for all years!)It depreciates SL Depreciation – Cont.Dsl(t) = (P-SV) / N			Dsl(t): depreciation for period t			P: Example 1Small computers purchased by a company cost $7000 each. Past records Example 1 – Cont.Dsl(1) = Dsl(2) = 7000 / 5 = $1400BV(3) Example 2A machine tool has:First cost $35,000Recovery period 20 years (based on In table form …BV in year n = 1st cost – (SL Deprec)*n Straight line depreciationWrites off capital investment linearlyEstimated salvage value is considered:Only estimated!Actual Declining Balance DepreciationSometimes called constant percentage method or Matheson formula: assumes that DB DepreciationD(1) = P × dD(2) = d × (P- D(1)) = DB DepreciationD1 = P × dDdb (t) = P(1-d)t-1 × dDdb (t) Example 3: Example 1 revisitedUse a depreciation rate of 40% for declining-balance Double declining balance (DDB)Most common form of declining balance is double declining Example 4: example 2 revisitedConsider the same machine tool d = 2/20 In table form DDB With Conversion to SL at the Most Desirable TimeSince DDB does Example: DB Switching to SL SL Dep. Rate = 1/5 a (DDB (a) Without switching(b) With switching to SLNote: Without switching, we have not Case 2: S = $2,000Note: Tax law does not permit us to Sum-of-Years’ Digits (SYD) Method PrincipleDepreciation concept similar to DB but with decreasing Example 10.7 – SYD methodD1D2D3D4B1B2B3B4B5$10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,00000  1 Units-of-Production Method Principle	Service units will be consumed in a non time-phased fashion See Example 7-4  A piece of equipment used in a business DepletionTwo methods of natural resource depletion Cost or factor depletion Percentage depletion Cost DepletionDepletion is computed on a per unit basisPer unit amount is Cost Depletion: An ExampleSuppose a reservoir contains an estimated 1,000,000 barrels of Percentage Depletion Percentage depletion Depletion is computed by using the statutory percentage Percentage Depletion Allowances for Mineral Properties Percentage Depletion: An ExampleAssume in the previous (oil) example that the price Percentage Depletion: An ExampleGross Depletion Income = Agenda for todayWe will learn how to determine: Before-tax cash flowsTaxable incomeIncome Agenda for todayReview terms and definitionsRate of return (ROR)Tax deductionTax creditCapital gain/lossCharity deductionsBondsExamples Why do we calculate depreciation?Since depreciation is an “expense” we can use DefinitionsNet versus gross income:Gross income = revenue or receiptsNet income = revenue How to calculate After-Tax Cash Flow?Determine before-tax cash flows (BTCF)Determine taxable income Taxable Income and Income Taxes (An Example) General table …Assume first cost=120, revenue=32, SL dep, SV=0, tax=40% ObservationsLand is capitalLand purchase is not an expense!Land sale proceeds are not Depreciation example (SL)Investment with depreciationBuy equipment for $110K for 10 years:No salvage Depreciation example (SL)SL Deprec. = (110-0)/10 = 11Taxable income = income - Longer depreciation (25 years) What would you expect:Will IRR go up or Comparison10 year (SL) depreciation schedule:Rate of return 20.1% before taxes,12.9% after taxes Accelerated depreciation 7 year depreciation lifetime:Double declining balance for 4 yearsFollowed by Accelerated depreciation Accelerated depreciationHow to figure out after-tax IRR?Use column for after-tax cash flow Net Income vs. Cash FlowNet income is an accounting means of measuring Why Do We Use Cash Flow in Project Evaluation?Example: Both companies (A Example: Cash Flow vs. Net Income Net income versus net cash flowNet cash flows = Net income + non-cash expense (depreciation) DefinitionsTax deduction:Expense deducted from taxable incomeSaving = (deduction) x (tax rate)Savings are DefinitionsBook value: Purchase price (for land, stocks, other non-depreciable assets)Depreciated value(for physical DefinitionsCapital gains:Item selling price greater than purchase priceDepreciation recapture:Item selling price greater Capital gain/lossGenerally attributed to year of saleLong-term capital gains (> 1 year)Can Capital gain/lossCarrying backward or forward:Some businesses are very volatileE.g., oil prospecting!Some years ExampleInvestment with depreciationBuy equipment for $110K for 10 years:No salvage valueStraight-line depreciation ExampleSell for $30K in year 8:Book value = $22KDepreciation recapture = $8KSell Non-depreciable exampleInvestment with no depreciationBuy land for $110KSell for $130K:Capital gain = Capital gain/lossTaxable income = Gross income (i.e., revenues or receipts)Minus operating expensesMinus Personal income taxSame general issues as corporate tax:Tax exempt income (E.g., government Tax-exempt examplePurchase $5K bond (20 years)From phone company at 11%:$550/year, paid as Tax-exempt examplePhone company bond at 11%:$550/year, paid as $275 every 6 monthsTax ObservationA government bond (tax-exempt) at 7.5% may give higher income than a Charitable deduction exampleAssume the following tax rate:tax rate = 38.4%Charitable gift of Graduated income taxConstant tax rate:“Flat tax”If tax rate is not constant:“Graduated” income tax Graduated income taxExample:15% if taxable income < $50K$7.5K + 25% of amount Example - Corporate Income TaxesFacts:Capital expenditure			$100,000(allowed depreciation) 		 	$58,000Gross Sales revenue Example - Corporate Income TaxesTaxable income:	Gross income			$1,250,000	- Expenses:		(cost of goods sold) Average tax rate:	Total taxes	=		$112,730	Taxable income =	$332,000						 Marginal tax rate:Tax rate that U.S. Corporate Tax Rate (2001)Taxable income0-$50,000$50,001-$75,000$75,001-$100,000$100,001-$335,000$335,001-$10,000,000$10,000,001-$15,000,000$15,000,001-$18,333,333$18,333,334 and UpTax rate15%25%34%39%34%35%38%35%Tax computation$0 + 0.15(Δ)$7,500 Marginal and Effective (Average) Tax Rate for a Taxable Income of $16,000,000 How to Determine Income Tax Rate to be Used in Economic Analysis? Incremental Income Tax RateAverage tax rate      	17.86% $0$20,000 incrementaltaxable income due toundertaking project Accelerated depreciationWith accelerated depreciationDepreciation expenses happen sooner than with straight line depreciation
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Objective

The objective is to introduce some of the

ObjectiveThe objective is to introduce some of the concepts and mechanics

concepts and mechanics of depreciation and depletion, some historical

depreciation methods, as well illustrate different types of taxes

Слайд 3 General Accounting
General Accounting:
Preparation of financial statements for a

General AccountingGeneral Accounting:Preparation of financial statements for a firm. A financial statement (or financial

firm. A financial statement (or financial report) is a formal record of

financial activities of a business, person, or other entity

Cost Accounting:
A branch of general accounting that deals with the measurement of costs

Depreciation Accounting:
A branch of general accounting that deals with capital assets depreciation

Слайд 4 General Accounting
Balance sheet:

Static picture of assets, liabilities and

General AccountingBalance sheet:Static picture of assets, liabilities and net worth at

net worth at a single point in time or

a summary of financial balances of a corporation

Assets, liabilities and ownership equity (or shareholder’s equity = initial amount of money invested into a business) are listed as of a specific date, such as the end of its financial year. A balance sheet is often described as a "snapshot of a company's financial condition"

Слайд 5 It is comprised of the following 3 elements:
Assets: Something

It is comprised of the following 3 elements:Assets: Something a business owns

a business owns or controls (e.g. cash, inventory, plant

and machinery, etc.)
Liabilities: Something a business owes to someone (e.g. creditors, bank loans, etc.)

Equity: What the business owes to its owners. This represents the amount of capital that remains in the business after its assets are used to pay off its outstanding liabilities. Equity therefore represents the difference between the assets and liabilities.

Слайд 6 Balance Sheet Sample

Balance Sheet Sample

Слайд 7 General Accounting

Profit and loss statement:
Also called “income statement”

General AccountingProfit and loss statement:Also called “income statement”Income Statement reports the

Statement reports the company's financial performance in terms of

net profit or loss over a specified period.

Слайд 8 Income Statement
Income Statement is composed of the following

Income StatementIncome Statement is composed of the following two elements:Income: What

two elements:
Income: What the business has earned over a

period (e.g. sales revenue, dividend income, etc.)
Expense: The cost incurred by the business over a period (e.g. salaries and wages, depreciation, rental charges, etc.)
Net profit or loss is arrived by deducting expenses from income.

Слайд 9 Cost Accounting
Costs incurred to produce and sell an

Cost AccountingCosts incurred to produce and sell an item or product

item or product are classified as:
Direct labor
Direct material
Manufacturing cost

Selling cost

Слайд 10 Direct Costs

Direct material:
Material whose cost is directly charged

Direct CostsDirect material:Material whose cost is directly charged to a productMeasured

to a product
Measured as the sum of charges for

materials necessary to produce the product
Direct labor:
Labor cost directly attributable to a product
Measured by multiplying direct labor hours by the hourly wage rate

Слайд 11 Manufacturing Costs
Factory Overhead:
Indirect labor costs (sick leaves, vacations,

Manufacturing CostsFactory Overhead:Indirect labor costs (sick leaves, vacations, bonuses as well

bonuses as well as labor connected to inspection, cleaning…)

material costs (costs of materials that cannot be attributed to a particular product)
Fixed costs (taxes, insurance, depreciation, maintenance)
Factory Costs are the sum of:
Direct labor costs
Direct material costs
Factory overhead

Слайд 12 Administrative and Selling Costs
Administrative costs:
Salaries of executive and

Administrative and Selling CostsAdministrative costs:Salaries of executive and clerical personnel, office

clerical personnel, office space, traveling, auditing, necessary to direct

the whole enterprise (not just its production or selling activities)

Selling costs
Any expense involved in selling the products or services that tie in directly with sales (selling commissions, market surveys, selling bags, advertising)

Слайд 13 Depreciation
As time passes, the assets lose value

Depreciation As time passes, the assets lose value or depreciatePhysical lossUse

or depreciate
Physical loss
Use related
Time related
Functional loss
Efficiency (technology) related
Demand (changing

tastes) related
Capacity related


Decrease in value of physical properties with passage

DEPRECIATIONDecrease in value of physical properties with passage of time and

of time and use
Accounting concept establishing annual deduction against

before-tax income
- to reflect effect of time and use on asset’s value in firm’s financial statement

be used

PROPERTY IS DEPRECIABLE IF IT MUST :be used in business or

in business or held to produce income
have a determinable

useful life which is longer than one year
wear out, decay, get used up, become obsolete, or lose value from natural causes
not be inventory, stock in trade, or investment property

TANGIBLE - can be seen or touched

DEPRECIABLE PROPERTYTANGIBLE - can be seen or touched personal property -

personal property - includes assets such as machinery,

vehicles, equipment, furniture, etc...
real property - anything erected on, growing on, or attached to land
(Since land does not have a determinable life itself, it is not depreciable)
INTANGIBLE - personal property, such as copyright, patent or franchise (out of scope of the lecture)

Depreciation starts when property

WHEN DEPRECIATION STARTS AND STOPSDepreciation starts when property is placed in

is placed in service for use in business or

for production of income
Property is considered in service when ready and available for specific use, even if not actually used yet
Depreciation stops when cost of placing it in service has been recovered or it is retired from service

The following terms are used in the

DEPRECIATION CONCEPTSThe following terms are used in the classical (historical) depreciation

classical (historical) depreciation method equations:

N = depreciable life of

the asset in years
P = adjusted or cost basis, including allowable adjustments (cost of improvement or theft)
D t = annual depreciation deduction in year t (1< t TD t = cummulative depreciation through year t
BV t = book value at the end of year k
BV N = book value at the end of the depreciable (useful) life
SV N = salvage value at the end of year N
d = the ratio of depreciation in any one year to the BV at the beginning of the year

Слайд 19 Value of an asset
Market value
The actual value an

Value of an assetMarket valueThe actual value an asset can be

asset can be sold for
Book value
The depreciated value

of an asset as shown on the accounting records of company. Not a useful measure of its market value
Salvage value
Actual value of an asset at the end of its useful life. It is the expected selling price of a property when the asset can no longer be used productively by its owner

Слайд 20 Book Value
P = adjusted cost basis
BVt = book

Book ValueLet:P = adjusted cost basisBVt = book value at the

value at the end of period t
Dt = depreciation

during period t
BVt = BVt-1 – Dt
BVt = P - ∑jt=1 Dt

Слайд 21 Capital versus expense
Consider a copy shop, which buys:

Capital versus expenseConsider a copy shop, which buys:Ink and paperCopying (Xerox)

and paper
Copying (Xerox) machines
Ink and paper are used up

when they are bought (for all practical purposes):
Treated as an expense
When company buys/uses $1000 of paper,
It is $1000 poorer (not counting any revenue)!

Слайд 22 Capital versus expense
Copying (Xerox) machines are used up

Capital versus expenseCopying (Xerox) machines are used up only slowly over

only slowly over time:
Treated as “capital goods”
When company buys

a $1000 machine
It trades $1000 cash for $1000 in equipment
Not poorer at all! (assets just changed form)

That is why expenses can be deducted from the income fully and instantly, assets or capital need to be depreciated

Слайд 23 Definitions
Capital gains:
Item selling price greater than purchase price

DefinitionsCapital gains:Item selling price greater than purchase priceDepreciation recapture:Item selling price

Item selling price greater than book value
(Up to purchase

Taxed as ordinary income
Capital loss:
Item sold for less than book value

Слайд 24 Example
If at the end of 1 year
I go

ExampleIf at the end of 1 yearI go out of business

out of business and sell my tools for $40K.

I bought them for $35K and Book Value=$25
How much capital gain (or loss) do I have?
If at the end of 5 years
I go out of business and sell my tools for $5K
I bought them for $35K and Book Value=$10
How much capital gain (or loss) do I have?
Note that book value may be 0 even when market value is positive!

Слайд 25 Salvage value
If a salvage value is expected,
Depreciation applies

Salvage valueIf a salvage value is expected,Depreciation applies to P -

to P - SV
If P = $35K and I

expected $5K salvage value in year 5,
I would depreciate $30K over 5 years
(only $6K per year)
That is, ($35K-$5K)/5 instead of $35K/5
Ending book value would be $5K
No capital gain/loss unless real salvage value differs

Слайд 26 Depreciation and taxes
Depreciation is treated as an expense

Depreciation and taxesDepreciation is treated as an expense(i.e., a tax deduction)

a tax deduction) in computation of income taxes
It is

a fictitious expense!
No cash changes hands
Would you rather have that “expense” occur sooner or later?

Слайд 27 Observations
Depreciation methods are conventions
Not based strictly on market

ObservationsDepreciation methods are conventionsNot based strictly on market value!Different types of

Different types of assets have:
Different recovery periods
(Only partially

related to actual lifetime)
Different allowable depreciation schedules
(Usually codified in lookup tables)

Слайд 28 Some Depreciation Schedules
Straight line method (SL)

Declining Balance method

Some Depreciation SchedulesStraight line method (SL)Declining Balance method (DB) Double Declining


Double Declining Balance (DDB)

There are more schedules used

Слайд 29 SL Depreciation
Constant rate of loss in the value

SL DepreciationConstant rate of loss in the value of an asset

of an asset
Graphically: straight line between the first

cost and the salvage or scrap value of the asset






Book Value ($)

Слайд 30 SL depreciation
Recovery period = n
Depreciation rate = 1/n

SL depreciationRecovery period = nDepreciation rate = 1/n(Same for all years!)It

for all years!)
It depreciates (1/n)% each year
SL Depreciation =

(first cost - salvage)/n
(Same in all years)
Book value in period (t)
= book value in period (t-1) – depreciation(t)

Слайд 31 SL Depreciation – Cont.
Dsl(t) = (P-SV) / N

SL Depreciation – Cont.Dsl(t) = (P-SV) / N			Dsl(t): depreciation for period

depreciation for period t
P: purchase value
SV: salvage value
N: useful

life of the asset

BVsl(t) = P - t [(P-SV) / N] = P-t * Dsl
BVsl(t): book-value at the end of period t

Слайд 32 Example 1
Small computers purchased by a company cost

Example 1Small computers purchased by a company cost $7000 each. Past

$7000 each. Past records indicate that they should have

a useful life of 5 years, after which they will be disposed of, with no salvage value. Determine:
The depreciation charge during year 1
The depreciation charge during year 2
The book value of the computers at the end of year 3

Слайд 33 Example 1 – Cont.
Dsl(1) = Dsl(2) = 7000

Example 1 – Cont.Dsl(1) = Dsl(2) = 7000 / 5 =

/ 5 = $1400

BV(3) = 7000 – 3 [7000

/ 5] = $2800

Слайд 34 Example 2
A machine tool has:
First cost $35,000
Recovery period

Example 2A machine tool has:First cost $35,000Recovery period 20 years (based

20 years
(based on estimated life)
Estimated salvage value $3,500

= ($35,000 - $3,500)/20
= $1,575 (same in all years)

Слайд 35 In table form …
BV in year n =

In table form …BV in year n = 1st cost – (SL Deprec)*n

1st cost – (SL Deprec)*n

Слайд 36 Straight line depreciation
Writes off capital investment linearly
Estimated salvage

Straight line depreciationWrites off capital investment linearlyEstimated salvage value is considered:Only

value is considered:
Only estimated!
Actual (future) salvage value is not

known when depreciation schedule is set
SL Depreciation gives you a constant amount each year

Слайд 37 Declining Balance Depreciation
Sometimes called constant percentage method or

Declining Balance DepreciationSometimes called constant percentage method or Matheson formula: assumes

Matheson formula: assumes that the annual cost of depreciation

is a fixed percentage of the BV at the beginning of the year

Constant proportion loss in value of an asset
Depreciation rate: a constant percentage

Ddb (t) = BVdb(t - 1) × d

Ddb (t): depreciation amount in period t
BVdb (t): book value at the end of period t
P: purchase price
d: depreciation rate

Слайд 38 DB Depreciation
D(1) = P × d
D(2) = d

DB DepreciationD(1) = P × dD(2) = d × (P- D(1))

× (P- D(1)) = P(1-d) × d
D(3) = d

× (P- D(1)-D(2)) = P(1-d)2 × d

Ddb (t) = P(1-d)t-1 × d

Слайд 39 DB Depreciation
D1 = P × d

Ddb (t) =

DB DepreciationD1 = P × dDdb (t) = P(1-d)t-1 × dDdb

P(1-d)t-1 × d

Ddb (t) = BVdb(t - 1) ×


BVdb(t) = BVdb(t-1) - Ddb(t) = BVdb(t-1) (1-d)

BVdb(t) = P(1-d)t

Слайд 40 Example 3: Example 1 revisited
Use a depreciation rate

Example 3: Example 1 revisitedUse a depreciation rate of 40% for

of 40% for declining-balance method. Consider the previous example


Ddb(1) = BV(0) * (0.4) = 7000 (0.4) = $2800
Ddb(2) = BV(1) * (0.4) = (7000–2800) (0.4)
Ddb(2) = $1680
BVdb(3) = 7000 (1-0.4)3 = $1512

Слайд 41 Double declining balance (DDB)
Most common form of declining

Double declining balance (DDB)Most common form of declining balance is double

balance is double declining balance or 200% declining balance

(it would have been the triple and more, if the law permitted it, but the double was the maximum rate allowed):

d = 2/n, where n = recovery period

Слайд 42 Example 4: example 2 revisited
Consider the same machine

Example 4: example 2 revisitedConsider the same machine tool d =

d = 2/20 years
= 10% per year (or


Depreciation in year 1 = 0.1($35,000)
We use $35,000 since that is the BV in year 0
= $3,500 (versus $1,575 for straight line)

Depreciation in year 2
= 0.1 (BV in t-1)
= 0.1 ($35,000 - $3,500) = $3,150, etc.

Слайд 43 In table form

In table form

Слайд 44 DDB With Conversion to SL at the Most

DDB With Conversion to SL at the Most Desirable TimeSince DDB

Desirable Time
Since DDB does not use a value for

Salvage, we have three possible scenarios at time of disposal:
Over depreciation: Book Value < Salvage Value. Tax savings realized early. Small gain upon sale of the asset and taxes on the gain.
Exact depreciation: Book value = Salvage value. There are no tax consequences upon sale of the asset.
Under depreciation: Book Value > Salvage Value. Did not deduct as much as you could have and lost tax savings.
To allow companies take advantage of all the depreciation charges they are entitled to, they can switch from DDB to straight line at the most favorable time.

Слайд 45 Example: DB Switching to SL
SL Dep. Rate

Example: DB Switching to SL SL Dep. Rate = 1/5 a

= 1/5
a (DDB rate) = (200%) (SL rate)

= 2/5

Depreciation Base $10,000
Salvage Value 0
Depreciation 200% DB
Depreciable life 5 years

Слайд 46 (a) Without switching
(b) With switching to SL
Note: Without

(a) Without switching(b) With switching to SLNote: Without switching, we have

switching, we have not depreciated the entire cost of

the asset and thus have not taken full advantage of depreciation’s tax deferring benefits.

Case 1: S = 0

Слайд 47 Case 2: S = $2,000
Note: Tax law does

Case 2: S = $2,000Note: Tax law does not permit us

not permit us to depreciate assets below
their salvage values.

Слайд 48 Sum-of-Years’ Digits (SYD) Method
Depreciation concept similar to

Sum-of-Years’ Digits (SYD) Method PrincipleDepreciation concept similar to DB but with

DB but with decreasing depreciation rate.
Charges a larger fraction

of the cost as an expense of the early years than of the later years.
Annual Depreciation
Book Value

where SYD=N(N+1)/2

Слайд 49 Example 10.7 – SYD method


Example 10.7 – SYD methodD1D2D3D4B1B2B3B4B5$10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,00000 1

0 1

2 3 4 5

Total depreciation at end of life

P = $10,000
N = 5 years
S = $2,000
SOYD = 15


Слайд 50 Units-of-Production Method
Service units will be consumed in

Units-of-Production Method Principle	Service units will be consumed in a non time-phased

a non time-phased fashion (decrease in value of property

is a function of use and not function of time)


Dper unit =
Estimated lifetime production units

See Example 7-4

Слайд 51 See Example 7-4
A piece of equipment used

See Example 7-4 A piece of equipment used in a business

in a business has a basis of $50.000 and

is expected to have a $10.000 SV when replaced after 30.000 hours of use. Find its depreciation rate per hour of use, and find its BV after 10.000 hours of operation.

Depreciation per unit of production = ($50.000-$10000)/30.000 hours = $1.33 per hour

After 10.000 hours BV = $50.000 - $1.33*(10.000 hours) = 36.700

Слайд 52 Depletion
Two methods of natural resource depletion
Cost or

DepletionTwo methods of natural resource depletion Cost or factor depletion Percentage depletion

factor depletion
Percentage depletion

Слайд 53 Cost Depletion
Depletion is computed on a per unit

Cost DepletionDepletion is computed on a per unit basisPer unit amount

Per unit amount is determined by dividing the basis

of the resource (FC) by the estimated recoverable units of resource
Number of units sold in year × per unit depletion = depletion for year
Total depletion can not exceed total cost of the property

Слайд 54 Cost Depletion: An Example
Suppose a reservoir contains an

Cost Depletion: An ExampleSuppose a reservoir contains an estimated 1,000,000 barrels

estimated 1,000,000 barrels of oil, and requires an initial

investment of $7,000,000 to develop. Asume that 50,000 barrels of oil are produced annually
Unit Depletion Rate = 7,000,000/1,000,000 = $7 per barrel
Depletion Charge = 50,000 (7) = $350,000

Слайд 55 Percentage Depletion
Percentage depletion
Depletion is computed by

Percentage Depletion Percentage depletion Depletion is computed by using the statutory

using the statutory percentage rate for the type of

Rate is applied to the gross income from the property

Percentage depletion
Percentage depletion cannot exceed 50% of the taxable income (before depletion) from the property
Percentage depletion reduces basis in property
However, total percentage depletion may exceed the total cost of the property

Слайд 56 Percentage Depletion Allowances for Mineral Properties

Percentage Depletion Allowances for Mineral Properties

Слайд 57 Percentage Depletion: An Example
Assume in the previous (oil)

Percentage Depletion: An ExampleAssume in the previous (oil) example that the

example that the price for oil is $23 per

barrel and the expenses to produce oil (apart from the initial cost) are $380,000
Gross Depletion Income = 50,000*23 = $1,150,000
Depletion Rate = 22%
Percentage Depletion Charge = $253,000
Now check if that amount exceeds the maximum depletion charge allowed by law

Слайд 58 Percentage Depletion: An Example
Gross Depletion Income =

Percentage Depletion: An ExampleGross Depletion Income =    $1,150,000Less

Less expenses =

- $380,000
Deduction Limitation 50%
Maximum Depletion Charge $385,000
$253,000 < $385,000, so full charge is allowable

Слайд 59 Agenda for today
We will learn how to determine:

Agenda for todayWe will learn how to determine: Before-tax cash flowsTaxable

Before-tax cash flows
Taxable income
Income taxes
After-tax cash flow
We will

see the effects of depreciation schedule on after-tax IRR

Слайд 60 Agenda for today
Review terms and definitions
Rate of return

Agenda for todayReview terms and definitionsRate of return (ROR)Tax deductionTax creditCapital gain/lossCharity deductionsBondsExamples

Tax deduction
Tax credit
Capital gain/loss
Charity deductions

Слайд 61 Why do we calculate depreciation?
Since depreciation is an

Why do we calculate depreciation?Since depreciation is an “expense” we can

“expense” we can use that expense to reduce our

taxable income, and therefore reduce the amount of taxes we pay.

We have to know how much our equipment has depreciated to determine the deductions to be made.

Слайд 62 Definitions
Net versus gross income:
Gross income = revenue or

DefinitionsNet versus gross income:Gross income = revenue or receiptsNet income =

Net income = revenue minus expenses

Corporate tax is on

net income (profit)
Individual tax is on gross income

Income taxes are an additional expense

Слайд 63 How to calculate After-Tax Cash Flow?
Determine before-tax cash

How to calculate After-Tax Cash Flow?Determine before-tax cash flows (BTCF)Determine taxable

flows (BTCF)
Determine taxable income (TI):
Revenues – (depreciation & other

Compute income taxes (Tax):
(Taxable income) * (tax rate)
Determine after-tax cash flow (ATCF):
Before-tax cash flow - income taxes

Слайд 64 Taxable Income and Income Taxes (An Example)

Taxable Income and Income Taxes (An Example)

Слайд 65 General table …
Assume first cost=120, revenue=32, SL dep,

General table …Assume first cost=120, revenue=32, SL dep, SV=0, tax=40%

SV=0, tax=40%

Слайд 66 Observations
Land is capital
Land purchase is not an expense!

ObservationsLand is capitalLand purchase is not an expense!Land sale proceeds are

sale proceeds are not revenue!
Just convert cash assets into

land, vice versa
Capital gains are revenue.
Income taxes are an additional expense
But the timing of this expense is critical!
Results can vary a great deal depending on the timing of depreciation

Слайд 67 Depreciation example (SL)
Investment with depreciation
Buy equipment for $110K

Depreciation example (SL)Investment with depreciationBuy equipment for $110K for 10 years:No

for 10 years:
No salvage value
Straight-line depreciation
Savings of $32K per

Costs of $5.7K per year
Net savings of $26.3K per year
Tax is 40%

Слайд 68 Depreciation example (SL)
SL Deprec. = (110-0)/10 = 11

Depreciation example (SL)SL Deprec. = (110-0)/10 = 11Taxable income = income

income = income - depreciation
Depreciation is treated as an

Rate of return (IRR) =
20.1% before taxes
12.9% after taxes

Слайд 69 Longer depreciation (25 years)
What would you expect:

Longer depreciation (25 years) What would you expect:Will IRR go up

IRR go up or down?
I am extending the depreciation

and paying more taxes sooner.

Слайд 70 Comparison
10 year (SL) depreciation schedule:
Rate of return

Comparison10 year (SL) depreciation schedule:Rate of return 20.1% before taxes,12.9% after

before taxes,
12.9% after taxes
25 year (SL) depreciation schedule:

rate of return = 9.5%
Why is it less?
What happens to after-tax rate of return?

Слайд 71 Accelerated depreciation
7 year depreciation lifetime:
Double declining balance

Accelerated depreciation 7 year depreciation lifetime:Double declining balance for 4 yearsFollowed

for 4 years
Followed by straight line for 3 years

would you expect:
Will IRR go up or down?

Слайд 72 Accelerated depreciation

Accelerated depreciation

Слайд 73 Accelerated depreciation
How to figure out after-tax IRR?
Use column

Accelerated depreciationHow to figure out after-tax IRR?Use column for after-tax cash

for after-tax cash flow (just that column!)
Calculate IRR as

After-tax IRR = 14.7%
Tax benefit of depreciation accelerated,
So after-tax IRR went up (>12.9%)

Слайд 74 Net Income vs. Cash Flow
Net income is an

Net Income vs. Cash FlowNet income is an accounting means of

accounting means of measuring a firm’s profitability based on

the matching concept. Costs become expenses as they are matched against revenue. The actual timing of cash inflows and outflows are ignored.

Cash flow: Given the time value of money, it is better to receive cash now than later, because cash can be invested to earn more money. That is why cash flows are relevant data to use in project evaluation.

Слайд 75 Why Do We Use Cash Flow in Project

Why Do We Use Cash Flow in Project Evaluation?Example: Both companies

Example: Both companies (A & B) have the same

amount of
net income and cash sum over 2 years, but Company A returns $1 million cash yearly, while Company B returns $2 million at the end of 2nd year. Company A can invest $1 million in year 1, while Company B has nothing to invest during the same period.

Слайд 76 Example: Cash Flow vs. Net Income

Example: Cash Flow vs. Net Income

Слайд 77 Net income versus net cash flow
Net cash flows

Net income versus net cash flowNet cash flows = Net income + non-cash expense (depreciation)

= Net income + non-cash expense (depreciation)

Слайд 78 Definitions
Tax deduction:
Expense deducted from taxable income
Saving = (deduction)

DefinitionsTax deduction:Expense deducted from taxable incomeSaving = (deduction) x (tax rate)Savings

x (tax rate)
Savings are not equal to deductions, just

a %
Tax credit:
Expense deducted from taxes
Saving = 100% of tax credit
Tax exemption:
Income that is not taxable

Слайд 79 Definitions
Book value:
Purchase price
(for land, stocks, other

DefinitionsBook value: Purchase price (for land, stocks, other non-depreciable assets)Depreciated value(for

non-depreciable assets)
Depreciated value
(for physical assets, patents, other depreciable assets)

Слайд 80 Definitions
Capital gains:
Item selling price greater than purchase price

DefinitionsCapital gains:Item selling price greater than purchase priceDepreciation recapture:Item selling price

Item selling price greater than book value
(Up to purchase

Taxed as ordinary income
Capital loss:
Item sold for less than book value

Слайд 81 Capital gain/loss
Generally attributed to year of sale
Long-term capital

Capital gain/lossGenerally attributed to year of saleLong-term capital gains (> 1

gains (> 1 year)
Can be taxed less than ordinary

Capital loss not deducted from income:
Only from capital gains (for companies)
Losses can be carried over to future years!

Слайд 82 Capital gain/loss
Carrying backward or forward:
Some businesses are very

Capital gain/lossCarrying backward or forward:Some businesses are very volatileE.g., oil prospecting!Some

E.g., oil prospecting!
Some years may have net losses
Can use

past losses to offset future gains
Can carry forward for up to 5 years

Слайд 83 Example
Investment with depreciation
Buy equipment for $110K for 10

ExampleInvestment with depreciationBuy equipment for $110K for 10 years:No salvage valueStraight-line depreciation

No salvage value
Straight-line depreciation

Слайд 84 Example
Sell for $30K in year 8:
Book value =

ExampleSell for $30K in year 8:Book value = $22KDepreciation recapture =

Depreciation recapture = $8K
Sell for $20K in year 8:

loss = $2K
Cannot deduct from ordinary income
Deduct from gain (now or in another year)

Слайд 85 Non-depreciable example
Investment with no depreciation
Buy land for $110K

Non-depreciable exampleInvestment with no depreciationBuy land for $110KSell for $130K:Capital gain

for $130K:
Capital gain = $20K
Sell for $100K:
Capital loss =

$10K (offset against gains)
Note: with land there can’t be Depreciation Recapture. Why?

Слайд 86 Capital gain/loss
Taxable income =
Gross income (i.e., revenues

Capital gain/lossTaxable income = Gross income (i.e., revenues or receipts)Minus operating

or receipts)
Minus operating expenses
Minus depreciation
Plus depreciation recapture
Plus capital gains

capital losses
(up to size of capital gains, but no greater)

Слайд 87 Personal income tax
Same general issues as corporate tax:

Personal income taxSame general issues as corporate tax:Tax exempt income (E.g.,

exempt income
(E.g., government bonds)
Tax deductions
(E.g., charitable donations, interest


Слайд 88 Tax-exempt example
Purchase $5K bond (20 years)
From phone company

Tax-exempt examplePurchase $5K bond (20 years)From phone company at 11%:$550/year, paid

at 11%:
$550/year, paid as $275 every 6 months
Municipal bond

from …. at 7.5%:
$375/year, paid as $187.50 every 6 months
Assume a tax rate:
tax rate = 33.8%

Слайд 89 Tax-exempt example
Phone company bond at 11%:
$550/year, paid as

Tax-exempt examplePhone company bond at 11%:$550/year, paid as $275 every 6

$275 every 6 months
Tax = ($550) x (33.8%) =

After-tax income
$550 - $185.9 = $364.10
Municipal bond at 7.5% (tax exempt):
$375/year (after-tax income greater!)

Слайд 90 Observation
A government bond (tax-exempt) at 7.5% may give

ObservationA government bond (tax-exempt) at 7.5% may give higher income than

higher income than a private 11% bond!
Desirability will vary

with income:
Higher income gives higher tax rate
Tax exemption becomes more desirable

Слайд 91 Charitable deduction example
Assume the following tax rate:
tax rate

Charitable deduction exampleAssume the following tax rate:tax rate = 38.4%Charitable gift

= 38.4%
Charitable gift of $1000:
Tax deduction = ($1000) x

(38.4%) = $384
True cost of gift = $1000 - $384 = $616
Government is encouraging charity!

Слайд 92 Graduated income tax
Constant tax rate:
“Flat tax”
If tax rate

Graduated income taxConstant tax rate:“Flat tax”If tax rate is not constant:“Graduated” income tax

is not constant:
“Graduated” income tax

Слайд 93 Graduated income tax
15% if taxable income < $50K

Graduated income taxExample:15% if taxable income < $50K$7.5K + 25% of

+ 25% of amount above $50K
If taxable income between

$50K and $75K
$13.75K + 34% of excess over $75K
If taxable income > $75K

Слайд 94 Example - Corporate Income Taxes
Capital expenditure $100,000
(allowed depreciation)

Example - Corporate Income TaxesFacts:Capital expenditure			$100,000(allowed depreciation) 		 	$58,000Gross Sales revenue


Gross Sales revenue


Cost of goods sold $840,000
Depreciation $58,000
Leasing warehouse $20,000

Question: Taxable income?

Слайд 95 Example - Corporate Income Taxes
Taxable income:
Gross income $1,250,000
- Expenses:

Example - Corporate Income TaxesTaxable income:	Gross income			$1,250,000	- Expenses:		(cost of goods sold)

of goods sold) $840,000
(depreciation) $58,000
(leasing expense)

Taxable income $332,000
Income taxes:
First $50,000 @ 15% $7,500
$25,000 @ 25% $6,250
$25,000 @ 34% $8,500
$232,000 @ 39% $90,480
Total taxes $112,730

Слайд 96 Average tax rate:
Total taxes = $112,730
Taxable income = $332,000


Average tax rate:	Total taxes	=		$112,730	Taxable income =	$332,000						 Marginal tax rate:Tax rate

tax rate:
Tax rate that is applied to the last

dollar earned = 39%

Example - Corporate Income Taxes

Слайд 97 U.S. Corporate Tax Rate (2001)
Taxable income
$18,333,334 and Up

U.S. Corporate Tax Rate (2001)Taxable income0-$50,000$50,001-$75,000$75,001-$100,000$100,001-$335,000$335,001-$10,000,000$10,000,001-$15,000,000$15,000,001-$18,333,333$18,333,334 and UpTax rate15%25%34%39%34%35%38%35%Tax computation$0 +


Tax computation
$0 + 0.15(Δ)
$7,500 + 0.25 (Δ)
$13,750 + 0.34(Δ)

+ 0.39 (Δ)
$113,900 + 0.34 (Δ)
$3,400,000 + 0.35 (Δ)
$5,150,000 + 0.38 (Δ)
$6,416,666 + 0.35 (Δ)

(Δ) denotes the taxable income in excess of the lower bound of each tax bracket

Слайд 98 Marginal and Effective (Average) Tax Rate for a

Marginal and Effective (Average) Tax Rate for a Taxable Income of $16,000,000

Taxable Income of $16,000,000

Слайд 99 How to Determine Income Tax Rate to be

How to Determine Income Tax Rate to be Used in Economic Analysis?

Used in Economic Analysis?

Слайд 100 Incremental Income Tax Rate
Average tax rate

Incremental Income Tax RateAverage tax rate   	17.86%


20.94% 31.75%

0.25($5,000/$20,000) + 0.34($15,000/$20,000) = 31.75%

Слайд 101
$20,000 incremental
taxable income due to
undertaking project

$0$20,000 incrementaltaxable income due toundertaking project

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