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Презентация на тему Foreign Countries

Phonetic exercises[ t ] - flat, time, apartment, indeed, train[ æ ] – candy, thanks, America, language, apple [ w ] – word, equivalent, while, empty, where WhileNowadays UseBothForeignInternational
Foreign CountriesRemember the new words and practise using them in our speechRemember Phonetic exercises[ t ] - flat, time, apartment, indeed, train[ æ ] – candy, TwistersThe great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.Fresh French fried fly Speech exercisesОни обе говорят на многих иностранных языках.В настоящее время люди путешествуют Grammar exercisesThe Past Continuous Tense is used to express:an action going on Work on the textAgree or disagreeDiana saw Helen in the park last.English Decide if the sentence is written in British or American English. 1 I don`t want The cards to make up dialoguesCard 1Two pupils from different schools are
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Phonetic exercises
[ t ] - flat, time, apartment,

Phonetic exercises[ t ] - flat, time, apartment, indeed, train[ æ ] –

indeed, train
[ æ ] – candy, thanks, America, language, apple

w ] – word, equivalent, while, empty, where


Слайд 3 Twisters

The great Greek grape growers grow great Greek

TwistersThe great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes.Fresh French fried

Fresh French fried fly fritters
Which wristwatch is a Swiss

Six Czech cricket critics

Слайд 4 Speech exercises
Они обе говорят на многих иностранных языках.

Speech exercisesОни обе говорят на многих иностранных языках.В настоящее время люди

настоящее время люди путешествуют пешком?
Можно мне воспользоваться твоим словарём?

Том смотрел на карту Европы, в то время как его сестра рассказывала ему об Англии.

Слайд 5 Grammar exercises
The Past Continuous Tense is used to

Grammar exercisesThe Past Continuous Tense is used to express:an action going

an action going on at a certain time in

the past
Examples: While I was having breakfast, the phone suddenly rang.
They were watching TV when mother came.
He was playing football at 5 c`clock in the evening.
Two or more actions happening at the same time (in the past)
Example: While she was preparing dinner, he was washing the dishes.
Signal Words of Past Continuous
when, while, all day, the whole evening, at 5 o`clock, from 5 till 6
Make the sentence longer:
I was reading a book at 6 o`clock yesterday…

Слайд 6 Work on the text
Agree or disagree
Diana saw Helen

Work on the textAgree or disagreeDiana saw Helen in the park

in the park last.
English is popular nowadays.
People in very

few countries learn English as a foreign language these days.
English became an international language in the 17th century.
English is a native language in all the countries of the world.
English-speaking countries are those, where people speak English as a foreign language.
Americans and the English speak different languages.

Слайд 7 Decide if the sentence is written in British or American English.

Decide if the sentence is written in British or American English. 1 I don`t

1 I don`t want to live in this flat.

British English
American English
2  English is my favourite subject at school.  British English  American English
3 Where is Bill? He is sick.  British English  American English
4  The park is in the center of our town.  British English  American English
5  He came to Paris in the fall of 1995.   British English   American English 

6  Have you seen the latest movie?   British English   American English
7 Do you like chocolate biscuits and sweets?  British English  American English
8 Where is your luggage?  British English  American English
9 I bought a new automobile.  British English  American English
10 There is no lift in this house.  British English  American English

  • Имя файла: foreign-countries.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 145
  • Количество скачиваний: 0