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Презентация на тему Main trends of international cooperation in combating сrimes

Extradition of Viktor Bout from Thailand to the United States
Main trends of international cooperation in combating сrimeSimilar thoughts create friendship.Democritus Extradition of Viktor Bout from Thailand to the United States The International Criminal Court The Rome Statute was ratified by the 123 countries worldwide by July Obstacles to Russia's ratification of the Rome Statute are of specific constitutional Internal competenceGenocide - intent to destroy a national, ethnical, racial or religious Crimes against humanity - part of large-scale or systematic persecution directed against War crimes - violations of the laws and traditions of war governing Aggression. Conditions for the implementation of the competence  ICC acts only if Time limits of trial  Jurisdiction of Court is limited in time Territory limits of trial  The jurisdiction of the court includes only Ways of starting a trial1 ) The state passes the case to Citizen of the Congo , Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo Omar Hassan Ahmed al - Bashir - Sudan's President
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Extradition of Viktor Bout from Thailand to the

Extradition of Viktor Bout from Thailand to the United States

United States

Слайд 4 The International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court

Слайд 5 The Rome Statute was ratified by the 123

The Rome Statute was ratified by the 123 countries worldwide by

countries worldwide by July 2016. The Rome Statute was

signed, but not ratified by the Russian Federation, the United States, Egypt, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Israel and Iran. A number of countries including India and China fundamentally opposed to the idea of the ICC because of the limiting of the sovereignty of states and giving broad competence to court.

Слайд 7 Obstacles to Russia's ratification of the Rome Statute

Obstacles to Russia's ratification of the Rome Statute are of specific

are of specific constitutional character.
These issues relate to:

a) persons whose immunity is provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
     b) surrender of Russian citizens to the jurisdiction of the ICC at its request;
    c) issues of pardon and amnesty;
    d) legal proceedings with participation of a jury.

Слайд 8 Internal competence
Genocide - intent to destroy a national,

Internal competenceGenocide - intent to destroy a national, ethnical, racial or

ethnical, racial or religious group, in whole or in


Слайд 9 Crimes against humanity - part of large-scale or

Crimes against humanity - part of large-scale or systematic persecution directed

systematic persecution directed against the civilian population. The offender

was aware of the possiblility of prosecution.

Слайд 10 War crimes - violations of the laws and

War crimes - violations of the laws and traditions of war

traditions of war governing the conduct of armed groups

during the war and protection of civilians, prisoners of war, cultural heritage, and others.

Слайд 11 Aggression.


Слайд 12 Conditions for the implementation of the competence

Conditions for the implementation of the competence ICC acts only if

ICC acts only if the state on which territory

the crime was committed or from what country the offender is
does not wish to or can not actually carry out investigations and bring charges

Слайд 13
Time limits of trial
Jurisdiction of Court

Time limits of trial Jurisdiction of Court is limited in time

is limited in time and a speial concern is

for crimes committed after 1 July 2002 , fefore the Rome Statute came into force . If some conflict - for example , the war in Uganda - has been going on for twenty years, the Court's jurisdiction is limited to those acts which were committed there after July 1, 2002 .

Слайд 14 Territory limits of trial
The jurisdiction of

Territory limits of trial The jurisdiction of the court includes only

the court includes only crimes that have been committed

on the territory of a certain state or by the citizen of this state.

Слайд 15 Ways of starting a trial
1 ) The state

Ways of starting a trial1 ) The state passes the case

passes the case to the prosecutor of the Court;

) The UN Security Council passes the case to the Court ;
3 ) The ICC prosecutor begins an investigation in respect on its own initiative (proprio motu).

Слайд 17 Citizen of the Congo , Mr. Thomas Lubanga

Citizen of the Congo , Mr. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo


Слайд 18 Omar Hassan Ahmed al - Bashir - Sudan's

Omar Hassan Ahmed al - Bashir - Sudan's President


  • Имя файла: main-trends-of-international-cooperation-in-combating-srimes.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 118
  • Количество скачиваний: 0