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Презентация на тему Nations negotiating styles

mediocre for a common goal, and not at the variants of its achievement.businessmen prefer to act cautiously, and do not like to take risks"When Canadians discuss a business proposal, they say this: we will connect our
Presentation was made by:ArhipkinaE.and Bankova A.NATIONS NEGOTIATING STYLES mediocre for a common goal, and not at the variants of its they love not too formal atmosphere when negotiating, appreciate jokes and respond British always hold on formallybefore proceeding to negotiations with them, it is members of the French delegation pay more attention to preliminary agreements and characterized by pedantry. In addition, German partners are always very calculating. They Japanese delegations never begin negotiations with the discussion of the main issue the Chinese want the negotiations to take place in the spirit of
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 mediocre for a common goal, and not at

mediocre for a common goal, and not at the variants of

the variants of its achievement.
businessmen prefer to act cautiously,

and do not like to take risks
"When Canadians discuss a business proposal, they say this: we will connect our two pieces of pie, thereby increasing it, and then everyone will get more. Our managers think that the size of the pie has known, the main thing is to grab a bigger piece "


Слайд 3 they love not too formal atmosphere when negotiating,

they love not too formal atmosphere when negotiating, appreciate jokes and

appreciate jokes and respond well to them
they prefer a

high rate of discussion, which is why Americans often appear to be extremely aggressive partners, but it is just their style


Слайд 4 British always hold on formally
before proceeding to negotiations

British always hold on formallybefore proceeding to negotiations with them, it

with them, it is necessary at least in general

terms to find out the firm structure of the market of a particular commodity, the approximate level of prices and the trend of their movement
show them that for you, peoples values are higher than commercial interests


Слайд 5 members of the French delegation pay more attention

members of the French delegation pay more attention to preliminary agreements

to preliminary agreements and prefer to discuss in advance

certain issues
they are quite rigidly negotiating and, as a rule, do not have a reserve position
they prefer to use French as the official language of negotiations.


Слайд 6 characterized by pedantry. In addition, German partners are

characterized by pedantry. In addition, German partners are always very calculating.

always very calculating. They enter into negotiations only when

they are confident of the possibility of finding a solution
tendency to accuracy, punctuality and strict regulation of behavior
attach great value to names. Necessary to clarify all the titles of each member of the German delegation.


Слайд 7 Japanese delegations never begin negotiations with the discussion

Japanese delegations never begin negotiations with the discussion of the main

of the main issue on the agenda, they prefer

to move to it gradually, through the discussion of small details
they very sympathetic to any concession made by the other party, and are almost always ready to make concessions on other issues
It is important for the Japanese to preserve their reputation


  • Имя файла: nations-negotiating-styles.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 162
  • Количество скачиваний: 0