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Презентация на тему Political philosophy

Society“The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community”
Political philosophy Society“The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community” Questions/ThemesFreedomPower ( who to rule/ how to rule)Justice Construct the best possible schoolWho is the leader and how is the Utopia= an ideal commonwealth whose inhabitants exist under seemingly perfect conditions. Hence Plato(427 – 347 BCE)a good life is possible only in a well Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679)the society is formed because otherwise people fight John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)the best society is a society that John Locke (1632 – 1704)the society is formed because people are afraid Karl Marx (1818 – 1883)good life for all human beings in a John Rawls (1921 - 2002)a good society is a just societyindividual freedom Robert Nozick (1938 - 2002)in a good society an individual can pursuit
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Society
“The aggregate of people living together in a

Society“The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community”

more or less ordered community”

Слайд 3 Questions/Themes
Power ( who to rule/ how to rule)

Questions/ThemesFreedomPower ( who to rule/ how to rule)Justice

Слайд 4 Construct the best possible school
Who is the leader

Construct the best possible schoolWho is the leader and how is

and how is the leader chosen?
What subjects needs to

be studied by the students?
Can you arrive when you like to school?
How do you know that the assessment is just to all students?

Student rights

Слайд 5 Utopia= an ideal commonwealth whose inhabitants exist under seemingly

Utopia= an ideal commonwealth whose inhabitants exist under seemingly perfect conditions.

perfect conditions. Hence utopian and utopianism are words used

to denote visionary reform that tends to be impossibly idealistic.


Слайд 6 Plato(427 – 347 BCE)
a good life is possible

Plato(427 – 347 BCE)a good life is possible only in a

only in a well – governed society: the rulers

should be philosophers, the guardians brave men and workers are regular people
individual freedom is not as important as the state
the common good is what is good for the state
we should always obey the state
What about this?

Слайд 7 Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679)
the society is formed

Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679)the society is formed because otherwise people

because otherwise people fight each other in the natural

the ruler of the society has limitless power
people have chosen the security of the society instead of the individual but violent freedom
the common good equals no fighting and a strong ruler
we should always obey the ruler

Слайд 8 John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)
the best society

John Stuart Mill (1806 – 1873)the best society is a society

is a society that is good for as many

individuals as possible
individual good adds to the good of the society as a whole
common good equals the sum of all individual goods
we can either obey or disobey the society if it increases our individual good
Is this democracy?

Слайд 9 John Locke (1632 – 1704)
the society is formed

John Locke (1632 – 1704)the society is formed because people are

because people are afraid of each other in the

natural state
the security of the society is preferred because then people are not afraid of each other
common good equals security and certain rights (life and property for instance)
the members of the society have the right to overthrow a bad ruler

Слайд 10 Karl Marx (1818 – 1883)
good life for all

Karl Marx (1818 – 1883)good life for all human beings in

human beings in a society can not be spoken

of if some people are unequal with others
the individual often has to give up her or his freedom by working just to stay alive
common good is not achieved in a capitalist society
the workers should become conscious of the capitalist oppression and unite to build a socialist state
Can communism work?

Слайд 11 John Rawls (1921 - 2002)
a good society is

John Rawls (1921 - 2002)a good society is a just societyindividual

a just society
individual freedom means that everybody has the

same individual freedom
social and economic injustices can be tolerated if they support the common good and if every individual has the possibility of reaching a good place in the society
an intolerable society may be opposed against

Veil of ignorance – nobody knows their position in the society = just decisions

  • Имя файла: political-philosophy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0