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Презентация на тему Artesyn - Virtual Video Transcoding in the Cloud

Artesyn - Who We Are?The Global Leader in Power Conversion and Embedded Computing Technologies$1.2B Revenue in 2013~20,000 Employees#1 World Leader In OEM Embedded PowerFounded in 1971Headquartered in Tempe, AZThe Largest Installed Base of ATCA Blades and
Virtual Video Transcoding  in the CloudDell World, 2014Kim CrawfordBased on a Artesyn - Who We Are?The Global Leader in Power Conversion and Embedded What’s Driving CAPEX Investment?On-demand strains bandwidthMultiscreenHigher resolutionsMonetizing OTTOriginal content bypassing cable$2.8B market in 2015Preference for Server/Cloud Responding to Critical Market NeedBroadcast Quality Video Stream with little compressionVideo Server Challenges of Today’s NetworkService providers prefer using standard servers vs. dedicated hardware 1 Add-on Card Can Deliver 8X the Density of 1 ServerStreams = High-Density Video Transcoding Achievable DensityProcessor: Intel i7+GPUForm Factor: PCIE ¾ LengthDesigned for Next-day TV OTT Content TranscodingProcessing 200 hours of content in 10 different OpenStack and What It EnablesOpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform, Reduced Capital Equipment SpendingPower Savings and Reduced Overhead CostScalability:Ease of Use through Thank You!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Artesyn - Who We Are?
The Global Leader in

Artesyn - Who We Are?The Global Leader in Power Conversion and

Power Conversion and Embedded Computing Technologies
$1.2B Revenue in 2013


#1 World Leader In OEM Embedded Power

Founded in 1971

Headquartered in
Tempe, AZ

The Largest Installed
Base of ATCA Blades
and Systems in the World

Слайд 3 What’s Driving CAPEX Investment?
On-demand strains bandwidth
Higher resolutions
Monetizing OTT

What’s Driving CAPEX Investment?On-demand strains bandwidthMultiscreenHigher resolutionsMonetizing OTTOriginal content bypassing cable$2.8B market in 2015Preference for Server/Cloud

content bypassing cable
$2.8B market in 2015
Preference for Server/Cloud

Слайд 4 Responding to Critical Market Need
Broadcast Quality Video Stream

Responding to Critical Market NeedBroadcast Quality Video Stream with little compressionVideo

with little compression
Video Server Enabled with Video Accelerators


Broadcast Quality

Video Stream Encoded / Transcoded Through Network to Support Multiple End Devices

Application Example



Слайд 5 Challenges of Today’s Network
Service providers prefer using standard

Challenges of Today’s NetworkService providers prefer using standard servers vs. dedicated

servers vs. dedicated hardware for video encoding/transcoding
Standard Servers with

software-based video processing solutions don’t scale well to support higher densities, and become costly
Network demand for video encoding/transcoding is rising as user habits change

Single server capacity:
6 streams (1080p30 AVC transcodes)

Слайд 6 1 Add-on Card Can Deliver 8X the Density

1 Add-on Card Can Deliver 8X the Density of 1 ServerStreams

of 1 Server
Streams = 1080p30 AVC transcodes
Intel GPU-acceleration multiplies


Слайд 7 High-Density Video Transcoding Achievable Density
Processor: Intel i7+GPU
Form Factor: PCIE

High-Density Video Transcoding Achievable DensityProcessor: Intel i7+GPUForm Factor: PCIE ¾ LengthDesigned

¾ Length
Designed for use with Artesyn & Dell Servers


Fit: OTT Streaming, Mobile Network Optimization, CDN, Secondary Distribution

High Density Video Transcoding


Слайд 8 Next-day TV OTT Content Transcoding
Processing 200 hours of

Next-day TV OTT Content TranscodingProcessing 200 hours of content in 10

content in 10 different formats
CAPEX Trade-off:
Requires 24 servers without

Requires only 1 with 4 SharpStreamers accelerated
OPEX Trade-off:
Requires 11,405W – estimated $9,991 power costs/year without acceleration
Requires only 1056W – estimated $925 power costs/year with SharpStreamer acceleration

Real-time Broadcast ABR Transcoding

Processing 96 1080p streams in multiple formats
CAPEX Trade-off:
Requires 16 servers without acceleration
Requires only 1 with 4 SharpStreamers accelerated
OPEX Trade-off:
Requires 7,604W – estimated $6,661 power costs/year without acceleration
Requires only 1056W – estimated $925 power costs/year with SharpStreamer acceleration

Stacked Servers vs. SharpStreamerTM

Source: “Video Transcoding in the Cloud,” a white paper co-written by Artesyn, Intel and Dell released September 12, 2014

Слайд 9 OpenStack and What It Enables
OpenStack is an open

OpenStack and What It EnablesOpenStack is an open source cloud computing

source cloud computing platform, which has seen unprecedented growth

and support for implementing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Cloud Provisioning & Management through OpenStack

OpenStack-based Vantrix Transcoding Demo Featured at IBC 2014

Слайд 10 Reduced Capital Equipment Spending
Power Savings and Reduced Overhead

Reduced Capital Equipment SpendingPower Savings and Reduced Overhead CostScalability:Ease of Use


Ease of Use through Ubiquity of x86-based processing in

the Cloud


33X the Density on 1 Server!

  • Имя файла: artesyn-virtual-video-transcoding-in-the-cloud.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0