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Презентация на тему Grip The software upgrade operation

The first step: the “Impress_Grip" is downloaded file, Copy it into the memory inside the root directory
Grip The software upgrade operation The first step: the “Impress_Grip The second step: the T card inserted into the mobile phone card The third step: installed on the battery, and at the same time, The fourth step: in accordance with the phone prompts, please press the The fifth step: the phone in the upgrade process must not dial the battery. The sixth step: in accordance with the phone prompts the operation, then The seventh step: boot screen can be used to complete the normal
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The first step: the “Impress_Grip" is downloaded file,

The first step: the “Impress_Grip

Copy it into the memory inside the root directory

Слайд 3 The second step: the T card inserted into

The second step: the T card inserted into the mobile phone

the mobile phone card slot, and check whether completely

plugged in.

Слайд 4 The third step: installed on the battery, and

The third step: installed on the battery, and at the same

at the same time, hold down the “volume up,

volume down,power key" three keys for software upgrades

Слайд 5 The fourth step: in accordance with the phone

The fourth step: in accordance with the phone prompts, please press

prompts, please press the power button to continue, and

then press the power button for a long time.

Слайд 6 The fifth step: the phone in the upgrade

The fifth step: the phone in the upgrade process must not dial the battery.

process must not dial the battery.

Слайд 7 The sixth step: in accordance with the phone

The sixth step: in accordance with the phone prompts the operation,

prompts the operation, then press the power button to

restart the system, there will be boot screen, the whole process of the software upgrade.

  • Имя файла: grip-the-software-upgrade-operation.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 125
  • Количество скачиваний: 0