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Презентация на тему Использование Rose в команде. (Тема 3)


Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator
Тема 3: Использование Rose в команде Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator Team-Based ModelingRational Rose supports Controlled evolution of the model.Partitioning of models into Controlled EvolutionRose supports architecture-based modeling through the use of UML packages and PartitioningIn Rose, UML packages/subsystems can be maintained as separate files called controlled units. Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator Controlled UnitsA package is the smallest element that can be a controlled Controlled UnitsA controlled unit is a model element that can be placed Controlled UnitsA controlled unit can be loaded or unloaded. In Rose, a Controlled UnitsA controlled unit may be write-protected or write-enabled depending on Controlled UnitsA model workspace is a snapshot of all currently loaded Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator Virtual Path Maps A virtual path map allows models to be moved How do virtual paths work?For example, if a user has defined a Virtual Path Maps In Rose, the path map reference “&” equals ReviewWhat is a package?What is a controlled unit?Name two model elements that Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator ReuseReuse refers to archiving and maintaining artifacts for future projects. Organizations gain FrameworksA framework in Rational Rose is a set of predefined model elements Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator Version Control Add-Ins Rose provides two add-ins for version   controlVersion Control Add-InClearCase Add-In Version Control Add-In The Version Control Add-In   provides integration between ClearCase Add-In The ClearCase Add-In provides a tight   integration between Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-insModel Integrator Model Integrator The Model Integrator is a stand-alone tool   that ReviewWhat capabilities in Rose support reuse?Name the two version control add-ins supported
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Where Are We?
Team-based modeling
Controlled Units
Virtual Path Maps
Version Control

Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator

Model Integrator

Слайд 3 Team-Based Modeling
Rational Rose supports
Controlled evolution of the

Team-Based ModelingRational Rose supports Controlled evolution of the model.Partitioning of models

Partitioning of models into architecturally significant units.
Reuse of architecturally

significant model elements.

Слайд 4 Controlled Evolution
Rose supports architecture-based modeling through the use

Controlled EvolutionRose supports architecture-based modeling through the use of UML packages

of UML packages and subsystems.
Rose helps users work on

low-level design details without affecting the work of others.
Specification of architecture-level functionality (interfaces) can be separated from specification of implementation.
Rose helps users avoid creating inappropriate dependencies between architectural units.
Show Access Violations report supports this.

Слайд 5 Partitioning
In Rose, UML packages/subsystems can be maintained as

PartitioningIn Rose, UML packages/subsystems can be maintained as separate files called controlled units.

separate files called controlled units.

Слайд 6 Where Are We?
Team-based modeling
Controlled Units
Virtual Path Maps
Version Control

Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator

Model Integrator

Слайд 7 Controlled Units
A package is the smallest element that

Controlled UnitsA package is the smallest element that can be a

can be a controlled unit.
In the UML, a package

is represented by a file folder.


Слайд 8 Controlled Units
A controlled unit is a model element

Controlled UnitsA controlled unit is a model element that can be

that can be placed under version control.
The following model

elements can be controlled units
Model file itself (.mdl file)
Logical View and Use-Case View packages (.cat file)
Component View packages (.sub file)
Deployment View diagram (.prc file)
Model properties (.prp file)

Слайд 9 Controlled Units
A controlled unit can be loaded or

Controlled UnitsA controlled unit can be loaded or unloaded. In Rose,

unloaded. In Rose, a controlled unit is represented in

the browser as follows

Слайд 10

Controlled Units
A controlled unit may be write-protected

Controlled UnitsA controlled unit may be write-protected or write-enabled depending

or write-enabled depending on the file’s status in the

file system.
A controlled unit can also be write-protected or write-enabled manually.

Слайд 11

Controlled Units
A model workspace is a snapshot

Controlled UnitsA model workspace is a snapshot of all currently

of all currently loaded controlled units and open diagrams.

Слайд 12 Where Are We?
Team-based modeling
Controlled Units
Virtual Path Maps
Version Control

Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator

Model Integrator

Слайд 13 Virtual Path Maps
A virtual path map

Virtual Path Maps A virtual path map allows models to be

allows models to be moved between different folder

structures and to be updated from different workspaces.

Слайд 14 How do virtual paths work?
For example, if a

How do virtual paths work?For example, if a user has defined

user has defined a virtual path,


and saves a

package as


the model file will refer to the package as


When another user, who has defined $MYPATH as


Rational Rose loads the following file:


Слайд 15 Virtual Path Maps
In Rose, the path

Virtual Path Maps In Rose, the path map reference “&” equals

map reference “&” equals the path to the directory

where the current .mdl file or controlled unit is located.

Слайд 16 Review
What is a package?
What is a controlled unit?

ReviewWhat is a package?What is a controlled unit?Name two model elements

two model elements that can be controlled units.
Identify a

loaded and unloaded controlled unit.
What is a virtual path map?

Слайд 17 Where Are We?
Team-based modeling
Controlled Units
Virtual Path Maps
Version Control

Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator

Model Integrator

Слайд 18 Reuse
Reuse refers to archiving and maintaining artifacts for

ReuseReuse refers to archiving and maintaining artifacts for future projects. Organizations

future projects.
Organizations gain significant benefits from reusing large-scale

design elements like
Architecturally-significant packages

Слайд 19 Frameworks
A framework in Rational Rose is a set

FrameworksA framework in Rational Rose is a set of predefined model

of predefined model elements that are used to model

a certain kind of system and to provide a set of reusable components.

Framework Wizard

Слайд 20 Where Are We?
Team-based modeling
Controlled Units
Virtual Path Maps
Version Control

Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-InsModel Integrator

Model Integrator

Слайд 21 Version Control Add-Ins
Rose provides two add-ins

Version Control Add-Ins Rose provides two add-ins for version  controlVersion Control Add-InClearCase Add-In

for version control
Version Control Add-In
ClearCase Add-In

Слайд 22 Version Control Add-In
The Version Control Add-In

Version Control Add-In The Version Control Add-In  provides integration between

provides integration between Rational Rose and any

SCC-compliant version control system.

Слайд 23 ClearCase Add-In
The ClearCase Add-In provides a tight

ClearCase Add-In The ClearCase Add-In provides a tight  integration between

integration between Rational Rose and Rational ClearCase.

Слайд 24 Where Are We?
Team-based modeling
Controlled Units
Virtual Path Maps
Version Control

Where Are We?Team-based modelingControlled UnitsVirtual Path MapsReuseVersion Control Add-insModel Integrator

Model Integrator

Слайд 25 Model Integrator
The Model Integrator is a

Model Integrator The Model Integrator is a stand-alone tool  that

stand-alone tool that can be used to
Compare the

differences between Rose models.
Merge different Rose models into a resultant model.

  • Имя файла: ispolzovanie-rose-v-komande-tema-3.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 118
  • Количество скачиваний: 0