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Презентация на тему Homepage Part 1. Work needs social. Social loves offices

Homepage Part 2Suggested Headers:Why GN? Pricing About Sign-InReplace with GN pics
Homepage Part 1Work needs social. Social loves offices. Bring your colleagues together Homepage Part 2Suggested Headers:Why GN? Pricing About Sign-InReplace with GN pics Why GonamenWhy Gonamen for your company?Text for each iconStay InformedKnow what activities PricingRequires new pageIs there a charttemplate we can use to buildinto webpage? AboutRequires new pageGonamen is the enterprise collaboration and meet-up platform for companies
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Homepage Part 2
Suggested Headers:
Why GN? Pricing About Sign-In


Homepage Part 2Suggested Headers:Why GN? Pricing About Sign-InReplace with GN pics

with GN pics

Слайд 3 Why Gonamen
Why Gonamen for your company?
Text for each

Why GonamenWhy Gonamen for your company?Text for each iconStay InformedKnow what

Stay Informed
Know what activities are happening in your company.

These activities could be HR sponsored or events your colleagues are planning.
Meet-up Easier
Join other activities or create your own for others to join. No more email and chat siloes required to organize events.
Drive Collaboration
Build more meaningful work relationships. Interact with a broader range of colleagues across various activities.
All-Inclusive & Private
Events are publicly posted for all employees. These events are published for your company’s eyes only.

Слайд 4 Pricing
Requires new page

Is there a chart
template we can

PricingRequires new pageIs there a charttemplate we can use to buildinto webpage?

use to build
into webpage?

  • Имя файла: homepage-part-1-work-needs-social-social-loves-offices.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 0