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Презентация на тему John Locke

John Locke was born on August 29, 1632 in the west of England in the small town of ringtones, in the family of a provincial lawyer.    He was brought up in a puritanical family,
John Locke John Locke was born on August 29, 1632 in the Chronology of the Life of Locke1632 - John Locke was born in The spiritual heritage of Locke's quite impressive. The number of works written 1) there are no innate ideas, all knowledge is born in We can distinguish the following main provisions philosopher John Locke: materialistic world; Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 John Locke was born on August

John Locke was born on August 29, 1632 in the

29, 1632 in the west of England in the

small town of ringtones, in the family of a provincial lawyer.

    He was brought up in a puritanical family, is in opposition to the dominant country in the Church of England and to the tyranny of absolute monarchy of Charles I.

     As a youth, Locke was influenced by the political ideals of his father, who defended the sovereignty of the people, exercised through parliament.

Слайд 3 Chronology of the Life of Locke
1632 - John

Chronology of the Life of Locke1632 - John Locke was born

Locke was born in Somerset, England.
1642 - Beginning of

the English Civil War. Locke's father leaves home to join the supporters of Parliament.
1647-1652 biennium. - Studying in school at Westminster Abbey.
1652 - enters the college of Christ Church, Oxford, where he later became a teacher.
1663 - Locke writes, but not published, his work "Natural Law."
1665 - Member of the British diplomatic mission in Brandenburg.
1667 - he entered the service of Lord Ashley (later - the Earl of Shaftesbury).
1668 - elected a member of the Royal Society, the first great scientific institution.
1675 - takes a trip to France.
1683 - after the accession to the throne of James II Locke flees to Holland.
1689 - after the accession of William of Orange returned to England. He publishes his work "Essay Concerning Human Understanding."
1691 - goes from business and moved to live to the Lord and Lady Meshem in Essex.
1704 - the death of Locke. He was buried in the church of the village of High Laver.

Слайд 4 The spiritual heritage of Locke's quite impressive. The

The spiritual heritage of Locke's quite impressive. The number of works

number of works written by him include:
«Elements of Natural

«Essay on Toleration"
«Two treatises on Governance"
«Some thoughts on education"
famous treatise "Essay Concerning Human Understanding."
 They also published a number of articles, letters, notes, where questions of economics, politics, ethics, religion, pedagogy. A number of papers has been published by Locke under assumed names (he always feared that it could suffer the fate of Olzhernona Sydney, hanged during the time of Charles II, because his papers found the manuscript of "The reasoning of the government", which defended the theory of the social contract).

Слайд 5

1) there are no innate ideas, all

1) there are no innate ideas, all knowledge is born

knowledge is born in the experience;
2) the soul or

the mind of man at birth like a clean blackboard;
3)in the intellect there is nothing, which did not exist in the sensations, feelings.
Locke was one of the first philosophers considered the sensory perception caused by the outside world as the starting point of all mental life. This is one of the main provisions of the materialist theory of knowledge.
Thus, Locke laid the foundation of empirical psychology, in which the paramount importance attached to introspection (introspection).

Theory Locke said:

Слайд 6 We can distinguish the following main provisions philosopher

We can distinguish the following main provisions philosopher John Locke: materialistic

John Locke:
materialistic world;
the basis of knowledge can

lie only experience ("there is nothing in the mind (mind) of a person, which had not previously been in the senses");
mind - empty space (empty cabinet), which is filled for life experience (in this context, is a world famous saying Locke's consciousness as a "blank slate" on which experience writes - tabula rasa);
source of experience acts outside world;
goal of philosophy - to help people succeed in their activities;
ideal man - a quiet, law-abiding, respectable gentleman who raises his level of education and is making good progress in their profession;
ideal state - a state built on the basis of the separation of powers into legislative, executive (including the judiciary) and federal (foreign policy). Locke was the first to put forward this idea, and this is its great merit.

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