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Презентация на тему Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Одежда

Hello! Easter holidays are soon and I am going to visit Russia. Traveling is my favorite pastime. I will stay in Moscow for two days. I want to visit Red Square, the Bolshoi
Clothes for Russia Hello! Easter holidays are soon and I am going Susan wants to know:what clothes are in fashion in Russia,what clothes she Fashionable trainers, stylish shoes, Colorful sandals or dark high boots.Maybe old jeans Match the parts of proverbsThere is no bad weatherGood clothesClothes makethe man.there There is no bad weather, there are only bad weather.Good clothes open What do Russian people wear in different weather in spring? Match the pictures and make sentences. Your home task Find the information about clothes in the UK. Write Анкета-рефлексияНа уроке я работал активно/ пассивноСвоей работой на уроке я доволен/ недоволенУрок Thank you!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2
Hello! Easter holidays are soon

Hello! Easter holidays are soon and I am going

and I am going to visit Russia. Traveling is

my favorite pastime. I will stay in Moscow for two days. I want to visit Red Square, the Bolshoi Theatre and the Moscow Circus. But the problem that’s I don’t know what to put in my suitcase. I know that Russia is a cold country. Shall I put a fur coat and a fur hat? I am fond of jeans and sweatshirts. And what is in fashion in Russia? What do you like to wear? What shall I put on if I go to the disco party?
Susan Cliff

Слайд 3
Susan wants to know:
what clothes are in fashion

Susan wants to know:what clothes are in fashion in Russia,what clothes

in Russia,
what clothes she should wear to different culture

what clothes she can wear in spring..

Слайд 4
Fashionable trainers, stylish shoes,
Colorful sandals or dark

Fashionable trainers, stylish shoes, Colorful sandals or dark high boots.Maybe old

high boots.
Maybe old jeans or a beautiful dress,
Narrow leggings

to put in the case.

Nightie, pyjamas, slippers and shorts,
The warmest sweater, blouses and skirts,
A sweatshirt, a jacket, a hat and a scarf,
Gloves and raincoats. I think, it’s enough.

Слайд 6 Match the parts of proverbs
There is no bad

Match the parts of proverbsThere is no bad weatherGood clothesClothes makethe

Good clothes
Clothes make

the man.
there are only bad weather.
open the


Слайд 7
There is no bad weather, there are only

There is no bad weather, there are only bad weather.Good clothes

bad weather.

Good clothes open the doors.

Clothes make the man.

Слайд 8 What do Russian people wear in different weather

What do Russian people wear in different weather in spring? Match the pictures and make sentences.

in spring? Match the pictures and make sentences.

Слайд 10 Your home task
Find the information about clothes

Your home task Find the information about clothes in the UK.

in the UK. Write down what shall we take

if we go to London.

Слайд 11
На уроке я работал активно/ пассивно
Своей работой на

Анкета-рефлексияНа уроке я работал активно/ пассивноСвоей работой на уроке я доволен/

уроке я доволен/ недоволен
Урок показался мне коротким/ длинным
За урок

я не устал/ устал
Мое настроение стало лучше/ стало хуже
Материал урока был для меня
понятен/ непонятен
интересен/ скучен
полезен/ бесполезен

  • Имя файла: konspekt-uroka-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-po-teme-odezhda.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 135
  • Количество скачиваний: 1