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Презентация на тему Обобщающий урок по теме Праздники

.Most people are proud of their traditions and customs and they carefullfollow them. The main religious festivals of Christmas, Easter are widelycelebrated in Sergach. The Russians celebrate Christmas on January 7th. Thisis not usual for Europe.
The most popular holidays in my hometown .Most people are proud of their traditions and customs and they carefullfollow There are national and local celebrations and festivals in Russia. Epiphany is The Motherland Defender΄s Day, Women΄ s Day, Victory Day are very There are special days that are not national holidays but these celebrations The most popular holiday in my hometown is New Year. Today it St Valentine΄s DayQuiz1.Where did Valentine live?  a)In Greece  b)In Rome 6.Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St Valentine΄s Day? Task 2.  Find the English equivalents to the Russian sentences. Key: 1b, 2b, 3a,4a, 5c, 6b, 7a, 8c
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 .
Most people are proud of their traditions and

.Most people are proud of their traditions and customs and they

customs and they carefull
follow them. The main religious festivals

of Christmas, Easter are widely
celebrated in Sergach. The Russians celebrate Christmas on January 7th. This
is not usual for Europe.
New Year is associated with a New Year tree that first came from Germany in
the 18th century.

Christmas and New Year is the important time when Father Frost brings
presents to children.

Слайд 3 There are national and local celebrations and festivals

There are national and local celebrations and festivals in Russia. Epiphany

in Russia.
Epiphany is followed by most people in Sergach.


is a merry traditional holiday in Russia.

Слайд 4 The Motherland Defender΄s Day, Women΄ s Day,

The Motherland Defender΄s Day, Women΄ s Day, Victory Day are

Victory Day are very popular by us.
The end of

the Second World War is still an important occasion for many people in Russia.

Слайд 5 There are special days that are not national

There are special days that are not national holidays but these

holidays but these celebrations are
connected with local events and

professions. The list of such celebrations
includes St Tatiana΄ s Day, St Valentine΄s Day, the Day of Space Exploration,
the Day of the Russian Navy.

Слайд 6 The most popular holiday in my hometown is

The most popular holiday in my hometown is New Year. Today

New Year. Today it includes
long New Year holidays for

Then goes Easter. We have some Easter traditions. One of them is colouring
eggs on Easter Eve. There are pies and kulichi and paskha in every family in
Sergach. Victory Day is less popular. About half of people in Sergach celebrate
Christmas. About 30% people enjoy Shrovetide and 10% people like St
Valentine΄ s Day.

Слайд 7 St Valentine΄s Day
1.Where did Valentine live?

St Valentine΄s DayQuiz1.Where did Valentine live? a)In Greece b)In Rome c)In

b)In Rome
c)In Great Britain
2.What date

is Valentine΄s Day?
a)15th of February
b)14th of February
c)8th of March
3.According to a popular belief, why was St Valentine burnt at the stake?
a)Because he secretly married young couples
b) Because he ran away with Emperor Claudius΄daughter
c)Because he was always in love with someone
4.When St Valentine was in prison, who did he fall in love with?
a)Jailer΄s daughter
b) a)Jailer΄s wife
c) a)Jailer΄s sister
5.What colour is associated with St Valentine΄s Day?

Слайд 8 6.Which Roman God is one of the symbols

6.Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St Valentine΄s

of St Valentine΄s Day?
a) Eros

7.What are the most common flowers given on St Valentine΄s Day?
8.What greeting is often said on this day?
a)Happy love in life!
b)Good luck!
c)Happy Valentine΄s Day!
Task 2. Find the English equivalents to the Russian sentences.
1- Happiness takes no account of time.
2-The way to a man΄s heart is through his stomach.
3-A civil denial is better than a rude grant.
4-All are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives?
5-A hungry man is an angry man.
6-Life is not a bed of roses.

Слайд 9
Task 2. Find the English equivalents

Task 2. Find the English equivalents to the Russian sentences.

to the Russian sentences.

1- Happiness takes no account of time.
2-The way to a man΄s heart is through his stomach.
3-A civil denial is better than a rude grant.
4-All are good lasses, but whence come the bad wives?
5-A hungry man is an angry man.
6-Life is not a bed of roses.
7-Appearances are deceitful.
8-There is no rose without a thorn.
9-Love cannot be forced.
10-Marriages are made in heaven.

Слайд 10

A Силою любить не

A Силою любить не

B Нет розы без шипов.
C Счастливые часов не наблюдают.
D Голодный мужчина-сердитый мужчина.
E Браки заключаются на небесах.
F Жизнь не ложе из роз.
G Вежливый отказ лучше, чем грубое согласие.
H Путь к сердцу мужчины лежит через его желудок.
I Все девушки хороши, но откуда же берутся плохие жёны?
J Внешность обманчива.

  • Имя файла: obobshchayushchiy-urok-po-teme-prazdniki.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 22
  • Количество скачиваний: 0