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QUIZ «What do you know about the USA ?»Who discovered America? A. Christopher Columbus B. George Washington С. The pilgrims
QUIZ     «What do you know about the USA Who was the first president 	of the USA?	A. Abraham Lincoln	B. George Washington	C. Franklin 3.  What is the national symbol    of America?	A. 4.  Which is the USA capital?	A. New York city	B. Los Angeles	C. Washington 5.  Where is the Statue of Liberty?A. New YorkB. Massachusetts С. California 6. The American flag has:	A. 13 stripes	B. 30 stripes	C. 50 stripes 7.  When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?	A. July, 4	B. December, 25	C. February, 14 8. How many states are there in America?	A. 50	B. 52	С. 25 9.  The Statue of Liberty was    a gift from:	A. Italy	B. England	C. France 10. Which kind of sport is    a typical American invention?	A. Tennis.	B. Baseball.	C. Golf. 11. Where did Beatles come from?	A. Bristol.	B. Manchester.	C. Liverpool. 12 What was the real name of Mark Twain?	A. Tom Sawyer 	B. Mark Clemens	C. Samuel Clemens 13.Hawaii , which become the 50 th state in 1959 is situated 14. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at present?	A. David 15. The first colonists started the tradition of A. Halloween, B. Independence DayC. Thanksgiving Day 16. Where is the national Shakespeare Theatre?	A. In London.	B. In Birmingham.	C. In Stratford-upon-Avon. 17. On what river is the capital of the United States situated?A. 18. A famous American artist is … .A. Norman RockwellB. Jack London.C. Michael Jackson. 19. What is the biggest state in the USA?A. HawaiiB. AlaskaC. Texas 20. What is the longest river in the USA?A. the Rio GrandB. the Columbia.C. Mississippi Washington New York
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 QUIZ «What do you know

QUIZ   «What do you know about the USA ?»Who

about the USA ?»
Who discovered America?
A. Christopher Columbus
B. George

С. The pilgrims

Слайд 4 Who was the first president
of the USA?

Who was the first president 	of the USA?	A. Abraham Lincoln	B. George Washington	C. Franklin

Abraham Lincoln
B. George Washington
C. Franklin

Слайд 5 3. What is the national symbol

3. What is the national symbol  of America?	A. The rose	B.

of America?
A. The rose
B. The bald eagle

The shamrock

Слайд 6 4. Which is the USA capital?
A. New

4. Which is the USA capital?	A. New York city	B. Los Angeles	C. Washington

York city
B. Los Angeles
C. Washington

Слайд 7 5. Where is the Statue of Liberty?

5. Where is the Statue of Liberty?A. New YorkB. Massachusetts С. California

New York
B. Massachusetts
С. California

Слайд 8 6. The American flag has:
A. 13 stripes
B. 30

6. The American flag has:	A. 13 stripes	B. 30 stripes	C. 50 stripes

C. 50 stripes

Слайд 9 7. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?

7. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?	A. July, 4	B. December, 25	C. February, 14

July, 4
B. December, 25
C. February, 14

Слайд 10 8. How many states are there in America?

8. How many states are there in America?	A. 50	B. 52	С. 25

B. 52
С. 25

Слайд 11 9. The Statue of Liberty was

9. The Statue of Liberty was   a gift from:	A. Italy	B. England	C. France

a gift from:
A. Italy
B. England
C. France

Слайд 12 10. Which kind of sport is

10. Which kind of sport is  a typical American invention?	A. Tennis.	B. Baseball.	C. Golf.

a typical American invention?
A. Tennis.
B. Baseball.
C. Golf.

Слайд 13 11. Where did Beatles come from?
A. Bristol.
B. Manchester.

11. Where did Beatles come from?	A. Bristol.	B. Manchester.	C. Liverpool.


Слайд 14 12 What was the real name of Mark

12 What was the real name of Mark Twain?	A. Tom Sawyer 	B. Mark Clemens	C. Samuel Clemens

A. Tom Sawyer
B. Mark Clemens
C. Samuel Clemens

Слайд 15 13.Hawaii , which become the 50 th state

13.Hawaii , which become the 50 th state in 1959 is

in 1959 is situated in …
A. the Pacific ocean.

the Indian ocean.
C. The Atlantic ocean.

Слайд 16 14. Who is the Prime Minister of Great

14. Who is the Prime Minister of Great Britain at present?	A.

Britain at present?
A. David Cameron.
B. Margaret Thatcher.
C. Prince Charles.

Слайд 17 15. The first colonists started the tradition of

15. The first colonists started the tradition of A. Halloween, B. Independence DayC. Thanksgiving Day

A. Halloween,
B. Independence Day
C. Thanksgiving Day

Слайд 18 16. Where is the national Shakespeare Theatre?
A. In

16. Where is the national Shakespeare Theatre?	A. In London.	B. In Birmingham.	C. In Stratford-upon-Avon.

B. In Birmingham.
C. In Stratford-upon-Avon.

Слайд 19 17. On what river is the capital of

17. On what river is the capital of the United States

the United States situated?
A. the Milk River
B. on

the Potomac River)
C. In Stratford-upon-Avon.

Слайд 20 18. A famous American artist is … .

18. A famous American artist is … .A. Norman RockwellB. Jack London.C. Michael Jackson.

Norman Rockwell
B. Jack London.
C. Michael Jackson.

Слайд 21 19. What is the biggest state in the

19. What is the biggest state in the USA?A. HawaiiB. AlaskaC. Texas

A. Hawaii
B. Alaska
C. Texas

Слайд 22 20. What is the longest river in the

20. What is the longest river in the USA?A. the Rio GrandB. the Columbia.C. Mississippi

A. the Rio Grand
B. the Columbia.
C. Mississippi

Слайд 25 Washington


Слайд 28 New York

New York

  • Имя файла: stranovedcheskaya-viktorina-na-angliyskom-yazyke-znaesh-li-ty-anglogovoryashchie-strany.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 1