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Презентация на тему Отражение специфики национальной культуры Англии в пословицах и поговорках

«Ум и сердце человека, так же как и его речь, хранят отпечаток страны, в которой он родился».
Отражение специфики национальной культуры Англии в пословицах и поговорках.Выполнила ученица 9 «Б» «Ум и сердце человека, так же как и его речь, хранят отпечаток ПословицыпоговоркиДенежные единицыИмена собственныеГеографические названияХарактеристика англичанСтолицаЛондонГородаГрафстваРекиГорыОзера Денежные единицыA bad penny always came back.In for a penny, in for ХарактеристикаангличанGluttony is the sin of England.The way to the Englishmen’s heart is Имена собственныеIn ‘ford’, in ‘ham’, in ‘ley’, and ‘ton’, the most of Географические названиялондон When a man is tired of London, he is tired города и графства Oxford is the home of lost causes.When Oxford draws реки,горы,озера Witham pike: England has none like.[ The river Witham is in
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 «Ум и сердце человека, так же как и

«Ум и сердце человека, так же как и его речь, хранят

его речь, хранят отпечаток страны, в которой он родился».

Ф. Ларошфуко.

Слайд 3

Денежные единицы
Имена собственные
Географические названия

Характеристика англичан


ПословицыпоговоркиДенежные единицыИмена собственныеГеографические названияХарактеристика англичанСтолицаЛондонГородаГрафстваРекиГорыОзера

Слайд 4
Денежные единицы
A bad penny always came back.
In for

Денежные единицыA bad penny always came back.In for a penny, in

a penny, in for a pound.
Take care of the

pence and the pound will take care of themselves.

An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit.

Слайд 5
Gluttony is the sin of England.
The way to

ХарактеристикаангличанGluttony is the sin of England.The way to the Englishmen’s heart

the Englishmen’s heart is through his stomach.

An Englishman’s word

is his bond.

One Englishman can beat three Frenchmen.

The English is the swearing nation.

An Englishman’s home is his castle.

England is a paradise of women, the hell of horses, and the purgatory of servants.

England is a ringing island. A reference to the large number of bells in the country].

The English are a nation of shop-keepers.

Слайд 6
Имена собственные

In ‘ford’, in ‘ham’, in ‘ley’, and

Имена собственныеIn ‘ford’, in ‘ham’, in ‘ley’, and ‘ton’, the most

‘ton’, the most of English surnames run.
By Tre, Pol,

and Pen, you shall know the Cornish men. [A reference to three common prefixes of Cornish surnames].

The people of Clent are all Hills, Waldrons, or devils. (Clent is near Birmingham. «Hill» and «Waldron» were common surnames in the area).

Слайд 7
Географические названия

When a man is tired of

Географические названиялондон When a man is tired of London, he is

London, he is tired of life.
Who goes to

Westminster for a wife, to Paul’s for a man, and to Smithfield for horse, may meet with a whore, a knave, and a jade.

The streets of London are paved with gold. (The implications is that it is easy to make one’s fortune in London. The inaccuracy of the proverb has been found out by many to their cost).

London Bridge was made for wise men to go over, and fool to go under. (This implies that it was considered safer to go across the bridge than under it).

Слайд 8 города и графства
Oxford is the home of

города и графства Oxford is the home of lost causes.When Oxford

lost causes.
When Oxford draws knife, England’s soon at strife.

for learning, London for wit, Hull for women, and York for a tit.
[ «tit» here means «horse» ]

From hell, Hull, and Halifax, good Lord deliver us. (Halifax was the center of the cloth trade for that area]

Northampton stands on other men’s legs. [Northampton was the center of the shoemaking trade]

What Manchester says today, the rest of England says tomorrow.

Gimminggham, Trimmingham, Knapton, and Trunch, North Repps and South Repps are all of a bunch. [This refers to six Norfolk villages which lie close together]

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