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Презентация на тему по пилотному эксперименту для ВКР материал по русскому языку

The purpose is a studying the peculiarities of a book perception by younger schoolchildren and also to reveal differences between Russian and bilingual children’s one.The hypothesis contains an idea of foreign-language and Russian-speaking junior students having
A book perception of bilingual and russian pupilsPrepared by:Kuznetsova Kseniia The purpose is a studying the peculiarities of a book perception by Children’s answers Children’s answers Children’s answers Children’s answers THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The purpose is a studying the peculiarities of

The purpose is a studying the peculiarities of a book perception

a book perception by younger schoolchildren and also to

reveal differences between Russian and bilingual children’s one.
The hypothesis contains an idea of foreign-language and Russian-speaking junior students having particularities in the book perception due to cultural differences.

A purpose and a hypothesis

Слайд 3 Children’s answers

Children’s answers

Слайд 4 Children’s answers

Children’s answers

Слайд 5 Children’s answers

Children’s answers

Слайд 6 Children’s answers

Children’s answers

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-pilotnomu-eksperimentu-dlya-vkr-material-po-russkomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 122
  • Количество скачиваний: 0