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Презентация на тему Наурыз

Hospitality -was the main trait of the Kazakh people
the national dish of Kazakhs Hospitality -was the main trait of the Kazakh people The national dish of Kazakhs:irimshik, zhent, balkaymac, Sary may, kumys, shubat, Nauryz-kozhe, And the onset of spring holiday of nature renewal Nauryz Kazakhs meet Traditional bread of three types: baursaks,pellet, shelpek irimshik Irimshik is a light brown color and taste sweet. The natural sweetness without adding sugar zhentZhent-national dish made of millet groats, with the addition of dried powdered Sary maySary may a food product made by churning cream obtained from cow's milk kumysKumys dairy drink made from mare's milk. shubatShubat-fermented milk drink of camel milk. kazyKazy a traditional meat sausage of a number of Turkic peoples, considered a delicacy kuiryk - bauyrКuiryk – bauyrthis is a ritual dish of the Kazakhs beshbarmakThe dish is chopped boiled meat with noodles kurtKurt dry milk product. Prepared from sheep, goat and cow's milk.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hospitality -was the main trait of the Kazakh

Hospitality -was the main trait of the Kazakh people


Слайд 3 The national dish of Kazakhs:irimshik, zhent, balkaymac, Sary

The national dish of Kazakhs:irimshik, zhent, balkaymac, Sary may, kumys, shubat,

may, kumys, shubat, Nauryz-kozhe, kazy, Karta, zhaya, kuiryk -

bauyr, baursaks, beshbarmak, kuyrdak, kurt.

Слайд 4 And the onset of spring holiday of nature

And the onset of spring holiday of nature renewal Nauryz Kazakhs

renewal Nauryz Kazakhs meet for the table, which is

definitely worth it Nauryz kozhe — porridge of the seven species of grain and sumalak

Слайд 5 Traditional bread of three types: baursaks,pellet, shelpek

Traditional bread of three types: baursaks,pellet, shelpek

Слайд 6 irimshik
Irimshik is a light brown color and

irimshik Irimshik is a light brown color and taste sweet. The natural sweetness without adding sugar

taste sweet. The natural sweetness without adding sugar

Слайд 7 zhent
Zhent-national dish made of millet groats, with the

zhentZhent-national dish made of millet groats, with the addition of dried

addition of dried powdered cheese, melted butter, sugar, honey,

raisins, nuts and other inredients

Слайд 8 Sary may
Sary may a food product made by

Sary maySary may a food product made by churning cream obtained from cow's milk

churning cream obtained from cow's milk

Слайд 9 kumys
Kumys dairy drink made from mare's milk.

kumysKumys dairy drink made from mare's milk.

Слайд 10 shubat
Shubat-fermented milk drink of camel milk.

shubatShubat-fermented milk drink of camel milk.

Слайд 11 kazy
Kazy a traditional meat sausage of a number

kazyKazy a traditional meat sausage of a number of Turkic peoples, considered a delicacy

of Turkic peoples, considered a delicacy

Слайд 12 kuiryk - bauyr
Кuiryk – bauyrthis is a ritual

kuiryk - bauyrКuiryk – bauyrthis is a ritual dish of the

dish of the Kazakhs from the liver and broad

tail fat.

Слайд 13 beshbarmak
The dish is chopped boiled meat with noodles

beshbarmakThe dish is chopped boiled meat with noodles

  • Имя файла: nauryz.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
  • Количество скачиваний: 2