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Презентация на тему Antibacterial properties of cold argon plasma

Hospital set-up for plasmatreatment: the MicroPlaSterEffect of treatment on bacteriaPlasma treatmentof a patient duringclinical trialSecond generation hospital set-up: the MicroPlaSter β A cooperation of:Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial PhysicsADTEC Plasma Technology Co. Ltd.Max Planck Institute for
Antibacterial properties  of cold argon plasmaBuryat State University Medical Institute Baldanov TsyrenVankeeva Ayuna Hospital set-up for plasmatreatment: the MicroPlaSterEffect of treatment on bacteriaPlasma treatmentof a The purpose of study:to research the influence of nonequlibrium cold argon plasma The generator of cold non-equilibrium argon plasmaElectrode structure Cold argon plasma generator based on plasmatic jets of glow discharge in Inactivation`s zones of bacterial growth natural association of microorganisms caused by plasma`s Influence of argon plasma on Escherichia coli The dependence of the inactivation In conclusion:The high sensitivity of Escherichia coli and natural association of microorganisms Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hospital set-up for plasma
treatment: the MicroPlaSter
Effect of treatment

Hospital set-up for plasmatreatment: the MicroPlaSterEffect of treatment on bacteriaPlasma treatmentof

on bacteria
Plasma treatment
of a patient during
clinical trial
Second generation hospital

set-up: the MicroPlaSter β

A cooperation of:
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics
ADTEC Plasma Technology Co. Ltd.
Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry
Department of Dermatology, Hospital Munich Schwabing
Department of Dermatology, Hospital Regensburg

Plasma medicine: sterilization and improving wound healing

Слайд 3 The purpose of study:
to research the influence of

The purpose of study:to research the influence of nonequlibrium cold argon

nonequlibrium cold argon plasma on Escherichia coli and natural

association of microorganisms
The objectives:
1. To analyze microorganisms` sensitivity to the treatment by means of cold argon plasma;
2. To identify optimum condition for microorganisms` inactivation.

Слайд 4 The generator of cold non-equilibrium argon plasma
Electrode structure

The generator of cold non-equilibrium argon plasmaElectrode structure

Слайд 5 Cold argon plasma generator based on plasmatic jets

Cold argon plasma generator based on plasmatic jets of glow discharge

of glow discharge in atmospheric pressure a – inactivation

of microorganisms in the Petrie dish. b – end view of discharge.

The source of cold argon plasma based on jets glow discharge of atmospheric pressure

Institute of physical materials SB RAMS

The objects of study:
- Vegetative form of Escherichia coli (strain М17)
- Natural association of microorganisms

Слайд 6 Inactivation`s zones of bacterial growth natural association of

Inactivation`s zones of bacterial growth natural association of microorganisms caused by

microorganisms caused by plasma`s influence
inactivation zone`s diameter – contact

time relationship

(a) – t=10 сек, (f) – t = 60 сек

Слайд 7 Influence of argon plasma on Escherichia coli

Influence of argon plasma on Escherichia coli The dependence of the

dependence of the inactivation zone from the time
The distance

from the nozzle h and exposure time: 1 - 0,5 см; 30 sec; 2 – 3 см и 40 sec.



Слайд 8 In conclusion:
The high sensitivity of Escherichia coli and

In conclusion:The high sensitivity of Escherichia coli and natural association of

natural association of microorganisms to the treatment by cold

argon plasma was proved.
Optimized conditions of treatment by plasma : the time – 60 с.; I = 500 мкА; h - 0,5 см.

  • Имя файла: antibacterial-properties-of-cold-argon-plasma.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 94
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
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