After investigation the report of the accident we have identified organizational processes that influenced the operation, latent conditions in the system safety, defenses, workplace conditions and active failures, including errors and violations.
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After investigation the report of the accident we
have identified organizational processes that influenced the operation, latent
conditions in the system safety, defenses, workplace conditions and active failures, including errors and violations.
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ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESSES Management did not provide
proper training of crew The decision to perform regular flights
to the airport, aware of disadvantages in the equipment Organization of flights in the absence of the necessary level of emergency, fire and rescue services of the airport Aircraft type selected from the marketing and economic factors Working hours 11:00 – 22:00(too much) Poor safety inspection at airport Lack of information on the performance of NDB, wind condition A new four day schedule on another route
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LATENT CONDITIONS Weather conditions(convective clouds, thunderstorms) Arrival delayed by two
hours compromising crew duty-time requirements Drainage system RWY contamination Second pilot
(no personal or professional behavior extremes, both pilots made flight on unfamiliar airport) A flight schedule which allowed only 15 minute turnaround at Anytown
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DEFENSES Poor performance of non-directional beacon, low power, and
are not reliable in convective weather Distorted indication of ground
facilities(inadequate weather services providing) Inefficient lighting system ACFT not equipped with a thrust reverses
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WORKPLACE CONDITIONS The RWY is filled with water Relatively wide
RWY with a steep downward slope on west Friday summer
evening late hours
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ACTIVE FAILURES A night non-precision instrument approach to
an unfamiliar airport Approach with speed exceeds The PIC did not
consult the charts in the flight manual The co-pilot did not make additional requests to the ATC during landing Airline representative did not report to the ATC about heavy rain Ignoring the information about the wrong data of ground facilities Clearance for a night visual approach