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Презентация на тему Health of children andadolescentsstudent : yuldashevsh.m teacher : abdullaeva r.t

Rules of personal hygiene teenager Rules of personal hygiene teenager Adolescence is a sharp change in the function of the endocrine glands, so you should mentally
Health of children and adolescents Rules of Health of children Problems of hygiene of children and adolescents The study of the Peculiarities of hygiene of children and adolescents 1. Study of the Food Features children The chronological and biological age Chronological age-expresses The teenager should wash their hands with soap and water before
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Слайд 2

Rules of personal hygiene teenager Rules

Rules of personal hygiene teenager
Rules of personal

hygiene teenager Adolescence is a sharp change in the function of the endocrine glands, so you should mentally prepare a teenager to the changes that will occur in his body. It should tell you that a teenager acne can appear on the face (which is often the cause of complexes), so adherence to skin care becomes very important for a teenager. For correct skin care can consult a beautician, or to resort to anti-acne cosmetic products. Also, teens begin working hard sweat glands, therefore, should be accorded special importance to maintaining the skin in the chest area and armpits clean and odor control agents used.
My daily routine - an important part of teen health
For the normal life of a teenager, a clear establishment of the regime of work and rest. Occupational health of adolescents includes the distribution of mental and physical activities according to age characteristics. This is particularly true of industrial activity and practical training in the production schools for students. Observing the occupational health, adolescent should alternate work with active rest, so as not to overwork. Given the expansion of training activities, special attention should be paid to health of children and adolescents.

Слайд 3

Health of children and adolescents –

Health of children and adolescents – it ..

medicine, izuchyuschaya conditions of habitat and activities for children, etc. as the impact of these conditions on the health and functional status of the growing organism and develops scientific bases and practical measures aimed at the preservation and promotion of health, the support functions and the optimal level of favorable development of children and adolescents opganizma

Слайд 4 Problems of hygiene of children and adolescents
The study

Problems of hygiene of children and adolescents The study of

of the influence of natural and social factors and

their influence on teenagers Development of hygienic standards
Determining the level of physical development Degree of puberty
Tracking data on morbidity

Hygienic requirements-requirements to the conditions of employment, educational and sports activities for children and adolescents

Слайд 5 Peculiarities of hygiene of children and adolescents
1. Study

Peculiarities of hygiene of children and adolescents 1. Study of

of the influence of natural and social environmental factors

and assess their impact 2. Development of hygienic standards, sanitary and epidemiological requirements and regulations 3. Implementation of control of environmental factors among children and teenage institutions 4. Determination of the level of physical development 5. Degree of puberty 6. The functionality of the body 7. Data disease

Слайд 6

Food hygiene A study of

Food hygiene
A study of healthy human nutrition

made taking into account the age, occupation, physical and nervous - mental load in the course of work, living conditions and public support, as well as national and klimatograficheskih features. Food hygiene develops food standards, prevention measures avitaminosis and hypovitaminosis.

Слайд 7

Features children The uneven pace of

Features children
The uneven pace of growth and development

(non-linear dependence of age simultaneity of growth and development of individual organs and systems (heterochrony); genetically determined growth and development conditionality of growth and development of environmental factors acceleration of growth and development (↑ pace compared to previous generations)

Слайд 8 The chronological and biological

The chronological and biological age Chronological age-expresses the

Chronological age-expresses the duration of an individual's existence since

its birth Biological age - a concept that reflects the degree of morphological and physiological development of the organism. The introduction of the concept of "biological age" due to the fact that the calendar (passport, chronological) age is not a sufficient criterion for the state of health and working ability of an aging person.

Слайд 9 The teenager should wash their hands with soap

The teenager should wash their hands with soap and water

and water before each meal, on returning from the

school, before and after the training sessions, after the games, gymnastic exercises, work, after each visit to the toilet.

Слайд 10


Oral hygiene…

Teen badly needed oral hygiene. It is necessary to rinse
your mouth after eating to remove stuck food particles
between the teeth. In addition, it is necessary in the
morning and evening teeth brushing.
After the exercise and tempering procedures should be thoroughly wash with soap and brush my teeth. Keep in mind that subtlety, tenderness, and a relatively high vulnerability of the upper layer of the skin in adolescent children provide fertile ground for a variety of skin diseases.

  • Имя файла: health-of-children-andadolescentsstudent-yuldashevshm-----teacher-abdullaeva-rt.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 112
  • Количество скачиваний: 0